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Dramatis Personae of Citadel and Blackfire
Alyn_StarkDate: Wednesday, 02 Jan 2013, 6:06 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 1359
Awards: 2
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline

Name: Lucas Black
Alias: Cadmus
Position: Leader, Enforcement Arm
Age: 28 standard years
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Height: 1.92 meters
Weight: 200 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Shaved

  • Modified SDC Darkbringer Mk. III carbine
  • C-10 Dragoneye Reaper
  • Vibro-knife

  • Modified TL-1200 transport Pale Innocence 
    • Removal of 100 metric tons of cargo space to make room for generators to boost sublight engine power
    • Maximum sublight speed of 75 MGLT

  • Born before the advent of the Clone Wars, Lucas Black was a Corellian delinquent, running with his minutes-younger little brother in a number of poor street gangs and brushing dangerously close to the law in a goodly number of incidents. At sixteen, Black falsified enlistment into the Republic Army, allowing him to join up through the peak years of the Clone Wars. With no formal education save for that learned on the streets, Black was inducted into the enlisted side of the military. Serving in over sixty ground battles of the Clone Wars and incurring numerous injuries, Black rose through the ranks due to battlefield attrition and his own cunning to achieve the rank of a Sergeant Major. Despite his knowledge of urban warfare, which was nearly genius, Black had an inability to work well with others, leading to a number of demotions over clashes with higher-ranking personnel. Six months before the end of the Clone Wars, Black deserted in the middle of combat and was presumed dead. However, his path took him back to Corellia, and then following a trail to Nar Shaddaa, where he finally linked up with his little brother and the gang the younger Black was heading up. Since then, Black was inducted into Citadel and acts as primary leader of the Enforcement Arm, which covers militaristic actions and covert attacks.

Name: Phillip Black
Alias: Cilix
Position: Co-leader, Enforcement Arm
Age: 28 standard years
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Height: 1.92 meters
Weight: 170 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

  • SDC Thunderer
  • SDC CWS-1 Dominator
  • Jengardin double-bladed vibroblade
  • 2x Blocks of primed explosive

  • Modified JumpMaster 5000 Long Arm 
    • Quad laser cannon with droid-brain gunner
    • Forward-firing ion cannon
    • Proton torpedo launcher (8 torpedoes)
    • Increased sublight speed to 80 MGLT

  • Phillip Black was born on Corellia, the same as his older twin. A life of delinquency amid gangs of Coronet City with his older brother came to something of an end when Lucas Black joined the Republic Army. Phillip, however, was unwilling to work for the military and instead, dealt in an increasing life of crime with gangs and spice dealers. With Cornonet City's security forces growing too wise as the years went on, Phillip departed Corellia for Nar Shaddaa with several associates, digging in and running a small-time protection racket and trading spice under the noses of the Hutt Cartel. A few run-ins with agents of the Cartel left Phillip a sore looser, and when his brother came and found him, he'd been close to closing up shop and moving to another world. Fortunately, his time in the streets gave Phillip a sense of stealth and a wisdom in reading people that his older brother lacked. This, along with the existing contacts on Nar Shaddaa that Phillip had, led to the brothers' induction into Citadel and their rise through the ranks.

Name: Colby Prodon
Alias: Fenrir
Position: Head of Security, Stark Defense Conglomerate Security Corps
Age: 25
Homeworld: Lorrd
Species: Human (Lorrdian)
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight: 150 pounds
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black

  • AV-1s scout armor (modified)
    • Helmet holds increased scanning and TacNet frequencies for better communication and increased security against infiltration of comm channels.

  • SDC Eliminator Mk. II (modified)
    • Longer barrel for increased range to 3,000 meters

  • SDC Defender Mk. I

  • X-1 Dropship Hellstorm (modified)
    • Upper weapons pods altered to remove concussion missile payload. Replaced with pop-out quad laser cannons within pods. Forward-firing)

  • M981 APC

  • Colby Prodon was born a Lorrdian native within the Frezen Province. While young, her parents moved to Lorrd City to escape the oppression by the elder Lord Bowe. Working diligently, her father was able to secure a position on the staff that tended the Crypt of Martyrs. Moving by himself to Qatamer, Colby's father continued to work and send money back to his family. Colby's mother, originally from Naboo, found a position at the Lorrd Academy for Aquatic Studies and began assisting the professors. Overall, despite the distance between her parents for work, Colby was brought up in a decent home and never truly lacked for anything. Despite having no real part in the Clone Wars, Colby enlisted in the Lorrdian Armed Forces and served four years. Upon departing the military with honors, she was almost immediately picked up by Alyn Stark for her knowledge and record in small-troop tactics that won her the awards while serving the Lorrdian military. Over a period of time, she was slowly brought into his confidences and, having fallen victim to his vision and charisma, was brought into Citadel and later appointed to the position of the head of the SDCSC. Colby's personal skills with a long rifle are uncanny, but as a leader she is far beyond what many would expect. Her family still pushes for her to enter into the Imperial Army.



Name: ---------------
Alias: Blackfire Prime
Position: Leader of Blackfire
Age: 45 standard years
Homeworld: ---------------
Species: Human
Height: 1.90 meters
Weight: 180 pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

[ In Progress ]

Added (31 Dec 2012, 4:49 PM)
(( Updated Dec. 31 ))

Added (02 Jan 2013, 6:06 PM)
(( Updated Jan. 02 ))

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)

Message edited by Alyn_Stark - Sunday, 20 Jan 2013, 10:30 AM
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