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Jorund Jastrinas
Jorund_JastrinasDate: Wednesday, 02 Jan 2013, 2:01 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 23
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline

Name: Jorund Jastrinas
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Faction: Galactic Empire
Career in Faction: Imperial Navy
Rank: Vice-Admiral


  • Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor (2)
  • Imperial Badge of Meritorious Service (1)
  • Imperial Medal of Valor (2)
  • Chancellor's Service Medal (1)
  • Medallion of Honor (2)
  • Medal of Valor (2)
  • Stark Hyperspace Conflict Campaign Ribbon
  • Clone Wars Campaign Ribbon
  • Ciutric Offensive Campaign Ribbon
  • Sy Myrthian Insurrection Campaign Ribbon
  • Listehol Campaign Campaign Ribbon
  • Western Reaches Operation Campaign Ribbon
  • Battle of Renatasia Campaign Ribbon

Personal Inventory:

  • Imperial Vice-Admiral Uniform
  • DC-15s Side Arm Blaster
  • Rank Cylinders
  • Various other Personal Affects at home on Chandrila


Jorund is cold in many ways, having spent his entire childhood working hard and being looked down on, caused him to harbor an anger towards those that used their family wealth or power to get what they wanted and didnt do a single day or work in their lives. For a time he was a compassionate person, that was until the Clone Wars when he saw so much death and destruction that he shut himself off from others and never let anyone get close to him again. With the only peace he had being his family ranch on Chandrila, he became a stone block that no one could chip away at and no one knew about as he had lost so many crews and officers that he no longer got close to them in anyway. He is a shrewd officer, demanding the best from his crew and those that serve under him which has since caused the Imperial Fifth Bombard Fleet to become one of the most well disciplined forces in the Imperial Navy.

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215lbs
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Skin Quality: Slightly-Tanned


62 BBY - 44 BBY

Born on Chandrila to a loving and hard working mother and father who lived on a large ranch out in the country side. Jorund grew up with a hard working ethic instilled in him by his parents, where many other children were taught and inspired to become diplomats and philosophers due to the calm and pacifists, he was taught to work hard for his meals and earn his worth. Working since the age of six, Jorund was often looked down on others who saw him as different because he would rather work than sit around like normal Chandrillan children when he was taught to work and work hard. He lived this life for nearly fourteen years before he lost his mother when he was fourteen to a sickness, his father fell into a deep depression, one that caused him to take his life two years later. With both of his parents passed, he sold the family ranch and possessions, scrapping together all he could to afford a trip off planet and to pay for the fees of the Raithal Academy. Jorund signed up for the Raithal Academy at the age of Fifteen after he convinced the administration that he was old enough. He spent the next year at the Academy learning all he could about naval tactics and operations. When his year was up, he quickly transferred to the Republic Military Academy, spending the next two years studying and working hard to become a member of the Republic Judicial Forces.

44 BBY - First Battle of Qotile

Jorund managed to Graduate just months before the Stark Hyperspace Conflicts, joining a Judicial forces vessel with the rank of ensign and soon enough settling into a rhythm on the ship of wake up, report to post, stand watch, relax, sleep and wake up. The monotony was soon enough broken when the vessel he was serving on was ordered into action along with other Judicial Forces and Tarkin's Fleet. The first battle he would ever see in a long career of war was the Battle of Qotile, where by disobeying a direct command he managed to save the vessel he served on and all hands on board when he steered the crippled vessel through the enemy lines to open a hole for other Republic forces, then made a risky short hyperspace jump to the edge of the system. While the action gained him a reprimand from his commanding officer, it also gained him thanks and cheers from the rest of the crew whom he saved. His actions would see him earn his first in many medals as he was awarded a Medal of Valor.

44 BBY - Fifth Battle of Qotile

Returning to the field of battle after a much well earned amount of rest, though it was more of a show off tour meant to garner support of the Republic in the small conflict, Jorund rejoined his vessel and crew at the Fifth Battle of Qotile, where his quick thinking allowed his outnumbered and outgunned vessel to swing around two enemy vessels and fire on them from the rear. The distraction of his vessel in enemy lines was enough to ease up the focus on a much more crippled Republic vessel which was able to launch its escape pod and save the remaining crew while the vessel that Jorund served on was able to cover and later recover the escape pod.

43 BBY - 41 BBY

With his actions noted at both the First and Fifth Battle of Qotile, Jorund was promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Though the promotion was the only exciting action to happen for the next few years Jorund was placed on a vessel that managed to draw Patrol duty of the Core Worlds and keeping the space lanes clear of debris or other objects that could damage the wealthy vessels and freighters that where coming and going from the Core. The monotony had once more returned to the Judicial Forces life, though Jorund seemed to settle into it easy enough and focus on his work, excelling at it due to the values instilled upon him by his parents.

41 BBY - 36 BBY

Between patrols and escort duty, in the few times that he had any off time, Jorund found himself returning to Chandrila from time to time to see if the planet had changed at all. While few people recognized him, he found it peaceful at times to return to the old family ranch and see how it was doing. The past few years though as he would learn weren't good for everyone. The ranch, since he had first sold it, had fallen into various hands, each owner causing it to fall a little bit more into disrepair before the next until finally it was left abandoned and overgrown with weeds and infested with Squalls. Feeling pity and anger that the ranch had fallen into such a condition, Jorund used his meager funds he had saved from his Judicial Forces pay and repurchased his old family ranch at a much lower cost than what he had originally sold it for. In the few weeks of leave he had each year he would return to Chandrila and work on the ranch, once more bringing it back to the former glory that his parents had kept it at for years. He was even able to hire a permanent staff to keep the ranch in good condition while he was away serving with the Judicial forces.

36 BBY - 31 BBY

Jorund began to find ways of breaking the monotony of Patrol and Escort duty on the Judicial vessels. Between his job and his newly rebuilt home, he had much to keep himself sharp and focused during his off time. It was his ranch that would prevent him from cracking due to the lack of any real work. He would be answered though when a group of pirates began to move closer to the Core worlds. His vessel found itself patrolling the "back door" routes into the Core systems from pirate vessels, often leading to short and often harrowing skirmishes against Pirate vessels which at times outgunned the simple Judicial Forces vessels that he served on. It was one of these skirmishes which saw Jorund take control of the vessel and managed to lead the two pirate vessels into one another. His quick thinking saved his vessel for a second time and earned him another reprimand and begrudging thanks from his commanding officer whom he had saved for a second time.

31 BBY - 26 BBY

Proving once more his skill and command, Jorund was promoted in the Judicial Forces to Lieutenant and transferred from the Consular class Cruiser he had been serving on, to one of the newly acquired Dreadnaught class Heavy Cruisers. Serving in a larger role, and with a much larger crew, Jorund had once more quickly found his place on the vessel. His hard work and ethics proving to his commanding officers that he was meant for leadership roles, and was looking to promote beyond Lieutenant compared to those life time Lieutenants that commanded other Judicial Forces vessels. Jorund proved himself to the ships Captain, even becoming the Captain's assistant and the vessels XO due to his work. Finding that the new vessel was on patrol much longer, he found that it would prevent him from returning to his home on Chandrila as often as he was once able to due. Though he found a new way to keep himself busy during his down time, which often saw him helping the new Ensigns on the ship with the various tasks they had, as well as aiding other crew members.

26 BBY - 22 BBY

During his time serving on the Dreadnaught class Heavy Cruiser, Jorund had quickly become a friend to many of the crew members on the ship, even having the ear of the Captain, as well as proving to be an effect confidant to many of the crew members that felt that they had no where else to turn to. Jorund enjoyed his position, even coming to terms that he may never have the chance to promote beyond Lieutenant which would see him retire in the next twenty years back to Chandrila. Though his plans of a peaceful life would soon be turned upside down with the opening of the Clone Wars.

22 BBY - First Battle of Geonosis

When word came that a war had broken out between the Republic and the newly formed CIS, Jorund quickly called the crew to stations as they were ordered to head to Geonosis where the Jedi forces were gathering under the command of Jedi Master Yoda. The Dreadnaught dropped out of hyperspace in the thick of it, its crew use to dealing with pirates and nothing more soon found themselves attempting to fight against an enemy that had far more training than they did. In the first few moments of their arrival, their vessel was struck and damaged by a well aimed shot from a Lucrehulk and its fighter escort. The dreadnaught was torn open, causing the vessel to lose its captain and many of its officers whom had been in a staff meeting that Jorund had purposely missed to work with the crew. Showing his capability once more, Jorund took command of the vessel and steered it towards the Lucrehulk, bearing down on it with all the vessels weaponry and tearing it apart before flying over the resulting explosion. His actions in taking command would earn Jorund another Medal of Valor, though he knew that there would be many more battles to fight in the coming months.

22 BBY - 13:7 - First Battle of Kamino

When the war first opened Jorund was amazed when he learned that the Republic army that had so quickly been brought to bear was completely made up of Clones, he was even more astonished when he was transferred to one of the new Acclamator class assault ships of the Republic Navy. His rank was folded in with the newly formed Republic Navy, marking an end of his time in the Judicial Forces, and a new chapter in his life that would see him rise beyond what he could have come to obtain. Mere months after the Battle of Geonosis, Jorund was on an Acclamator heading to Kamino to head off a CIS attack on the world. While the Clones fought and died below and in the fighters around the vessel, Jorund was hard at work in the depths of the Acclamator with deploying gunships to the world below. At one point in the battle one of the gun batteries near Jorund's position lit up from a direct hit that killed the clone at his station. Without thinking he quickly took the place of the clone, bringing the weapons back on and managing to take down a handful of the droid fighters during the fight. He knew that if the Naval forces above where taken out, then the ground forces would struggle to hold the line. At the end of the day Jorund saw himself survive another battle, and due to his quick thinking and his actions disregarding his own safety to see to the safety of others, he was awarded a Medallion of Honor.

22 BBY - 13:9 - Battle of Argul

Jorund began to long for those days of monotony under the Judicial Forces and the times he got to spend at his ranch on Chandrila, though he would often pull himself out of those thoughts when he remembered those that didnt get those chances now. Jorund saw more combat during the Battle of Argul, this time though when he disregarded a command and once more risked his own life to help others. In a daring move he took the pilots seat of a S40K Phoenix Hawk class light pinnace when he picked up a signal from a trapped group of clone troopers. He flew over their location and managed to provide covering fire in the way of strafing runs that lightened up the enemy assault and allowed the unit to pull back to a more defensible location. During this time he disregarded his own safety when he continued to support other ground elements. It was during these actions that his vessel took a hit which caused him to bring it down with a rough landing, lucky enough to bring it down behind friendly lines and walk away from the crash. He would be awarded another Medallion of Honor, though he would be sat on the side lines for his disregard for his captains orders.

22 BBY - 13:9 - 20 BBY - 15:4 - Battle of Foerost

With medals piling up left and right, Jorund was quickly benched from the fighting, finding himself stuck at a desk with only a promotion to Lieutenant Commander as a means to keep him there. Jorund would find that being stuck behind a desk was much more annoying than anything else. He would often find himself climbing up the walls in his own mind as he filled out form after form before he finally managed to catch some form of relief when he was reassigned. Quickly being transferred to the Victory Fleet, Jorund found his place and fell in with the other crew members. His first battle in the many months since the Battle of Argul was to be at the Battle of Foerost against the CIS Bulwark Fleet. Jorund found that he didnt have time to admire the new Victory I class Star Destroyers as much as he would like to as he was quickly put to action. The Bulwark Fleet proved to be a handful when it managed to break through the Republic's line and escape from the conflict, leaving the Victory Fleet damaged.

20 BBY - 15:4 - Battle of Ixtlar

With the Victory Fleet needing repairs and the Bulwark Fleet managing to escape, Jorund was able to learn more about the Victory I class Star Destroyers. He studied everything he could about the vessels and soon enough was already planning ways to make them more effective during a battle. His first chance came during the Battle of Ixtlar when he ordered the helmsmen to bring the point of the vessel down, bringing up the Victory's weapons to all fire at the same time. While the tactic proved that it was successful and other crews began to take the same action, the Bulwark fleet still managed to slip away, though it was damaged. For Jorunds thinking and establishing a new tactic he was promoted to Commander and given command of a Victory class Star Destroyer within the Victory fleet.

20 BBY - 15:4 - Battle of Alsakan

Given his first command, Jorund found himself worrying more for his crew than he had before. It was this that lead him to take action during the Battle of Alsakan. Once more having caught up to the Bulwark fleet, Jorund saw an opportunity, though at the cost of his own vessel. Using the Victory Star Destroyer's dagger shape to his advantage, he wedged his vessel between two of the Bulwark battlecruisers and opened up at close range with his vessels weapons, continuing to push forward and open a hole into the enemy's formation. As the battle continued, Jorund used his own vessel to cover the Victory Fleet's flagship, resulting in his vessel becoming crippled and having to be sent back for repairs. He was transferred onto the Fleet's flagship and was placed in a position to become the Captain's assistant and the XO of the vessel. For his actions he was awarded a Medal of Valor, and his vessel was giving its own commendation in the repair yards.

20 BBY - 15:4 - Battle of Basilisk

With his command under repairs, Jorund had transferred to the Flagship of the Victory Fleet, serving as its XO at the battle of Basilisk in which he saw the Bulwark fleet once more slip off. During the fighting he managed to direct Republic Fighters to cripple one of the Bulwark battlecruisers, giving the Victory Fleet an open shot at taking out the vessel. The war was beginning to make him long for home and hoped that he would get some chance to see his ranch again even during the fighting. He was determined though to see the end of the Bulwark fleet, which was just around the corner. During his time though as the XO, Jorund had grown close to much of the crew he was serving with, once more picking up the role of confidant and a sympathetic ear.

20 BBY - 15:4 - Battle of Anaxes

When they Victory Fleet finally caught up with the Bulwark Fleet over Anaxes, Jorund knew something was in the air. He could feel that it would be the end of the Bulwark fleet and maybe he would finally get some rest for a small time. During the battle the task force that Jorund was serving with eventually became pinned down by the enemy, it was only by a flanking action that the Bulwark fleet was reduced to atoms and the CIS lost their heavy hitters. During the battle, Jorund commanded the fighter squadrons that kept many of the Droid fighters off of the Victory Star Destroyers, letting them focus on the enemy Bulwark battlecruisers. For his actions that secured the Star Destroyers from fighter attacks he was promoted to Captain and finally got what he wanted, some leave to return to Chandrila and spend some time on his ranch, though the entire time he was there he thought about the war.

19.5 BBY - 15:11 - Battle of Praesitlyn

Having been given leave back to Chandrila, Jorund took the time to collect himself and collect his thoughts. Now with the rank of captain, when he returned to the war he was given command of a Dreadnaught class heavy cruiser. The war had already begun to change Jorund and it would be this battle that would push him over an edge. When he arrived he immediately jumped into the fray, bring his vessel against the flotilla of two hundred ships that the enemy amassed, he soon realized that this would be devastating and would cost many lives just for a victory. During the fighting Jorund's vessel was struck and crippled. Watching so many die around him he ordered the ship to be evacuated, the crew's lives being more important as he set a course towards the nearest enemy vessel. The moment came, and as he watched his crew's escape pods being destroyed, he was pushed over the edge. He quickly moved his vessel to cover the escape pods, putting it between the enemy fighters and his crew as he aimed directly for the CIS vessel ahead of him. Setting it on a direct course he managed to barely make it off the ship. His escape pod shot away just as his ship rammed into the enemy, the resulting blast pushing his escape pod further away as the two vessels went up in a ball of fire. Jorund though was no longer the same person and it was already beginning to show.

19 BBY - 16:4 - Battle of Belderone

Jorund once more found himself in command of a Victory class Star Destroyer, in fact it was the same one that he commanded during the Battle of Alsakan. While the crew welcomed back their old commander, Jorund had already changed from the war. He had reached his tipping point and finally fallen over. This became evident at the Battle of Belderone, when the Separatist vessels fired on a refugee convoy, Jorund ordered his own vessel to continue forward, viewing the refugees as nothing less than collateral damage, he ordered his vessel to fire on the enemy fleet while the other Republic vessels where stunned by the loss of the refugees. Even after the battle, when the Separatist vessels had fled, Jorund voiced his opinion that the Republic Fleet should have continued the attack rather than let the loss of the refugees stop them.

19 BBY - 16:5:14 - 16:5:20 - Battle of Coruscant

After the Battle of Belderone, and his initial criticism of the Republic forces for their lack of pursuit of the enemy, Jorund and his VSD where ordered back to Coruscant. He would only have a few days of peace from the war to recollect himself before it found him once more. Waking to a shudder, he rushed from his quarters when the general quarters alarm went off. Quickly arriving on the bridge he ordered his vessel into the fray as the enemy began its attack on Coruscant. It would be during this battle that he proved himself when he brought his vessel into a pointed position, firing on a Munificent Star Frigate and tearing it apart. Following on the heels of the attack he pushed his vessel forward, starting to open up a hole in the enemies formation. Once more using the vessels unique wedge shape, he pushed his VSD into the enemy's line, wedging himself between two more Star Frigates as he opened fire on each of them, while opening a larger gap for the Open Circle fleet to push through. By the end of the four day long battle, Jorund's VSD had managed to push through the enemy's line two times, and out flanked the enemy to provide cover for fellow Republic vessels. For his impressive feats during the battle Jorund was awarded the Chancellor's Service Medal. He was also promoted to Line Captain. Upon being promoted, he was transferred to a Venator class Star Destroyer to act as its XO under command of a Jedi.

19 BBY - 16:5:22 - Order 66

Jorund was able to relax for a time, knowing that the route to Kashyyyk would take a few days before they would arrive. They were barely two days out before the order came across his holoprojector as he sat in his office. Order 66 was given, causing him to gather the Clone Commanders on the Venator and lead them to the bridge where the Jedi was waiting. With their weapons draw, the Jedi was more than a match for them, having already sense their intent as he swung around and easily dispatched the first Clone trooper, a wide arch causing Jorund to fall back as the tip of the blade cut from the upper right side of Jorund's lip up and across his cheek. As he fell, he caught a stroke of luck as the Jedi turned its attention towards a Clone trooper rushing towards him, giving Jorund the opportunity as he leveled his blaster and fired a bolt straight into the left side of the Jedi's jaw, which tore through his cheek, knocking the Jedi down and stunning him for a moment as Jorund was helped up. He stood over the Jedi and placed two more blaster bolt into his skull, adding a few more into the Jedi's body as a precaution. When the Jedi was pronounced dead by a medic, Jorund reported back that Order 66 was carried out. It was this coupled with his previous experience at the Battle of Praesitlyn that fully changed Jorund.

19 BBY - 16:6 - Imperial Period - Battle of Kashyyyk

Jorund would find himself commanding his vessel from his bed in med bay. The medics on board treating his wound that would leave a scar on his face. During the ground fighting, from the heavy loss of Imperial forces, the order came in that the Imperial fleet was cleared for Orbital Bombardment. Jorund merely had to give a smile nod as his Venator class began its bombardment of Wookie villages and positions that would allow Imperial forces to push through. During the fighting, the Venator was one of the few vessels to capture fleeing ships from the planet, holding the Wookie's as prisoners in one of the large cargo compartments, later returning them to the planet where they would be placed in one of the many containment camps on the Wawaatt Archipelago.

19 BBY - 16:11 - Battle of Acherin

Having been transferred to a new Star Destroyer, Line Captain Jorund joined the battle of Acherin. His vessel would be credited with taking out two squadrons of enemy fighters, and would also take part in the orbital bombardment of the Acherin capital Eluthan. At one point during the battle, crew members reported that Jorund took personal command of a gun battery which lead to the destruction of a group of starfighters that where heading towards the planet to harass Imperial troopers. For his actions in protecting Imperial lives he was awarded an Imperial Medal of Valor.

19 BBY - Ciutric Offensive

It was just barely months after the Battle of Acherin and Jorund was hoping that he would finally see the end to war and get to spend some time home on his ranch. His orders though would say other wise when he was sent to fight in the Ciutric Offensive. His VSD was one of a few ships that would prove itself during the following battles. In one such battle, the Battle of Botajef, Jorund's vessel was one of only a few that were left operational. Acting as a rear guard for the fleet at Bimmel, the group was surprised by a fleet of pirate and Mandalorian forces. Using his vessels dagger shaped design as he had before, he wedged it into the enemy forces which were steadily pushing back Imperial vessels. His actions opened up the enemy line in the late battle, though it was not enough. The rest of the fleet had been over come by the enemy forces, placing Jorund's vessel as one in only a few that were still standing. Ready to go out in a blaze of glory, his VSD began to pound at any enemy vessels that came near it. However the galaxy seemed to have different plans for him when the enemy fleet broke off and fled, leaving his VSD crippled at Botajef. For his actions at the battle, and his willingness to go down with his ship in fighting for the Empire, and his continued support of the New Order and his previous achievements, Jorund was awarded with the Imperial Badge of Meritorious Service and was promoted to Commodore.

19 BBY - Sy Myrthian Insurrection

Jorund was finally able to relax for a small time. He was newly promoted to Commodore and the ranch he had on Chandrila reflected that. It was newly rebuilt and expanded, holding a large amount of land that was concealed behind large ornate marble walls with hedge rows behind it to provide the occupant privacy from the outside world. Jorund spent many hours just walking the large tracks of land that he held, and at times worked the land that was converted into a farm to provide fresh produce to the workers and servants on the ranch. He would be recalled through a few weeks later to take part in the Sy Myrthian Insurrection. It was being lead by a Separatist by the name of Toonbuck Tora. Taking part in the attack on the Separatists holdouts, Jorunds own vessel took part in the Battles at Metalorn and Diado which saw the bulk of the enemy forces destroyed. The final battle came when the Imperial fleet chased down the Separatist holdouts, ending at the Battle of Trasemene where Jorund once more ordered his trademark tactic of using the wedge shape of the VSD to push through enemy lines, opening a breach on the right flank and pushing towards the center. The battle ended when the flagship of the Separatist forces, the Defiance's Banner was destroyed.

18 BBY - Listehol Campaign

Jorund would come into his own during the Listehol Campaign, showing just how much the Clone Wars had changed him. When at the Battle of Sagma, the Imperial forces stood against a swarm of Pirate vessels, Jorund's own command aboard a Venator class received a message from nearby disable pirate vessels surrendering to the Imperials. In a stroke of genius, Jorund confiscated any wealth that the pirates had, only to turn the vessels back and fire upon them before turning over the seized credits to the Empire. For his shrewd actions in attaining credits for the Empire as well as preventing the further actions of pirates during the Battle of Sagma, he was awarded with an Imperial Medal of Valor, and giving time to rest at his home on Chandrila before he would be returned to another front.

17 BBY - Western Reaches Operation

Jorund would come into his own during the Western Reaches Operation, with many of the Battles becoming famous. He would be best known for his actions at the Battle of Halm in which his vessel dropped out of hyperspace above the enemy fleet. Seeing other Imperial vessels pinned by overwhelming firepower, Jorund ordered his VSD into a steep dive down at the enemy fleet. As the nose pointed down, he brought to bear the full weaponry of the VSD, tearing through a Munificent Star Frigate and breaking the left flank of the enemy fleet, opening it for an Imperial counter attack that would win the day. That was not his only time he took action. It was at the Battle of Pendaxa where Jorund's VSD rammed into the enemy Flagship, disrupting the enemy long enough to throw them into chaos as the Imperial forces tore through the formations. While his vessel was crippled in the action, Jorund was promoted to Rear Admiral and was awarded with the Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor for his achievements during the Western Reaches Operation.

17 BBY - 12 BBY

For a time Jorund was allowed to rest, returning to his home on Chandrila to relax and enjoy the leave and promotion that he had earned at the Western Reaches Operation. He spent many months at his home on Chandrila, tending to the ranch and watching it grow out in the quiet country side where he would relax without prying eyes or battle. For the moment he was commanding a desk on Imperial center, traveling back and forth from Chandrila to the Empire's capital which saw him approving requisition forms more than anything and sending vessels out to patrol. His life had slowed down for a time and he would finally get to relax for a bit. He wouldn't see combat again until later that year. For the moment he enjoyed his time of rest and relaxation which he had earned through his entire life of hard work.

12 BBY - Battle of Renatasia

It was this battle that proved to be the most harrowing of all the battles that Jorund had survived through. During the battle he left the bridge of his vessel to fly a strafing run to help Imperial soldiers that had been pinned down. In that time, his starfighter was struck down, and crashed behind enemy lines. Barely surviving the crash, Jorund managed to make his way back to Imperial lines where he was taken to a nearby Medical post and treated for his injuries resulting from the crash. During his treatment, he found himself fighting for his life again when the medical camp came under attack. Taking up a post on the line with other Military forces, Jorund helped hold off the enemy long enough for reinforcements to flood into the area. Jorund was later taken off planet and returned to his VSD where he was taken to the med bay and finished his treatment for his injuries. Thinking his career over for risking his life by flying a starfighter into battle, Jorund was ready to be relieved of command, only to be stunned and surprised when his actions saw him receive a promotion to Vice-Admiral and awarded with his second Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor, though he was reprimanded later and told if he ever risked his life like that again he would be discharged from the Imperial Navy.

12 BBY - 9 BBY

Jorund would spend the next few years commanding the Imperial Fifth Bombard Fleet. Before he took command, he would return to Chandrila to relax and recover from the injuries he sustained during the Battle of Renatasia. The next few years saw his fleet patrolling the Outer Rim and dealing with small pirate threats and keeping the peace. Settling into his life as Vice-Admiral, at the age of 53, Jorund was now a cold fighter, who saw that the only way peace would reign was through the use of force to suppress those that would seek to disrupt that peace.

Vice-Admiral Jastrinas
Imperial Fifth Bombard Fleet
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