Office of the Director
ISB Central Office
Imperial Center TO: Sate Pestage
Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire
From: Tomas Crow
Director of the Imperial Security Bureau
Subject: Sighting of Wanted Fugitive-"Havoc"
Classification: Above Top Secret (ISB encryption protocols); For the eyes of you and the Emperor Only
I am pleased to report not only the successful placement of our cell on Dantooine, but also immediate gains from this venture. Over the previous night, it seems some dissenters have made their voice heard in opposition to the Empire. This is disappointing, as Senator Ray gave the appearance of total loyalty by the population to the Empire. While it would be needless for me to point out to the Throne and yourself the massive historical errors Ray presented in his Senate Application, perhaps this displays some deception on the part of Ray. ISB will watch him closely, and of course conduct any special orders you have for him and Dantooine.
Last night, during this show of dissent, albeit seemingly minor, it seems that one of the surviving Jedi, a fugitive going by the name "Havoc", we believe this to be an alias of one Frank Bruder, who we have been tracking for some time, made a speech through speakers spread throughout the Dantooine capital. This act could only have been accomplished by being within Militia barracks. If his Militia is ran as Ray seems to imply, this should not have happened. It is the conclusion of the ISB that "Havoc" is a part of the Dantooine Militia, and thus Senator Ray is aware of his presence.
It is our recommendation that immediate action be taken against Senator Exar Ray and Dantooine, and that any and all effort be made to apprehend "Havoc". Of course, the final course of action is up to yourself and the Emperor. As a side note, we have confirmed the presence of the bounty hunter Boba Fett on Dantooine, if he is one option you would like to explore rather than open Imperial force. I'm sure he is motivated by the standing bounty on all Jedi...but perhaps some personal motivation is in order to speed up his efforts.