To the following individuals, an invitation is extended by Lady Taja Lohden of Kaal, to attend the grand opening of Kaal's Imperial Leisure Complex. The Imperial Leisure Complex marks the completion of Kaal's efforts of tribute to the 10 year anniversary of the New Order, which will occur next year. Invitees will be allowed to stay, free of charge, in the Imperial Leisure Complex's five-star suites, each with top of the range entertainment centres and interactive holographic decoration, which can be altered at the whim of the guest.
Also, as the crowning jewel of the event, a statue cast from bronzium and depicting our fine Emperor will be unveiled, with a plaque ready for signing by the attendee's.
~********~ Sir Reuke Cambrist, Senator of Brentaal
Senator Robert C.W North, Representative of Imperial Centre
Senator Lohmen Ryuun of Druckenwell
Senator Bernard Oriel of Vjun
Senator Johannes Oswaldt of Eriadu
Senator Toben Domon of Sluis Van
Senator Tremaine Fowlkes of Telos IV
Lord Titus Veritas, Senator of Deralia
Senator Ilanah Thanatos of Chandrila
Senator Ja'nar Cerra of Garos IV
Senator Crin Star of Volus
Senator Exar Ray of Dantooine
Senator Dierna Chakrei of Aeeq
Representative Artemis Vanden of the Naboo
Moff Simon Levi
Moff Ranier Brandt
Admiral Tacitus Corvus
Grand Vizier Sate Pestage (if his ever-busy schedule permits)
An R.S.V.P is not required, and all invitee's are allowed a guest of their choosing. We of Kaal look forward to your attendance, and hope you will enjoy the comfort our small paradise has to offer.
~ Lady Taja Lohden, Senator of Kaal
Message edited by Taja_Lohden - Wednesday, 10 Nov 2010, 12:18 PM