Senator Domon, I'd like to write to you now with an appeal to your good nature. These aggressive vessels which the act of which I speak concerns, are unlikely to be sluissi designs, and as such are likely unaffected by your concepts of "art" as they are not the work of you but others. Equally, Sluissi ships are constructed in most cases for defensive purposes anyway, and all art should be open to change and interpretation through time. Equally, one can hardly say changing the number of weapons on a ship hardly changes its artistic quality any more than changing the carpet in a building effects its cultural or architectural merits. I would urge you to see that these reforms are not set to effect the artistic merit of these ships, and will considerably benefit your own shipping industry on Sluis Van which will likely be responsible for many modifications.
Thus I must ask you to vote, if you feel able, in favour of my act to restrict worlds to owning defensive ships, and emplace regulations on them. There are those who would see your dockyards confiscated, and feel it is inappropriate to allow aliens to manage such facilities. I would remind you that Sluis Van is a world well in need of friends, and that I would be happy to be counted among them, if your world is able to overcome your concept of art, or adjust it, to allow you to vote for this legislation.
Equally, I would be interested in discussing a contract with Sluis Van for a number of vessels, Could you suggest with whom I should make contact?