Senator Entrente, First of all, let me welcome you into the Senate of the Galactic Empire. It is refreshing that Commenor has finally wised up to common sense and joined the galactic community once more, ending such a pointless disobedience. I am the Vizier of Government Affairs, specializing in assisting the Grand Vizier in the Senate and other matters of state should he be unable, as well as a bit of an informal counselor to the Senatore. I know life on Imperial Center can be rough, especially for a rookie Senator, for whom the transition can be rather jarring. Should you have any concerns, and you wish to see them forwarded with anonymity, or just feel the need to vent or discuss politics, my door is always open. It is in fact open regardless of topic of discussion.
Sadly, the Grand Vizier is currently unable to address you, so it is my task to help you along with your inquiry. To answer your question, there is in fact the Appropriations Committee, chaired by Senator Cambrist. They deal in all budgetary matters, and he is in fact the man to speak with if you wish to be included. I would recommend preparing a resume, and be prepared to be extensively researched, questioned, and otherwise tested in such an effort, however. Now, is there anything else I may help you with?
Added (19 Nov 2010, 11:03 PM)
Senator Entrente,
Apparently, a clerical error occurred while I spoke to you last. Senator Cambrist is head of Commerce, not Finance. Finance does indeed have a Chair opening. If you are still interested, please transmit me your resume.