Private Residence of Lucas Mathéo Dubois
Imperial Center To: His Excellency, Rainer Brandt
Moff of Imperial Senator
From: Mical Léo de Crion
Premier of the League of Tapani Freeworlds, Director of All Stars Burn As One Foundation, Chairman of the Urban Youth College Fund, Owner of Château Hiver Rivière
Subject: Depature from Imperial Center
Moff Brandt,
I have, on more than one occasion, attempted to leave the planet during the time of my suspension from the Senate. It has been denied on the ground of my diplomatic passport being revoked, although I have no idea why it was as I was still a standing member of the Senate. Now that I have been expelled, I find no need for attempts of strong arming an apology for my statements relevant to such and am now writing to you to get either a confirmation or denial on my ability to leave the planet, as I still hold my citizenship and there should be no reason for me to still be restricted from leaving the planet; I have a vineyard to attend to and a government to run. So, Moff Brandt, am I able to leave?