To The Government of Volus. We propose the following treaty of friendship between your people and our people, for the greater good and happiness.
Senator Bernard Oriel
The Treaty of Mutual and Eternal Joy and Amity between the People of Vjun and Volus
Article 1. For the purpose of maintaining a permanent and solid friendship between Vjun and Volus and firmly consolidating peace in the Galaxy, the Government of Volus shall place full confidence in the Parliament of Vjun, and adopt the advice of the latter in regard to improvements in administration.
Article 2. The Parliament of Vjun shall in spirit of firm friendship ensure the safety and repose of the Royal House of Volus.
Article 3. The Parliament of Vjun definitively guarantees the independence and territorial integrity of Volusian Space.
Article 4. In case the welfare of Volus or the territorial integrity of Volus is endangered by aggression of a third power or internal disturbances, the Parliament of Vjun shall immediately take such necessary measures as circumstances require, and in such case the Government of Volus shall give full facilities to promote the action of the Parliament of Vjun. The Parliament of Vjun may, for the attainment of the above mentioned object, occupy when the circumstances require, such places as may be necessary for strategic reasons.
Article 5. The Governments of the two worlds shall not in the future without mutual consent conclude with a third power (outside or inside of the Empire) such an arrangement as may be contrary to the principles of the present protocol.
Article 6. Details in connection with the present protocol shall be arranged as the circumstances may require between the King of Volus and the representative of the Parliament of Vjun, who shall be known as "Viceroy of Volus" who will be considered the Supreme Magistrate and shall have a veto in all matter of law, legislation and government on Volus.
The Right Honourable Bernard Oriel of Malreaux
Member of the Imperial Senate, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Galactic Empire, Earl Malreaux, etc.
Sir Henry Sturgess-Smythe
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Expansion Region, Baronet Weatherbry, etc.
Lord Hubert Cumberdale-Fisher
Grand High Admiral, First Lord of the Admiralty, Supreme Master of the Vjunite Fleet, etc.
Lord Hakeswille
Independent Scientific Advisor to the Government of Vjun, Head of the Vjun Science Commission
The Following Members of the Parliament of Vjun
1. GUY Friese MP
3. GUY Feggins MP
4. GUY Bucy MP
6. KURT Lurry MP
7. NELSON Leavy MP
8. DARRYL Laurich MP
9. JULIO Erick MP
10. ERIK Markie MP
11. JAVIER Maisonet MP
12. DARRYL Butner MP
13. CLAYTON Kitamura MP
14. JAVIER Peng MP
15. CODY Coury MP
16. MATHEW Pestana MP
17. LANCE Matthies MP
18. TYRONE Farnell MP
19. TED Borquez MP
20. GUY Aaronson MP
21. LANCE Deady MP
22. JULIO Vantrease MP
24. CLAYTON Hitchings MP
26. DARRYL Cumberbatch MP
27. TYRONE Gillie MP
28. KELLY Elks MP
29. JULIO Heikkinen MP
30. LONNIE Portalatin MP