Temporary Office of the Sector Military Advisor (Derra Sector)
Derra IV
Doppel Tower, Gangar City To: Loton Motour
King of Volus
From: Fleet Admiral Tacitus Corvus
Imperial Navy
Subject: RE: Interdictor
Encryption: Sensitive Defense Communications Key-Standard
Mr. Motour, I have no idea why you are going on about the public submission of reports to the Defense Committee regarding my concerns towards holding out on Imperial Intelligence. I am not a simpleton. I am not one of your commoners. I am an Imperial Officer, and a high ranking one at that. I refer to your mention of reason to believe the most recent group targetting you are planning another attack of such severity that it demands the use of not only an Imperial Navy vessel, but one of our very few and extremely valuable Interdictors. The Intelligence field office here is not aware of any such reports or information, and yet you seem to have some and have not notifed Intelligence, nor any kind of Imperial organization, but this seems to be suitable for a request for a Interdictor. Senator Star's report to the Defense Committee has no bearing on this particular issue, and rambling on about it concerns me and makes me suspect to Volus' intentions.
As for your pirate issues, and incompetence of your militia, I can only go by results; and the results are that a civilian research facility has suffered serious damage due to your lack of coverage as well as interdiction operations, the fact that your attackers are suicide attackers does not reflect your success, but their mental instability, and apparent hatred, akin to a jihad, against your planet. Why this is, I do not know. However, I will meet with Line Captain Lyons in private concerning his views on your militia and world later on this week. Admiral Hurd will have to wait until I make my way to Volus, which I will eventually, upon finishing up Derra IV.