Royal Palace, Mithra To: Loton Motour
King of Volus
From: His Majesty Deralius the Ninteenth
King of Deralia
Subject: Kingdom of Deralia Embassy, Volus
Encryption: Planetary Diplomatic Communications Key - Standard
Your Majesty,
While I was vested with power only a short time ago, I am contacting you regarding the fact that I have been told that you have several parcels of land set aside for Imperial governments for use as an embassy on your world. Deralia would like to take care of one in a metropolitan area, preferably the capital, but if elsewhere it is acceptable. Below you will see our design:
The only aspects missing are a ten foot high security wall, made of ferrocate with durasteel spiking atop, a security fence, leaving a three foot gap from the wall, chainlinked, eight feet high and with barbed wire topping, as well as a landing pad which will be built on the roof and capable of landing upwards to four Lambda-class Shuttles. Our Construction Plan has also been laid out:
Day One - Lot secured by Deralian Praetorian Guards; workers and construction equipment arrive late in the day.
Day Two - Construction is done on security fence.
Day Three - "Security Dome" raised. Excavation begins of site.
Day Six - Excavation ends.
Day Seven - Laying of foundation begins.
Day Ten - Laying of foundation ends.
Day Eleven - Construction of Security Wall and installation of outer security devices begins.
Day Thirteen - Landscaping begins
Day Fourteen - Security Wall and outer security devices ends. "Security Dome" is pulled back from streets. [streets must remain closed]
Day Fifteen - Sub-floors finished. Construction on Main Structure begins.
Day Seventeen - External Security Systems installation begins
Day Eighteen - All external work is complete.
Day Twenty Two- All internal work is complete. "Security Dome" removed.
Day Twenty Three - Workers and equipment removed. Praetorian Guard element reduced to security detachment levels.
Day Twenty Four- Embassy is opened. [streets may be opened]
NOTE: Security includes armed guards for property protection, as well as a full scrambler and jamming suite, and a "Security Dome", which is a black ventilated dome structure which will cover the property, and surrounding streets (which must be closed off during construction) for security purposes.
Please let me know if this is an agreeable arrangement so we may get started on construction.