Dearest Kal, Did you leave in such a hurry the other day because you did not want to say goodbye? Goodbye is not something I am sure that I can handle yet, as we've done it once already in this short time, and the guilt from that still lingers. I have your note, brief as it is, and appreciate that you didn't just leave without one word. I worry about you, you know that right? Of course you do.
The fact is, that I miss you. I miss you and I love you and I want you to come home safely. I worried that you would make it home before I did, and I didn't want you to come home to a note on the counter, and I didn't want you to worry. I do that enough for the both of us. I never thought, not once, before you came back to Coruscant that I could feel this way again. It's almost agonizing, painful...and so....amazing at the same time. Maybe that doesn't make sense, but, has any of this made sense so far? When we were on Naboo, it felt like time stopped. The days melted together and all sense of time and space was gone. I had never felt that way in my life.
I'm at Rothana for the next day or so, with the Chairman of Defense, working on a new fleet for Chandrila. I'm safe and will be home in a few days. I know that we decided it might be dangerous to have contact but...I am not sure that I want to hide this anymore. I am not sure that I can hide how happy I am to everyone. I know that it is for the best....but that is for now....
Please come home soon....and safely. I need you.