Senator Veritas: My Lord, I write to you in response to His Excellency, Grand Vizier Pestage's, request for us to work in collaboration for a spending bill that would fully fund the research and construction of an updated version of the Empire's 'Star Destroyer' class of ships, etc etc. Based on my initial calculations and research into the more public technologies advanced by the Imperial military, I propose an omnibus spending measure that would total somewhere in the range of 75-100 billion credits and include the following line items:
+ 20 billion for the expansion and refitting of ship yards that have the capability of producing star destroyers
+ 50-75 billion for the prototype Imperial II - class of star destroyers to be produced
+ 5 billion for advanced research on various classified ship projects
- 20 billion diverted from internal security/intelligence efforts, primarily on Imperial Center and other core worlds
- 50 billion from phasing out obsolete social services accounts (primarily non-humans affected) and welfare programs
- 25 billion raised from additional tariffs on non-essential goods and manufactures
- 5 billion from more stringent prize ship standards for pirate ships captured in the field, including a steeper cut for the Imperial treasury
This bill would clearly advance His Majesty's pursuit of space dominance, security for the Empire, and the requisite technological advances to achieve such space superiority while maintaining fiscal neutrality in the upcoming fiscal year's budget.