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To Senators Cerra, Thanatos and Vanden
Simon_LeviDate: Wednesday, 09 Mar 2011, 9:32 PM | Message # 1
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I must most emphatically and strongly object to your unwarranted and unpatriotic attack upon His Majesty's Governor of Deralia, a world in my Sector. That as it may be, I am minded to answer you in a civil matter and answer your concerns.

The Governor has issued several decrees on Deralia, and has implemented a system which requires families which cannot support themselves (and have shown an inability to do so for over half a year) to enter a work program in order that they may:

A. Gain skills and workplace knowledge.
B. Have the self respect of knowing that they have worked for their bread, and that they are not a burden to the state.
C. May work for the good of their world, and for the glory of the Empire.

There has been no widespread objection to this project, and no objection has been raised by the Deralian Government, Monarch or other official despite an official notification having been dispatched some two weeks ago. It should be noted that the Royal Government has not actually acted in any capacity for at least two weeks now. Until such a time as Mr Aurelius is disposed to retake his authority, the Imperial Governor will work in concert with Local Government to assure the day to day running of the State continues despite absence at the top.

My good Governor appointed to oversee the modernization of this world may have acted unilaterally, however, he has acted for the public interest and has attempted to assure that someone is Governing Deralia in the "petite interregnum" as the media have branded it. Furthermore, he has issued relatively few major proclamations (less than five I am told in his months of tenure). Should this lack of any activity from the King continue for more than another month we will be forced to consult the Senate itself in order to help find a satisfactory resolution to the situation (in terms of installing an interim local administration and the future of Deralia's Monarchy).

I have spoken to Governor Augustus and he has agreed to take a joint approach to his future modernisation work (by formal consultation requests), between him and the Deralian State (so far as we are able to consult with it while its Monarch is apparently absent).

As for drafting Labour, this has been adequately explained, this is due to the need to help modernize all areas of the planet's economy and bring it out of the dark ages. Gentlemen, this is a world where, until recently, men and women still lived in simple rock huts and been forced from birth to train to be warriors by monks who have already been widely accused of sexual misconduct.. Dramatic change is needed on this world, modernization, progression to a brighter future.

As for the specific issue, yes we require women to work, women seek equality and we give it to them, they are considered equal in the eyes of the labour corps system and give their labour according to their ability (as determined by physical and mental exams). Children who are part of the labour program do contribute an amount of labour (usually simple work like fitting nuts and bolts together for delivery to the worksites etc), this labour totals out at less than 60 minutes light exercise per child per day in completely safe industry standard conditions..

I believe all the doctors recommend 60 minutes daily exercise for children to prevent childhood obesity, surely if this good exercise can be put to the service of the state then all to the good? When not performing simple and light labour, children are either in the class room, in education, or if too young are in a creche. This amounts to the state providing free childcare for all parents participating in the labour program.. the market value of this is several hundred if not thousand credits a month to each family or single parent.

Equally, the Labour Corps provides work for even the mentally or physically disabled, we provide them with free accommodation, transport, food and training. We are happy to do this, and require from them only what they can give, and in exchange give them what they need. Previously many of these individuals were homeless beggars, reduced to undignified begging or other shameful ways of living. We give them a smart uniform, a job, a sense of pride, a place to live and a place in a hierarchy, we give them self respect and a sense of belonging.

As for non Labour Corps work, yes we do require one week's state service per year from every adult. Many hundreds if not thousands of worlds require every citizen to have this amount (or more) of military training or other national service per year, as do we. In practice not every individual is called up for service. Those who are called up are usually called up to simply do a variant of their normal job. The work is productive for all and allows the average person to see first hand the modernization of their world, allows them to be involved with it and to come together as a modern Imperial Society. I do not see why it is believed to be objectionable on any level.

We value every Deralian Citizen involved, every one is a hero of their world and is helping, by one way or another, to modernize. As for work elsewhere in the Sector, our modernization is not confined to Deralia, and the Sector as a whole will be modernized. We are researching on if it would be efficient to introduce a similar system of mandatory labour for the long term unemployed elsewhere in order to find sufficient Labour for this project.

As for the deposition of waste, this is done so in accordance with all Imperial rules on waste consignment, over 90% of the waste is recycled. The remainder of the waste is sealed in a thick layer of ice by the perpetually sub zero conditions. There it will be safely contained for time immemorial. The permit for the deposition was approved by the Sector Waste Management Bureau after an investigation into proposed conditions ruled it "very safe".

Shola may appear to be a world which would suitable for the deposition of waste, however, the Sector Archaeological Board report has cited "significant remains" as being present on the world from some previous civilization. I believe funding is being sought in order to finance a full archaeological dig on the world in order to discern the origin and provenance of these remains in order to help contribute knowledge of the past for us all. As such I have frozen requests to dump on Shola until such a time as a full Archaeological Survey and dig is made. Then when I have it confirmed that no archaeology may be damaged by dumping, I will be happy to endorse dumping.

Mr Ribaldequin is a highly recommended graduate of the Imperial School of Governance, its youngest ever. He is no relative of mine, and I am unsure where this erroneous and fallacious information comes from, but is (arguably) a very distant relative of some very ancient Deralian Monarch. I have had my archivist do some research and have found that he is descended from a "Emperor" Arterius I of Deralia.. Arterius ruled over 1000 years ago.. Are you telling me a conflict of interest can be declared on the basis of a relation being involved with a world 1000 years ago? Mr Arterius should statistically have 2.25179981 × 10 to the 15 ancestors by now... many billions... is every one of those excluded?

No this is just an ad-hominem attack on an excellent official. A man cannot help his background, his family have not resided on Deralia for hundreds of years, he is a Coruscanti by birth and upbringing, despite having some Deralian blood. There is certainly no conflict of interest on the basis of his distant Ancestor. Statistically I am likely related to one of you by an ancestor 1000 years ago.. I do not think such a distant blood tie has any meaning at all, not can you judge a man by his distant ancestors. Mr Augustus has been acutely sensitive to this accusation and gave the Deralian King his assurance (in person) that he had no desire to be anything other than a loyal Governor to the Empire.

Mr Augustus is a skilled and wise official who has graduated many years ahead of schedule from the best school of Governance in the Galaxy. It would not be surprise me if a man of his talents was not a Sector Governor within a decade. I cannot imagine why a man with such a bright future ahead of him would settle for the trivial "glory" of seeking to become "King" on a world so distant from the Imperial Throne and the Bright core of this Galaxy.

Deralia has the potential to be a fine world. It will not be an easy transition, there will be many mountains to climb. I personally believe that Deralia has the potential to be one of the most productive and modern worlds in the Outer Rim, with a high standard of living for its people. But for this drastic changes are needed, and as it stands I have full confidence in the ability of Mr Ribaldequin Augustus to Govern as a just and wise Governor, to bring Deralia into the Imperial Era. I do not dispute that Deralia is a loyal world, and it may be a bitter pill that it must do more than be loyal, it must work to improve itself.

Deralia is akin to a man starving to death but whom is loyal to the Empire and lies in his mud hut with a picture of the Emperor hung on the wall but no food in the house, no crops in the field and real future. While the man may be a good patriot, starving to death (economically, physically or intellectually) he cannot be a good citizen. He must plant crops, eat, exercise and produce in order to be a good citizen.

On Deralia, we seek to be the teacher to this Loyal and ancient world, the trainer and yes, the helper at times. We have faith that the good people of Deralia will work hard during this time of change and will help build for themselves a shining new world, a brave new tomorrow. On Deralia we can do something the Empire has always striven towards, we can bring a world forward thousands of years in less than a decade, we can bring it into the future.

Yours Sincerely,

Simon Levi

Moff of the Tammuz Sector

Message edited by Simon_Levi - Wednesday, 09 Mar 2011, 9:49 PM
Artemis_VandenDate: Friday, 11 Mar 2011, 1:48 PM | Message # 2
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Your Excellency, Moff Levi,

It is disappointing to us that you have not taken the opportunity afforded to you by our petition to distance yourself from the immoderate agenda that your subordinate, Governor Ribaldequin, has pursued on Deralia, but have instead endorsed this agenda and made it your own. It is equally disappointing that at no point in your response to our petition are any of the claims in that petition denied, with the exception of the claim that the Governor is related to yourself, which was indeed mistaken. This does not, however, diminish the more serious concerns expressed in the petition; that your subordinate has 1.) imposed his policies upon Deralia without apparent respect for the opinions of its people or its government, 2.) drafted Humans on Deralia into a compulsory "Labor Corps" without having sought labor from elsewhere in the sector, or, in absence of this, having offered more generous terms of employment to the people of Deralia, and 3.) contrived to dump waste in Deralia's polar regions at some apparent expense, while other worlds in the sector remain more appropriate to this purpose.

With all due respect, Your Excellency, your response to the petition explains, but does not excuse these actions. If it is indeed the case that the Governor will proceed from now on in consultation with the people and government of Deralia, this is welcome, to be sure. Your explanation for compulsory labor on Deralia, however, is not satisfying to us. Any world can be made more profitable at the sacrifice of the rights of its people; our petition asserts, however, that these rights—to which Deralians, as His Majesty's subjects, are entitled—are more valuable than a marginal profit to be gained on a world whose economy is already, on average, more profitable than most in the region. We earnestly remind Your Excellency that the use of compulsory labor for financial profit is a principle of the Separatist Remnants that the Empire has endeavored, at great cost, to defeat.

If, as you say, Shola is not appropriate for the dumping of waste at this time, it is hard to believe that a sector of eight systems has no planets in it that are appropriate, or, for that matter, that the Sector Waste Management Bureau would not prefer this waste to be safely disposed of in a sun. Finally, your observation of the preponderance of individuals descended from Deralian royalty would be more reassuring to us if the fact that Deralian tabloids calling Governor Ribaldequin a "Scion of the Deralian Throne" did not demonstrate, clearly, that his background has an impact on the cultural fabric of the planet—a culture that, as its history shows, is sensitive to royal disputes.

We regret that you have perceived this as an "ad-hominem attack" on Governor Ribaldequin, who was referred to in the petition with proper decorum and without disparagement of his motives but, rather, his methods. If our petition was indeed "unpatriotic"—that is, if any of the principles referred to in the petition are not consistent with the principles of the Empire and, especially, of Human High Culture—then we would, of course, desire you to correct us where we have misunderstood or misapprehended those principles, since we have proceeded on the innocent assumption that nothing stated in our petition would be objectionable to His Majesty. It is, indeed, a concern for his worlds and his subjects that is expressed in our petition. We continue to hope that this concern will be addressed and that Your Excellency will continue to govern the Tammuz Sector in as wise and moderate a manner as you have thus far done; your statement of unqualified support, however, for a subordinate whose agenda is more immoderate than your own does not encourage us.

Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo

Message edited by Artemis_Vanden - Friday, 11 Mar 2011, 1:51 PM
Simon_LeviDate: Friday, 11 Mar 2011, 2:28 PM | Message # 3
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Your reply is indeed flirting now with serious contradiction with Imperial policy. We require all citizens to render the fruits of their labour (in one percentage or another) to the state. In what sense is it different to require the actual labour to be contributed? Surely to criticize one you must criticise the other, and to criticise both is nothing if not an endorsement of anarchy Mr Vanden.

Taxation is necessary. This is a fact, whether it be in the form of labour or mere money. The long term unemployed are not contributing to the state, so it is not unreasonable to have them work in lieu of tax payments in return for the state's fiscal support. I ask you Senator Vanden, would you prefer the alternative? Should my Governor have left these people to starve and rot in slums? I personally believe that they have a right to life and the support of their government to aid them in continuing that life.

On Naboo, are people required to pay taxes to the State? What if they choose not to? Do you not arrest and imprison them? Surely your system is identical?

I ask you Mr Vanden, how should the poor be provided for? Handouts? Should my Governor add 20% on income tax and then give handouts to the wastrels who have remained unemployed for a long period. No, it is ridiculous to pay a man to simply languish as this, it provides no incentive for thrift and work, but simply sends the message "You don't have to work, the Government will pay for you".

Perhaps the whole system is unjust? Does your liberal agenda find it unjust that men are "forced" to work at all? No Mr Vanden, you set foot on a slippery slope to a "nanny state". These are humans Mr Vanden, they deserve pride, they deserve work, and they deserve a living. The Labour Corps program gives them that. Humans deserve better than to be allowed to die in poverty and destitution, or to become the helpless wards of the state.

I would caution Mr Vanden to set his own house in order before traveling to another Sector and dishing out criticism of a lawful Governor issuing lawful orders in order to help the unemployed of the Sector. Systems of Mandatory Labour are in place all across the Galaxy, from the Corporate Sector to the Core.. I would query why you have picked a tiny world on the rim of civilization rather than attempting to tackle the "issue" at its root, as you see it. To me this seems like a wet liberal simply attempting to engage in some petty points scoring against another world.

The Waste Management issue is not one for discussion by the Senator of a far off Sector. If the Citizens of the Sector object they can file a petition using form 2391.D and file it to the office on the Tertiary Level of the Waste Management Bureau based on Tammuz-an, who are bound by regulation to consider the petition of objection and will hold a tribunal to determine if the concern is legitimate, and if it is then they will move that an objection is raised. As yet there has been no objection in the Sector to this, I don't see why an outsider such as yourself feels they have the right to comment on the waste management affairs of a far off Sector. It is for the people to decide.

I must Urge Senator Vanden, as I urge the other Senators to see to representing their own worlds, rather than attempting to parachute themselves into the internal affairs of another Sector. I urge Senator Vanden to consider the people of Deralia and what is best for their long term welfare. Whether they are best served by allowing the poor to remain in slums and in primitive conditions of absolute misery.. or whether it is better to require that they join hands with all in their society and step forwards in to a bright new day of Imperial happiness.

You live on a beautiful and developed world Mr Vanden. Please respect our sincere attempts to allow others to proceed into that joyful state. Wish not that the dark tendrils of religion, poverty and primitive living forever continue to sap the lives of the Deralian people.


Simon Levi

Moff of the Tammuz Sector

Message edited by Simon_Levi - Friday, 11 Mar 2011, 2:31 PM
Artemis_VandenDate: Friday, 11 Mar 2011, 5:36 PM | Message # 4
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Your Excellency,

You do me the honor of inviting my opinion once more, for which I am grateful. I feel compelled, in return, to do you the courtesy of correcting a point you have made that is fallacious, so that you do not suffer the indignity of persisting in error. The choice that you have presented of either poverty or compulsory labor ("forced" labor, as you call it), a choice that is the basis of much of your response as I have understood it, is, in fact, a false dichotomy. I will endeavor to explain in terms that also answer your question about how taxation is conducted on Naboo, and which I hope will be instructive for you; on my world, taxation is indeed based on a percentage that corresponds to income, and beneath a certain income no tax is expected. It would be considered absurd on Naboo to expect the poor to either pay taxes they can't afford or be imprisoned or forced into labor. The poor do not simply remain poor, however. Tax revenue is abundant to provide for food, shelter, counseling, etc. as well as employment programs that are required for some, but not all. And indeed some, but not all are also required to volunteer their time at shelters and other programs as a condition of participating in those programs.

Incidentally, tax revenue is also abundant to require few and in many cases no taxes on local businesses, so that jobs are widely available, unemployment on Naboo is famously low, the standard of living is high and so is contentedness. My "house," as far as I know, is quite "in order." It saddens me, though, that you seem to harbor such hostility for this model, as it is a model that demonstrably works. It was also my understanding that it is not, in fact, Imperial policy to discourage (and disparage) taxation? Moff Panaka, a close confidante of His Majesty who, I presume, has a keen grasp of Imperial policy, has expressed nothing but approval for Naboo's method of taxation, since it allows Naboo to handsomely meet its tax obligations to the Empire as well. While I do not speak for Moff Panaka, of course, he certainly does not appear to condone by example the method that Governor Ribaldequin is pursuing on Deralia. I have never known you to have any aversion to taxes either, until this moment.

You are quite right, though, that affairs on Deralia are not my concern. It is my concern, though, that the Governor's methods not become prevalent on other worlds―including my own, potentially―for the reasons earnestly stated in the petition. That, and the fact that Governor Ribaldequin invited us to Deralia, has naturally invited my interest and that of the other Senators who have signed the petition, I should think. Why else would the Governor invite me to his world if my opinions (and those of the Senators who are attending) aren't of any value to him? Once again, I fear I am strangely mistaken. It certainly alarms me that my entreaties are perceived as "unpatriotic" and "in contradiction of Imperial policy," and so I continue to welcome you to correct me where I have misunderstood or misapprehended Imperial policy, or made any assertion to which His Majesty would object.

I do not demand this of you, however. Indeed, I do not intend to write to you again out of respect for your valuable time, which, I assume, you would prefer to more gainfully spend on issues of greater importance to your Sector than a difference of opinion with a handful of politicians (although, of course, you honor us by taking into consideration the concerns that we have raised and, we hope, endeavoring to dissuade Governor Ribaldequin from his immoderate agenda).


Artemis Vanden
Representative of the Naboo
Simon_LeviDate: Friday, 11 Mar 2011, 6:39 PM | Message # 5
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I would if nothing else congratulate you Senator Vanden for your silver tongue in attempting to side step my question.

Taxation is required of citizens, even on Naboo law a man can be imprisoned for not paying his income tax. And equally while not questioning this system, there are taxes on Naboo which effect the rich and the poor alike (Sales Taxes for example), so that even the poor can be expected to yield some tax revenue under your system.

As for the term "your house", the term was incorrectly used as part of a paragraph which was never completed and should have been excised from the original letter, simply in reference to the apparent indifference of yourself to the use of mandatory labour on worlds much closer to Naboo.

It is notable that you admit on Naboo mandatory labour is expected of "some", which seems rather hypocritical considering equally on Deralia it is only required of those who have been unemployed for six months.

It would seem then that for yourself it is not a point of principle, but simply a question of scale. I do wonder at what stage mandatory labour becomes acceptable to you.

Unless you are thusly also critical of requiring work on certain programs on Naboo in order to gain benefit payments? Aside from the long term unemployed we simply require a short planetary service per year from some citizens, as is common on many worlds (including some of the most developed in the Core), and we would highlight that unlike many worlds we do not require this service to be military.

As for taxation, I am not against a moderate level of tax (as has been born out in my policies), but I am also in favour of an efficient system, I am wholly opposed to unnecessary taxation. I do not believe it is right to tax excessively in order to simply pay for welfare which people have not earned. Far better to have the people work for the state for a period of time to acclimatise them to work and encourage thrift, rather than to allow them to become "institutionalised" by years of shameful life off of the public purse.

Any way, I hope this matter to be laid to rest and that Deralia's progress will not be obstructed by outsiders to the Sector. And I look forward to showing you the fruits of these programs for the people of Deralia in the next few years, even if we must agree to disagree on the method by which we must progress.

Yours Sincerely

Simon Levi

Moff of the Tammuz Sector

Message edited by Simon_Levi - Friday, 11 Mar 2011, 6:44 PM
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