Dear Senator Fitzgerald, It pleases me to see that in your short interment in the Imperial Senate that you have already attempted to light fires and get things done for the good of the Empire and its citizens. Not many senators would take such an aggressive stance so quickly, and I admire that.
While I hold admiration for that, I am writing to ask a favor. I appreciate your self-defense bill, I do, and while I would love for it to pass, I do not appreciate the pedestal that you have put Chandrila on in order to get your measure passed. She is already under too much scrutiny due to her former, incredibly reckless senator, and I do not wish to cast anymore negative light on my beautiful planet or her people. I am sure that you understand.
Yes, I admit to spending a good deal of time recently with Senator Veritas to look into a new defense fleet for the protection of Chandrila, but I know that it will never come to fruition based on things that happened in the past, despite how committed to the Empire I have been. I wish that it could be different, but with your new amendment stating that only planets in good standing would be able to participate, well, I am sure that Chandrila will not be on that list unless the Grand Vizier has a sudden change of heart. Unlikely.
I do, however, appreciate you trying to help, Senator. Please do not think that I do not, I simply would like to keep Chandrila out of the limelight until such a time that the crimes of Mon Mothma are forgotten.
Ilanah R. Thanatos