Your Excellency, I write to you with the details of Operation Tong, which I am pleased to report has succeeded in apprehending the rebel leaders on Alurion and liberating the Imperial postmaster in their possession. I have forwarded a comprehensive report to your office, but in summary—Alpha Team, Company D, a special operations unit under the command of Captain Orion Karath, proceeded to Alurion as directed. The team was able to locate Thomas Bastile and other members of his insurgent "committee" of Alurion by posing as friends, and proceeded to apprehend them and the postmaster, who is reported to be in good condition notwithstanding some poor nutrition during his week of captivity. The Carrack-class cruiser Prudence acted as backup. Bastile has since furnished his surrender and the location of several caches of weapons that remain on Alurion. It is my opinion that Captain Deamora and his squadron, including the forces of General Horrace, will be more than sufficient to seize (or destroy) these weapons caches and to accept the surrender of the remaining rebel forces on the planet (the mood of which, we believe, is quite cowed as a consequence of Captain Deamora's show of force earlier in the week). While Captain Deamora's methods—the apparent bombardment of much of New Coronet, the capital of Alurion—went far beyond what he was directed to do, the efficacy of this method in this case cannot be denied. While I do not by any means endorse the bombardment of civilian population centers on all insurgent worlds, it is evident from this operation that it can be effective under certain circumstances and should perhaps be considered for (limited) use in the future.
I would like to emphasize, however, the exemplary performance of Alpha Team, under Captain Karath, which was able to improvise in the field to complete its mission on Alurion with no casualties and bring an end to hostilities there. I intend to recommend to High Command the commendation or promotion of Captain Karath, and request your endorsement. Recognition may be in order for Captain Deamora as well, pending completion of his mission at Alurion and a review of the conduct aboard his Star Destroyer, about which we have received many troubling comments from other officers. For now, however, I intend to revise Captain Deamora's mission in accordance with your instructions to provide for the relief and repair of Alurion (as well as the destruction of the remaining weapons caches, as aforementioned), unless you direct otherwise, Your Excellency.