Your Superbness, Moff Verilio of Eos, It is wise of you to see beyond the common opinion that so many in the Empire seem to share, of Hutts as mere criminals rather than the contributing members of society that, in fact, we are. It also pleases me that you are humble and reasonable enough to set aside the Empire's humanocentric beliefs and appreciate the talents of certain species for certain things that are, quite often, superior to those of humans. In the past, the common "wisdom" of the Empire in both of these respects has impeded an otherwise cordial relationship with us, the Hutts. But as you have made a gesture of peace (and, more important, of mutual profit), I am happy to accommodate your request for a labor force and, I hope, have additional business dealings with the Cadavine Sector in the future.
If you are no more particular than "several hundred" as concerns the number of workers, I can see to it these are delivered to you in a standard week, or less. I will gladly accept as payment the ingots you have mentioned. However, I wonder if I might ask a favor, also? Well, a few favors. You see, there is a species that is indigenous to one of your moons, Gall, that interests me. The cliff wampa is said to be a creature of considerable might and ferocity, and I would be most grateful if you could capture for me 15 to 20 of these, for my purposes. Also, the Xerrol Corporation manufactures a rifle known as the "Nightstinger," but I'm afraid the Empire has rather unreasonable limits on its sale and possession. But surely for a man of your stature, it would not be difficult to procure a few of these. 10 of them, perhaps? I would be most grateful. Finally, would you kindly obtain for me a complete listing of the Abrion Sector Fleet? I have certain interests in that sector that would benefit from this knowledge, if you would be so kind.
I hope this is the beginning of a profitable relationship for us both, Your Superbness.