Dear Seraphine Leroy, It has been brought to my attention that the Cadavine Sector has no real representative in the Imperial Senate. It was also brought to my attention your former standing as the Staff Aide to the Tapani Freeworlds Delegation. With many other things in consideration as well, I would ask that you visit the Sector Capital of the Cadavine Sector, the Moon Gall orbiting the Gas Giant Zhar. I wish to appoint you as the Representative of the Cadavine Sector, that is if you would do the people of the Sector this honor and accept the position. I will understand if you have your reservations of accepting such a job, either way, I would still be honored to host you as a guest if you do decide to come visit the Cadavine Sector, even if you choose not to accept the position.
Sincerest Regards, Darres Verilia, Moff of the Cadavine Sector