The following list has earned an invitation to the Grand Opening of Citadel Station:
Grand Vizier Pestage
Senator Veritas of Tammuz Sector
Senator Ryuun of Druckenwell
Senator Kuriyoshi of Cronese Mandate
Senator Thanatos of Chandrila
Senator Oriel of Vjun
Senator Terrawin of Alsakan
Senator Cerra of Garos IV
Senator Ray of Dantooine
Senator Youngblood of Anobis
Senator Domon of Sluis Van
Representative Vanden of Naboo
Senator volFyr of Empress Teta
Representative Tavira of Onderon
Senator Fitzgerald of Ralltiir
Each one of you is allowed to invite one guest. The opening will be held in two weeks. I look forward to see each one of you there. Please contact me to whether you are attending or not ASAP.