Process for the Election of a Tammuz Sector Senator
Tammuz Sector Elections
Senatorial Elections shall be held every two years.
Electoral Process
Each populated world in the Tammuz Sector shall have one representative who shall meet on Tammuz-an to select a Senator.
The representative shall be elected for the purpose of voting on who shall be Senator and shall only serve until this is done. For their purpose they shall be paid expenses to cover their costs during their service, they shall not recieve salary.
Majority required
A simple majority vote shall be required by the representatives to appoint a Senator for the Sector.
Senators shall be elected from among the representatives except in exceptional circumstances. The Sector Moff shall determine what these are and if they are present.
Every individual must be of the highest ethical and political standards. The Sector Moff reserves the right to veto the decision of the representatives if they come to a perverse result.
In the event the representatives are unable to select a suitable Senator then the Sector Moff shall select an interim Senator (to serve one year) at the end of which new representatives will be elected.
In the event of a senator retiring, resigning or being removed from their role, a Senator shall be appointed to fulfill the duration of the term by the Sector Moff. By convention the Sector Moff shall appoint one of the representatives elected to elect the Senator or a former Senator as interim senator.
Present situation
The present appointee shall remain in office for six months pending reasonable conduct. At the conclusion of this "caretaker period" the appointee shall resign and may stand for relection to become a representative.