Yminis Sector Decree 91
Establishing Non-Human Regiments of the Imperial Army
Whereas, many worlds of the Yminis Sector are absent the resources and revenue necessary to fund a security force adequate for the self-defense of the worlds in question, and Whereas, this poses a costly burden to the Imperial Army and other Imperial forces of the Yminis Sector, and Whereas, requests to Imperial Center for additional personnel have been repeatedly declined, and Whereas, it is the policy of His Excellency, Vespasian Boldt, the Moff of the Yminis Sector, to require all able persons of the Sector to contribute to their own security, either financially or bodily,
Therefore, non-Human, species-specific regiments of the Imperial Army, Yminis Sector shall be constituted for the defense of predominantly non-Human worlds, security and maintenance of Imperial outposts and equipment, etc. These regiments shall be commanded by Human officers on a volunteer basis. The enlisted ranks shall be comprised of members of the species from the world which they are assigned to defend.
Additional details will be released by the Moff's office in the coming days.