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Message to Commodore Cynum
Ambassador_BaalDate: Saturday, 08 Dec 2012, 10:54 PM | Message # 1
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To: Commodore Cynum; Auril Sector Irregulars

From: Ambassador Baal; Dominion Federation

Subject: War on Lorrd


While I can greatly sympathize with you on your want to save the people from an ethnic cleansing brought on by their own government, I must implore you to pull your vessels back from Lorrd. Your stance on this genocide has been greatly broadcasted by your willingness to go to war to protect the people. However, in doing so you've broken the Imperial laws of needing the permission of force from the Empire. I implore you to pull your vessels back and work on keeping damage to a minimum. The Dominion Federation needs staunch allies like you who are willing to stand up against those in the Empire that would harm their own people. Though we need those allies to not be imprisoned.


Ambassador Baal
Dominion Federation
Hector_CynumDate: Sunday, 09 Dec 2012, 7:34 PM | Message # 2
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Ambassador Baal,

What a lovely name you have. It just rolls off the tongue in the most silky manner!

You really do seem like a decent chap, and I hope you know this is all for the best, I'm willing to allow my fleet to be lambs to the slaughter -if need be- to allow the blood of my cousins to be avenged. The Lorrdians used force first on a blood relation of mine, to do such is to attack my honour Ambassador, and that is striking the first blow and drawing first blood - I will draw the last.

The Auril Sector has your back, friend, if you need places to berth your ships then our sector will make you most welcome. Would your worlds consider a formal alliance in future to stand as a Bulwark against prior astonishing misdeeds by these Lorrdian subhumans.


Added (09 Dec 2012, 2:34 PM)
We burned their docks. There will be a great feasting tonight at our victory.

It will be many months before they can be repaired, and in the meantime we will be rearming for the next strike.

Added (09 Dec 2012, 7:34 PM)
If you are no lover of the Lorrdians - would you consider subsidising a purchase of several ships for the world and it's allies in the Sector so that we might.. defend.. outself from the Lorrdian threat, and perhaps counter-attack. We'd be willing to repay you in the form of land-leases for spaceports or docks within our systems, thus you could lend us money for the ships in exchange for land leases.

Alas, we can hold the line against the Lorrdians, but to pull off another astounding victory like the one we grasped today will require more weapons and ships, and Alas we are not a rich Sector, the Moff, in his wisdom, is a man who favours high taxes so our Governments are often burdened with small defense budgets.

Ideally we'd like to make the following purchases:

To launch an Invasion of the Lorrd System
Equipping eight divisions of Sector Militia soldiers with Planetary Defense Force Armour.
Ten Harmonius-class Armed and Armoured Freighters (to carry these divisions to war)
Four Colony-class Fast Pickets - To launch raids on Lorrdian shipping.

To prosecute the war in space and Eliminate the Lorrdian Military
One Dictator-class Frigate
Two Strike-class Cruisers
Two Nexu-class Strike Corvettes

With these ships, we could sail into the Lorrd System, batter their fleet into submission, destroy their pestilential insectoid drone force (which remind me sorely of the CIS) and then we will fall upon Lorrd and make great slaughter of their army, before occupying the world and turning its population into a workforce for the Glory of Auril and our glorious benefactors.

Commodore Hector "Igor" Cynum
Commanding Officer of the Auril Sector Union Navy
Shah of the Adega System and Emir of Ossus
The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector
Ambassador_BaalDate: Sunday, 09 Dec 2012, 11:07 PM | Message # 3
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I apologize for the lengthy amount of time that has been spend between replies to your messages. While I understand though congratulations are in order for you successful strike against Lorrd. Once more though I do apologize for the time it has taken for a response, as the time was needed to allow the Dominion Federation Council to convene on the matter and look over our options in the matter before making a decision which in the long term would affect not only the outcome of this dispute with Lorrd and it's people, yet also how it would affect the Auril Sector, your Militia and most importantly, how it in the long term would affect the Dominion Federation.

As you can see we take alliances and pacts very seriously and spend our time thinking thoroughly on both the pros and cons. Sadly we've come to the conclusion that at this time an open and formal alliance would be costly to the Dominion Federation, however not costly in the term of credits as much as costly in the term of appearance. At this moment with the Dominion Federation's proposal to purchase the Helska System, coupled with our already standing ban on Stark products, if we came out and formally signed and alliance and openly supported your Militia it would come back badly for the Dominion. For the moment our image is one that we must keep up to ensure our continued independence.

However this is not to say that we would not be willing to support your actions against Lorrd and those who have openly committed genocide not only on your own blood, yet on the blood of the innocent. To this length the Dominion Federation agreed whole-heartedly that such transgressions can not be allowed to remain standing. To this end we have also looked over your proposal of a means of purchase, and support of your actions. In other words, our credits for land leases, however we feel as if we can come to a better agreement, one which would give you a better foot to stand on so to say.

To this end, we have come with the current proposal, which we can hope that you would agree, will be in the best interested for all parties involved.

1 Billion Credits for the Moon of Nerit in the Ossus System, including the full control of the abandoned base for a 100 year lease.
100 Million Credits for the purchase of all mineral rights and land of the three largest mountain ranges on Forscan VI for a 100 year lease under the names of General Mining Division, Rock Crushers Inc, Drilling Limited, and Minecrafters Operations.
500 Million Credits for the purchase of all fishing and mineral rights of the north-western hemisphere of Murkhana for a 100 year lease under the names of Maximum Fishing Co, The Beer Batter Brothers Fishing Emporium, Dup Drilling Corporation, Fishing and Mineral Harvesters, and Harvestmark Limited.
600 Million Credits for the purchase of all farming, ranching, water, and mineral rights of the south-east hemisphere of Weytta for a 100 year lease under the names of Mc.Griff Ranching, Maximillian Farms, Salt Minners Co, The Gold Plantation, The Silven Corporation, and Mr. Whatshisname Ranching.

I believe that you would be able to do a lot of well with the 2.2 Billion Credits in leases we are offering you.

Ambassador Baal
Dominion Federation

Message edited by Ambassador_Baal - Sunday, 09 Dec 2012, 11:18 PM
Hector_CynumDate: Sunday, 09 Dec 2012, 11:26 PM | Message # 4
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I'm afraid granting the moon wholesale is beyond my power. We actually operate fighters out of the base on Nerit, but we're willing to grant you Management of the Nerit base (on the condition we may also operate from it), and a one hundred year lease on the moon itself - on the condition all present land grants are recognized and all civilians continue to be recognized as such under Ossus Law - the public lands on the Moon would be yours to do with as you wished, these public land (all good timber land, with rich soils which may be farmed underneath) have been assessed at four (4) billion credits sale value, with a potential logging and farming return several times that likely in five years. Thus for the public lands (4bn), a charter to Govern Nerit under Ossus oversight, and the base itself (with Ossus and the Irregular forces having rights to use it too), shall we round it to five billion total? This is a generous offer as exploiting the land you stand to make 10-30 bn in the next decade - a veritable bargain.

Which mountain ranges? We feel that if there is a likely prospect of mineral returns then we would be happy to sell the rights, but would require a percentage of the takings in recognition of the exploitation of our mineral rights.

Naturally we understand if you don't wish to be militarily or diplomatically involved, at this stage it is financing we seek to bolster our war effort.

Commodore Hector "Igor" Cynum
Commanding Officer of the Auril Sector Union Navy
Shah of the Adega System and Emir of Ossus
The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector
Ambassador_BaalDate: Sunday, 09 Dec 2012, 11:37 PM | Message # 5
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You're in luck, the Dominion Federation Council has decided that the potential gain far out weighs the down payments of what would be needed. As such they are willing to provide for the following.

  • 5 Billion for the Nerit Governorship Oversight Charter with all said conditions intact {Shared interested in the base, all current land grants recognized, etc etc}
  • 500 Million for the Mineral rights of the Forscan, Aurilian, and Forscani mountain ranges in the Eastern Hemisphere {With 20% going to the Auril Sector}
  • 500 Million for all Fishing and Mineral rights of the North-Western Hemisphere of Murkhana {with 20% going to the Auril Sector}
  • 600 Million for all Farming, Ranching, Water and Mineral rights of the South-Eastern Hemisphere of Weytta {with 20% going to the Auril Sector}

Ambassador Baal
Dominion Federation
Hector_CynumDate: Monday, 10 Dec 2012, 10:10 AM | Message # 6
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I've spoken with my allied worlds, and as long as you agree to guarantee the Sovereignty of their Governments and to protect militarily the base on Nerit, then we have an accord.

Commodore Hector "Igor" Cynum
Commanding Officer of the Auril Sector Union Navy
Shah of the Adega System and Emir of Ossus
The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector
Ambassador_BaalDate: Monday, 10 Dec 2012, 11:20 AM | Message # 7
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The Dominion Federation takes the sovereignty of governments very seriously, so it should be no surprise that we will guarantee such. We will also provide a division of two companies to protect the base, which will be transferred to Nerit shortly. I believe then we've come to an agreement that will benefit both sides.

Ambassador Baal
Dominion Federation
Hector_CynumDate: Monday, 10 Dec 2012, 12:09 PM | Message # 8
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I look forward to drinking a barrel of Auril Wine with you at the conclusion of hostilities.

If I might be so bold, and since our people are to intercourse so freely (we're happy to grant them freedom of movement as any other of our citizens when visiting our worlds), would you be willing to allow (and perhaps subtly encourage) the enlistment of people from your Dominion into the militaries of the worlds in the Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector's Planetary Militia forces? We'd be happy to offer them a short six month initial enlistment so that they could serve a short time and get experience of operating within a multi-planetary military.

Naturally, this wouldn't tie your own worlds into any conflict those militias were involved in, as it would simply be civilians taking advantage of a Visa and being allowed to enlist.. naturally if whole units wished to enlist on this basis, and came with their own weapons or equipment, that would also be desirable - but it would not represent any commitment to our cause either diplomatically or militarily, just permitting your citizens to take advantage of an attractive work and travel program which happens to have a military element.

Commodore Hector "Igor" Cynum
Commanding Officer of the Auril Sector Union Navy
Shah of the Adega System and Emir of Ossus
The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector
Ambassador_BaalDate: Monday, 10 Dec 2012, 4:14 PM | Message # 9
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While the premise of the proposal is interesting at this moment the Dominion feels that it can not allow its people to participate in such a course. While they were very clear to show their support of such an endeavor and even would openly endorse it to our people, they believe that at this time it is not the right moment to do so. That is to say, they can not risk allowing one of our citizens to join with the possibility of them being captured and this endeavor linking back to the Federation. Times are difficult at this moment, as we must appear to be a neutral party in this conflict without showing any signs of support to either side.

The Dominion Federation Council however would like me to convey unto you that they would be willing to support such an operation at a later date when this conflict has died down and you are standing victorious over your opponent. Until then, the Council wishes you the best of luck in your crusade against those who committed such a needless and thoughtless genocide against their people and your blood.

Ambassador Baal
Dominion Federation
Hector_CynumDate: Monday, 10 Dec 2012, 5:15 PM | Message # 10
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Naturally I would never, ever, imply that you should commit yourself officially in such a manner. But if citizens do happen to travel, and take up Imperial Citizenship on a world in the Auril Sector, they'd naturally be free to sign up - and I am sure that if such a citizen served his time and then wished to take up Dominion citizenship you'd allow it?

Naturally, you have my absolute word of confidence on all these matters and that all communications between us are promptly deleted from the database records at my end (aside from the transaction provisions we agreed on, for our records). Naturally, we expect to be victorious very soon indeed, although it may take some weeks to raise the requisite number of troops to have a force sufficient to penalize the Lorrdians.

*He clicked the communication into no-record mode, so that at neither end could it be recorded, and on call logs would appear not to originate from himself but a random relay in the Outer Rim.*

I've had the channel further buffered and relayed so there is no possibility or record of anything I speak or you reply from this point onwards, so I shall be absolutely candid.

We are mindful that your Dominion has been supportive of our war with Lorrd and we appreciate it. We're winning over certain Lorrdian state rulers with reasonable terms and hope to turn the people in on itself.

This being the case, Ambassador, is there a preference that, hypothetically, were you to have an opinion on it (and I am sure you don't) you have as to where and what should be targeted in the conflict? I ask only as we are greatly indebted to you for your generosity and if there is any target we might hit to further your worlds goals, then you need only say the word, valued friend.

Commodore Hector "Igor" Cynum
Commanding Officer of the Auril Sector Union Navy
Shah of the Adega System and Emir of Ossus
The Honourable Union of the Worlds of the Auril Sector
Ambassador_BaalDate: Tuesday, 11 Dec 2012, 2:29 PM | Message # 11
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You have the utmost trust that you are more than capable of doing the most effective actions with the forces at which you will be fielding. We feel that you are more than capable to strike against those that had wronged you without the need for including outside opinions. Trust in your own mettle and that of your men and you will see yourself through this conflict in once piece without worry that you will not succeed in your endeavors.

However we would understand if you felt that should something go wrong and that your family would be held to reprisals, I hear that our capital world of Revyia is beautiful this time of year, and I'm sure your family would find it most inviting to spend a spell.

Ambassador Baal
Dominion Federation
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