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Message to General Eel
Baroness_MagrathDate: Friday, 22 Feb 2013, 9:14 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 64
Awards: 0
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Status: Offline
To: General Eel

From: Baroness Magrath

Subj: Khoonda Militia


Recently I purchased a sizable plot of land on your fair planet of Dantooine, which is now the home to a branch of the Magrath Winery. While I have yet to be able to travel to Dantooine in person to survey the land and watch the construction of the facility; I did learn that your Khoonda Militia is for lack of a better word, lacking in its capabilities. As a new tax payer on Dantooine I would like to offer you some support to help better establish your Militia. This support would come in the means of funds to hire more personnel as well as train them; including with it a few crates of the new Magrath Weapons Foundry CBR-10s which I believe would be a weapon perfectly suited for your Militia rather than the weapons they picked up that had been left over from the war.

The Magrath Shipwrights are also coming out with a few after market kits for our Class Z Yacht; one of which is a military kit to turn the vessel into a formidable and hardy fighter or bomber depending on how the kit is utilized. I would hope that we can meet face to face to come to some agreement with this donation.


Raulyn Hawkshaw Magrath
Baroness of the Empire - Jaemus
Duchess of the Bisellia System
Proprietor of Magrath Shipwrights
Proprietor of Magrath Textiles
Proprietor of Magrath Winery
Proprietor of Magrath Weapons Foundry
Proprietor of Magrath Mining Compound
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