Feeling the pressure on his throat, Varak was reminded rather uncomfortably of the things Jedi were capable of. Keeping the smile on his face took effort, but his eyes radiated enough anger that, had they been blasters, Havoc would have been struck dead instantly. The urge to reach for the blaster on the underside of the table was almost unbearable, as was the urge to order the pair of assassin droids to attack. However, Varak had not kept his position by being hasty. Massaging his throat slightly, he settled himself more comfortably. "I don't run the Dantooine department. That cell is not mine to comment on. I can safely say though, that Dantooine supporting the Empire is likely to cause problems for it... at least with the way things have been lately. Perhaps if it had a change of mind and contributed some to Shiva's movement, he'd be more inclined to let it be.
"As for meeting Shiva... I told you, I can't control that. He will tell you when he wishes to meet face-to-face. If it angers you that much, strike me down... but you will loose an ally and gain an enemy."