Jinta looks at Taizen he listens to his every word like it was a speech and as Taizen leaves his side and heads for his room he turns back to the doorway to the bridge and looks back perhaps Taizen saw what skywalker was all about maybe Yoda did see it but that was then and this is the present he heads into the bridge and notices they are still in hyperspace and Jinta looks over at Drace who is sitting in a chair looking over the galaxy map he stroles over to a chair near him and sits down as he comprehends what he is about to do he wonders if tremaine will respond to the coded transmission nine one four it was the same transmission Kenobi used when the clones attacked him nine years ago. "Drace do u think when you were still in the Jedi Order before you fell in love and if you over heard what Taizen was talking about"
"If in fact he knew about Skywalkers betrayal before it happened why we were so blind by his knowledge of the force we should have listened to him back then perhaps we could have done something different in acknowledging Skywalkers abilities i just feel as if we failed Skywalker in some way"
"It's like when i was on the council when Skywalker was appointed to the council but Windu didnt give him the rank of Master"
"i could feel the anger within Anakin for a short time it was outragous rage but i am still wondering why Windu just didnt make him a Master"
"its completely a mystery to me and now it doesnt seem to matter Vader is the master of the Darkside"
"But what im trying to get at is that if we would have made Anakin a Master would he still have turned to the Darkside that is the one million republic credit question Drace"
"that is why i ive been on Lehon for nine years the concentration of the force is so high their i figured it would give me all the answers but it hasnt"
"I just dont know Drace i just hope when Tremaine is aboard your vessel he will know where Thantos and Sky are hiding this mission of mine is far from over and what we have to watch out for is the overwhelming amount of bounty hunters jumping at the chance to capture us Jedi"
"for the overwhelming bounty that is on our heads but if some of those bounty hunters knew the truth the whole truth about how we are not evil but Palpatine is"
"i have a short video feed of that betrayal between Skywalker and Palpatine that Kenobi and Yoda never saw it shows that Skywalker i mean Vader found out that Palpatine was the sith lord"
"but the rest of that video feed is falling apart"
"i mean its tarnished in some way i can see some of what palpatine is speaking to Anakin about but the sound loop is garbled in some way its a video that reminds me now that if i showed it back then it could have sent off the warning bells"
Jinta leans back in the chair and watches as they continue to pass through lightspeed heading for the Outer Rim to find their lost and hiding brothers Tremaine Folwkes and Ilannah Thantos.