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"Struggling For Survival"
TaizenSaiDate: Thursday, 13 Jan 2011, 2:58 PM | Message # 46
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Taizen was correct in his assumption so that before the sun came up he woke up from his tent and sneeked his way out of the camp to the direction of the debris field as he gets their he realizes that its an Imperial shuttle and he has been away for quite some time he looks over the shuttle and notices it hasnt been here that long their is no moss growing on the shuttle itself the shuttle its self is in pretty good shape and then he walks around the length of the shuttle and notices nothing is cracked or broken that is good news for him but the door or well the ramp is jammed that could be a rpoblem and he cant get in but low and behold he notices that Jinta is standing right behind him and he doesnt look pleased to be the least but he ignores him he hears what he has to say but doesnt do anything he tries to open the door by un jamming the door but nothing happens he then watches and backs off as Jinta uses his emmence power of the force and rips the door including the ramp from its hinges and lays it about five meters to the side of the shuttle as he does Taizen then watches carefully from the darkness of the shuttle stumbles two imperial clone troopers as one stumbles off the other one simply falls directly to the ground and doesnt move Taizen watches as Jinta uses the force to move the one closer to him he watches as he conducts an interogation but he wants to find out what is within the shuttle as he gets inside he notices the main computer drive has been destroyed most of the direct information has been destroyed but he does notice a third chair which is odd in a two man shuttle so perhaps this shuttle carried someone he can hear that the interogation isnt going well and he cant find or even take information from the computers as they are all shot but if he had more time he could and then he notices that his comlink can send a transmission to Drace he quickly grabs his comlink and sets it up to the central computer after some time a few seconds he has downloaded about seventy-eight percent of the computers data he then takes his other comlink and then sends his corodinates to drace with a simple message on the smugglers code ~Drace its Taizen their is information that might be vital both Jinta and myself we have come across a Imperial two manned shuttle but there is something intriguing here their is what appears to be another chair within this shuttle i believe their might be another Jedi somewhere here on this moon other than Thantos, i have the information on my one comlink that if you get the corodinates 1a2c from 3rt6 hopefully you will be able to get through this information better then me Taizen out~ Taizen then sends the info along witht he message in one stroke of his finger he then takes his comlink and mutes it he walks back to the outside as the morning sun and he notices Jinta to his right and crosses his arms as he looks as the sun hits the trees and the heat of the day is upon both him as well as Jinta he places his hood over his head and kneels down to the other trooper and checks for a pulse their isnt one hes dead he then uses the force and picks up the body which is somewhat limp he grabs his lightsaber and ignites his blade he looks over to the injured trooper and holds the body with one hand with his saber in the other he concentrates on the dead troopers vocal cords to immitate a scream in pain then he looks tot he trooper "i know you are loyal to your brothers and to your emperor but you will die at the hands of me if you dont tell me the information you have who were you carrying on that shuttle" he recieves no word from the trooper at the exact moment he has done speaking to Jinta he thrusts his lightsaber the blade through the troopers body and then tosses it too the side he looks back to the trooper on the ground and walks ove rot him as his lightsaber disengages he picks the injured trooper from off the ground he has had enough of this either the trooper will tell him or he will die by his hands and he doesnt care what Jinta says he will end this troopers life as he picks him up off the ground and holds him into place by using the force he looks at him then looks over to Jinta. "you may had some back luck with this trooper but i will try it my way" "now you will tell me what you know or i will kill you like i killed your friend over their your brother and if their are any more brothers i will make sure to kill them slowly and painfully now you had better tell me".

"Like i said Jedi i wont tell you nothing Jedi" but just as i said that i felt something heated through my mid section and as i looked down it was clear this Jedi was no Jedi at all i might as well tell him what i know im dead anyway i have to betray my brothers i have no choice as i cant reach the floor to run away but as incredibly as this may seem the heat is getting pretty hot "Alright Jedi you win we were carrying one of you scum with us his name was......"

Taizen again disengages his lightsaber and then releases the force as the body drops and he looks back over to Jinta who is standing their in shock and he walks away he didnt get all that he wanted to know but he got enough for now perhaps Drace will find out more.

"im done here Jinta lets go i got what i needed from that shuttle we should get going and search more of this forest for Thantos and Fowlkes"

DraceDate: Friday, 14 Jan 2011, 5:02 AM | Message # 47
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Drace resceved the messge and put in the cordanets and looked about the room and said to a droid:Send this to that group the're calling the rabelon and jam the signal so only they can get it no one is to know our location under stood.

The droid loked at him and bowed..It went to do as it was asked to do .Drace sent a messge to jinta and said:Tazin has truned off his com link you might want to find him as quick as possble this was a imperal ship there could be more troopers in that area don't take any chances watch your back as well old friend...
The droid came into the room: sir it was a personer trasnport they had a jedi abore but he escaped and most of the troopers were killed before the destress singal was pushed..All we know it it was a jedi the name is not given..

Drace looked at his comlink and said Thantos if he's a jedi then you fond him if not he still might be there being this is were we traced his signal but we may have a brother ther as well so be careful.

JintaJidanDate: Monday, 24 Jan 2011, 11:27 AM | Message # 48
Lieutenant colonel
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It was more shock on Jinta's face then anything when he witnessed and saw with his own eyes the disrespect for life in Taizen he left the Clone trooper to die by his injures Taizen got a bit more information from him by killing the trooper which really isnt the Jedi way,he shrugs as Taizen walks past him they now know a Jedi was on this shuttle and that the Jedi got away the only question it Thantos or someone else.

Jinta walks behind Taizen as they begin the day walking away from the crash site they were just at Jinta is now more aware of many things the force is quite open here the information from the shuttle was confirmed by Drace most of the pieces of the puzzle is falling in only question now is by the end of this day will the Jedi from the shuttle confront them or will it be someone else Imperial or otherwise.

Captain_HellerDate: Monday, 24 Jan 2011, 7:21 PM | Message # 49
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The soft beep of Captain Heller's comm roused him from sleep in his quarters. It was Lieutenant Duvall, requesting his presence on the bridge. "I'll be right there," Heller said, then sighed. He sat up in bed and ran a hand through his hair, his motion activating the fluorescent lights in the room and revealing to him the gunmetal gray confines of his quarters. Imperial engineering was rather distinctive, and it would be apparent that this was the interior of an Imperial Star Destroyer even if it wasn't the place that Heller spent hour after hour, day after day, month after month. He didn't like being woken up, but he was secretly grateful for something to do (as long as it wasn't another fist fight in the mess hall like last week). He stood up with a groan and went about putting on his uniform. In a few minutes, he would be on the bridge.

"At ease," he said to the command crew as they saluted him upon his arrival. He turned to Duvall. "Lieutenant," he said, "What do you have for me?"

"We've picked up an encrypted transmission from the Utapau system, nearby," Duvall told him, "It was bounced off the holonet, and it's got the attention of Imperial Intelligence because it originated in an area where a shuttle was believed to have crashed this week. A shuttle that was carrying a captured Jedi, apparently. They think this might be a lead."

"Do we know what the transmission says?" Heller asked.

"No, Sir. We're still decrypting it. Something about a 'rabelon' is all we have so far."

"'Rabelon' ? What's that?"

"No idea, Sir. Our computer is fluent in over six million forms of communication and it doesn't know this word. It thinks it's a noun, though. A code word, possibly. The other fragments we've decrypted so far appear to be in Basic, but it's hard to tell. It may be some primitive dialect, according to the computer."

"Strange." Heller rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Well, this was different. "So," he said, "Does Intelligence want us to investigate this signal?"

"At once, Sir," Duvall told him, "They're sending someone named Kal Thanatos to meet us there and assist us, too. They didn't tell us his rank, however."

Heller scoffed. That was just like Imperial Intelligence—the starfleet, as usual, was on a 'need to know' basis, and it didn't 'need to know.' The Captain shrugged, then made his way to his command chair with Lieutenant Duvall beside him. "Very well," Heller said, "Plot a course for the Utapau system, as close as we can come to where we suspect this transmission originated. How far are we?"

"About 15 minutes, Sir. This Thanatos fellow is apparently in the area, too. He should be there at about the same time."

"Good, good," Heller said, nodding to the Lieutenant and then looking out the bridge viewport of the Star Destroyer Marathon. "Get the crews to their fighters, and all men to battlestations. Ready the shields, too. I want to be ready for whatever we find at Utapau." And it was done. Within moments, the Marathon delved dagger-like into hyperspace.

Clive Winston Heller
Captain of the Marathon
The Galactic Empire

Message edited by Captain_Heller - Monday, 24 Jan 2011, 7:27 PM
DraceDate: Tuesday, 25 Jan 2011, 8:09 AM | Message # 50
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Drace looked around the brige and said send out the droid's scrable the rest of our trasn mission..The driods noded and bored the modfie y wings and set out...
Drace looked at a timer and said: DAMN... Drace to jinta hurry up we got to leave you have five mintues jinta get that jedi and get the hell out of there if i know any thing Empire will be on it's way to see if threr transport is ok or not Im leaveing in five mintues .After that was sent Drace called the droids back in and told the droids to hide .

He then told the droids to til the ship to make it look like they were stranded and they cold not move..
The outter hula was made too lookl ike a rusty old ship so it would not be supesus looking by no means
Drace was a well know trader not know to the Empire he was also a smuggler
He would out smart them he was well known in this area...

ManagementDate: Tuesday, 25 Jan 2011, 10:14 AM | Message # 51
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(( OOC note for you here, gentlemen. ))

KalThanatosDate: Saturday, 29 Jan 2011, 1:31 PM | Message # 52
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The small shuttle would drop out of hyperspace above the planet. The pilot's head turned as he began to look for the Star Destroyer that they were to be meeting with. Sitting next to the pilot was the man that was to meet with the commanding officer of the said Star Destroyer. He turned to the pilot, "They should be in the area in minutes. Go ahead and prepare the ship for our landing aboard the Destroyer. I don't want to waste any time upon their arrival." Immediately, the pilot nodded and prepared the ship for their landing, just as he was instructed to. At the same time, Kal stood from the chair and left the cockpit of the shuttle, making his way to the back where he had dropped his personal items. While the pilot was getting things ready there, Kal would be making sure he was ready. This was his first mission, and knew that it would be important that he didn't screw it up. He wasn't sure exactly how many eyes he had on him, even without this being assigned to him, but he knew that there were more than likely more on him now.

There was intelligence that Jedi were in the system and he could feel the slight presence of them. There was a plan already forming in his head on how to approach this situation if they truly were here. For now though, he would wait for the Destroyer to arrive.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
DraceDate: Wednesday, 02 Feb 2011, 8:15 AM | Message # 53
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Drace perpaired the droids knowing jinta will not be comeing back any time soon ..Drace sent out a destress singal to make it look like he was really in trubble that way if the empire did show up he would not be cought off garde..With that intacted he could go ahead with plan b and be ready if they found jinta on the planet..

Drace scambel to get the droids back into the ship so they would not be seen by any one but him they were upgaded battel droid's with a shield around them to protect from lazer blasters and lazer rifles..He need them all in the hideing areas out of sight for them but not for him..

Just then the driod who was scaning for any sigh of a craft in the area told him a ship just came out of warp and it wasn't impeiral..He told the droid to send them a destress call for help maybe it would look better if he had some one els looking as if they were helping him.

KalThanatosDate: Wednesday, 02 Feb 2011, 6:42 PM | Message # 54
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Over the intercom, the pilot informed Kal, "Sir, sensors are picking up a distress signal. Shall I respond?" A small sigh escaped Kal's nose. He responded to the pilot,"Respond to the signal, Lieutenant. Make sure they don't know who we are. We need to approach this as we've discussed." The Lieutenant would nod, even though he knew Kal couldn't have seen him, "Yes sir..." Just then, the Lieutenant would respond to the distress signal, "This is Nahato II. We've received the distress signal and are offering assistance. Please respond with vessel name and issue..." The Lieutenant would wait for a response. Kal would quickly grab his belt, strapping it on as he came back into the cockpit

"Update..." He would demand from the pilot. The Lieutenant nodded, "I've responded, but still awaiting a response. Sensors aren't able to pick up any other communications at the time, but did find that the signal was fairly new. I have a feeling that there is something wrong here, sir. How should we continue?"

Kal paused for a second, looking out of the view port to the supposedly stranded vessel, "Just wait, if they truly need the help, they will respond. If they don't, we press on with our mission. I doubt that the SD will be arriving any time soon, so plan B will have to be initiated." The Lieutenant would nod and wait for the response.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
DraceDate: Friday, 04 Feb 2011, 7:06 AM | Message # 55
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Drace smiled and sent a messge back and said: this is the Draco as you can see i am in danger my engne is badly damanged any help you can give me would greatly apprecated...he ended his messge ther.

Drace hoped the ship would responed to his call maybe this would help him with one of the reasons he was here.
and hoped they wouldn't notice his ship wasn't really damaged even thoe it looked to be..
The droids looked at Drace and one said: sir sould we pepare for passger drace looked at the droid and said:Lewts hope they take the bate and maybe help us with our second mission..

He looked about the deck and said all droids be on alaret incase these are hostilas.
With that he waited for there next transmission...He hoped the Jinta would hurry up he didn't want stay here too much longer.

KalThanatosDate: Friday, 04 Feb 2011, 12:38 PM | Message # 56
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As the voice came back on over the communications link, Kal heard that name. It was a familiar name, but couldn't seem to place it. His senses could tell that this person was a Force User, and from what he could tell, this man could end up being a Jedi. The question was, what was he doing out here. They had intercepted several different messages, both having came from this vessel. He would lean in, pressing the button to allow him to communicate back, "My name is Kal Thanatos. Prepare for docking...I can assist you in repairing your vessel..." He would let the button go, and look at the pilot, "Bring the ship in close and initiate docking. I need to find out what he is doing out here all by himself..."

The ship would then begin to position itself up next to the 'stranded' vessel. Clamps would engage and hold onto the ship tightly, making sure that if anything where to break them free, it would have to be something big. Kal would wait as the door, until this man would open his side.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
DraceDate: Friday, 04 Feb 2011, 2:08 PM | Message # 57
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Drace sent back a messge saying it's good to hear from a friendly ship...'drace then ended the messge and walked to the dorcking hatch..He opend the door to it with out his helmet on..The droids looked at him and said are you surew this is a wise idea sir.Drace looked ahim and said:"this is the man jinta and tanzi are looking for with him abored the draco we can insure his safty and they can retrun saftly back to the ship.

Drace looked over the droid's: please lower your weapons the're not hotiles....
The droids did as they were asked and lowered there weapons as the hatch was iopend the Draco was a well known ship to almost every one but the empire they had it on record as a merchent ship but the rebules had it on record as a smugglers ship ..With an enter droid crew drace only need food and water for him but he had more than enough to spread out..
He hardly ever had vistitors on his ship and the people who did come abore were not of the nice verity.And none of them have ever seen his face more than a few have been dumped into space after haveing there heads removed by his unseen saber balde.Not just his blaster more than a few have droped because of his quick witted baster fire.

KalThanatosDate: Saturday, 05 Feb 2011, 9:06 AM | Message # 58
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As the docking hatch opened, it revealed each of the men to the other. Kal would wait to step through the doorway until it was completely open. His hand would extend out to Drace, "Kal, Kal Thanatos. So, heard you needed some help with your ship."

He had alternative reasons for helping this man, and it began with shaking his hand. Kal knew that if the man returned the hand shake, it could possibly activate his ability to read the history of the object, inanimate or not. His hand would wait there for the man to return his end.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron
DraceDate: Monday, 07 Feb 2011, 10:48 AM | Message # 59
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Drace sense the force with him i sure the man ment well..He shook the mans hand and said;Jinta has been looking for you but if you may already know this.. You should contact him soon so we can get out of here i have a feeling the empire has sent a ship here being that i contacted the rebilon ..

Drace let the mans hand go and said: you should fallow me..You might want to tell you polit to dock his ship in the docking bay it might be more convenat.he said with a slight smark on his face.a droid contacted drace adn said: sir no word from k\jinta nore his young friend ..

Drace shooks his head and said :we don't have much longer to wait thoes dang imps will be here soon i know this for a fact...He crossed his arms and said: this won't end well i'd hate to leave them here but for your safty i might have too.

KalThanatosDate: Monday, 07 Feb 2011, 3:37 PM | Message # 60
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Just as the man's hand came into contact with his, a flood of visions flew into his head. He could see the fellow Jedi that this man was talking about. It was the ones that were looking for him. He felt that it was odd hearing that someone was searching for him. Why would they. He was off of the grid until his encounter with the Empire on Coruscant. None of the Jedi would have known exactly what had happened after his capture.

"Looking for me? Why would they be looking for me? I've given no indication of needing help or a rescue." He would be puzzled at the fact that he was the reason why these Jedi were in this part of the Galaxy. Whatever their reason, Kal had his own reason for meeting with these Jedi. He would wait till Drace was finished talking to the droid and returned to him. He shook his head, "It won't end well..." He knew exactly how it would end.

"I need to get down there. I've received intelligence that the Empire is sending an Inquisitor here. They may be out here looking for me, just as this Jinta is now. They've been following me ever since my escape. Do you know where on the moon they are?" Kal would have a serious concerned look on his face. He had become very convincing with his emotions lately. It was a gift, of sorts.

Service in the Galactic Empire (Current)
Service in the Grand Army of the Republic (Former)
Jedi Knight
Jedi General of the 608th Legion
Jedi Commander of the 608th Regiment & Hotel Squadron

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