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Tactical Retreat to Dantooine
Captain_DeamoraDate: Sunday, 17 Apr 2011, 10:10 PM | Message # 1
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A loud hiss filled the bridge as the doors opened, Ali'Zarin's boot step hitting the metal floor of the bridge and echoing with a thud. He walked towards the large view screens before standing before them, his arms behind his back. Most of the damage in the recent attack was repaired, or what minor damages that could be where. Most of the more problematic damages would need a ship yard. Including the fact that the reactor bulb had been hit, though the back up was working just fine for what was needed. He had been called to the bridge by his second, the Dark Whispers almost at Dantooine as the ship began the stages to drop out of hyperspace. Ali'Zarin looked back to his pilots and nodded, the men looking to their controls as the ship began to slow before it dropped from Hyperspace. The ship appearing in the darkness above Dantooine, a bright green and blue covered ball before them.

Ali'Zarin motioned to his communications officers who began to transmit a broadcast. "This is Captain Deamora of the Imperial Star Destroyer Dark Whispers. Per commands given, I have fallen back to Dantooine to meet up with other Imperial Reinforcements. Our mission once we are gathered, is to return to Alurion and deal with the rebel presences that ambushed and attacked by ship. The same rebels have also taken the life of an Imperial Post Master that was being held hostage on the world at the time of our arrival." Ali'Zarin stood quietly, waiting for any reply as his second in command handed him a datapad. A list of those they lost during the fighting, as well as what damages where left to be repaired.

Imperial Navy
Alzarin Deamora
Black Ops Commander
Bella_NeliaDate: Tuesday, 19 Apr 2011, 3:54 PM | Message # 2
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The orders had been send down from Imperial Navy Command early that morning, but the crew and Captain of the Impavid had been ready and at standby for days. The ship was stocked and fully charged from weapons to shields, clear down the most minute details, just in case. It was better to be safe than sorry. The preparations were all made without the crew even knowing if they were going or not.

Yes, the Captain and crew of the Victory I Star destroyer were all new, but the Captain had hand picked the bridge crew out of sheer fussiness in regards to how the group worked together. It had to be seamless and effortless, without panic or worry. A well-oiled machine, as it was sometimes said, no pun intended.

"Captain Nelia, we are approaching Dantooine. Preparing to exit hyperspace in the next five minutes." A fresh-faced young Junior Lieutenant said. From a console near to the center of the bridge a young woman, who had been speaking with an ensign, looked up.

"Of course, Lieutenant DeSade." She said after she cleared her throat briefly. It surprised most individuals when a young woman answered to the name of Captain Nelia. Then again, to some who knew of her, they still believed that her commission had been bought for her by her father. Of course, those individuals never saw her marks in her schooling or her exemplary flight records. Not that it was their business. She loved what she did and she was good at it, which was why she was given the Impavid, not because of who her father was.

Briefly, she smoothed a hand over the fastenings of her short uniform jacket and tugged at the hem gently to smooth the already unwrinkled fabric. She was, if nothing else, a stickler for detail, straight down to the starched grey uniforms that the crew wore, including her own jacket and knee length pencil skirt down to her black leather heels. Order made her feel at ease.

"When we drop out of hyperspace, I would like a line of communication opened immediately with Captain Deamora of Dark Whispers." She addressed the communications officer on board, before she turned on her heel and walked back to her seat and settled into it. The Captain focused her gaze on the blue lines of hyperspace for the next few moments as she contemplated the mission ahead. This little uprising on Alurion would not last, in her mind. Rebels were not to be, and would not be taken lightly by her crew.

"Captain? In five...four....three....two...." Lieutenant DeSade throttled the lever and the blue waves of space out the front viewport faded into inky darkness spotted with distant stars and the planet of Dantooine below.

"Hail the Dark Whispers. I would like to speak with Captain Deamora for further orders, and prepare to transmit our specs to his ship when the connection is established." Bella said clearly as she stood again and walked around to the holoscreen to wait.

Bella Nelia
Captain of the Impavid
The Galactic Empire
Dax_HorraceDate: Wednesday, 20 Apr 2011, 4:49 PM | Message # 3
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[ISD-I Wolfenstein]
[Location: Bridge]

There was busy chatter and activity happening upon the bridge of the Wolfenstein. The newly commissioned Imperial Star Destroyer had been prepped for the newly type of missions to be hopefully become a different route within the Imperial Military. In command of the vessel, was General Dax Horrace. A decorated Clone War Veteran and a fierce Imperial warrior on the hunt for the Jedi and other fugitives wanted by the Emperor. The crew has sprung into action as soon as orders were dropped from the top, and Horrace held it in his hand. He was the only one distinguished upon the ship. Instead of dressed in traditional Imperial Navy attire, he chose the route of his Army uniform. It's tightly crisp folds upon the pants and jacket made the man very much more distinguished, aside from the man's medals and various awards upon his chest. He stood there in front of his chair, with his Number 2 man, Captain Desare by his side. A fellow human and somewhat seasoned officer in the Imperial Navy. A discussion broke out between the two men, as their chatter added on with the men aboard the Wolfenstein. As final preparations from Kuat Yards were completed, the men took their stations and the Captain took his place. Suddenly General Horrace took his seat and activated the intercom system within the vessel, that would no doubt echo the man's orders from Imperial High Command on the matter. "Imperial comrades of the Star Destroyer Wolfenstein. Today we embark on a destination of great admiration to assist the wounded of our Imperial Navy." Horrace took a pause to observe the men looking at him to include the Captain as well. "As we leave here today, we will be heading out to Dantooine to assist two other vessels of our grand Navy. From there, we will push on to reinforce a current operation, where we are ordered to no doubt take command of any ground operations that may or may not happen upon the planet... provided we can do the job right." Nodding some, he continued.

"Once we arrive at Dantooine, I will instruct ground units to prep for deployment upon the surface Alurion and retake the planet. However to take additional precautions, I am ordering that our weaponry be powered up and placed on stand-by mode, to have targeting coordinates established within minutes of any enemy vessels being identified." Nodding some he lowered his head. "Man your stations.!" After that, the communication through out the vessel shut off and the games begun. The bridge crew begun getting to work, from powering up the ships engines to programming a direct route to Dantooine, as well as additional duties as sending communications to the other ship captains that the Wolfenstein was enroute to their location, and as well as that any ground deployments would be directed by Horrace himself. Once everything was good to go, he turned to his Weapons Officer. "Status." The young male nodded some. "Sir, weapons are on stand-by." Nodding some, Dax nodded slightly. "Excellent." He turned to face the viewport, in which stared back at him, the durasteel hangers of the shipyard of Kuat Yards.

With the release of the Wolfenstein, the powerful engines of the vessel would pull the ship in reverse, with the aid of tug boats that would assist in taxing the vessel away from Kuat Drive Yards. Once the massive Star Destroyer was cleared, it proceeded to take off in the designated route. Horrace stood standing as he crossed his arms. "Are we ready?" Asked the General. The Navigations Officer turned towards him. "Ready when you are, sir!" With enthusiasm in his voice. Horrace nodded and then thrusted his right arm forward. "Punch it!" With a few switch touches of a keyboard, massive amounts of power would generate into the ship's engines and within a few seconds, would thrust the ship into hyperspace. The final destination of the vessel would be Dantooine.

Captain_DeamoraDate: Wednesday, 20 Apr 2011, 6:48 PM | Message # 4
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"Sir, we're being hailed." Ali'Zarin looked up from the console he had been leaning over as he checked on the progress of the repairs. Many of the engineers had gotten a lot of the damage take care of. The largest of those problems were left for the Imperial Docks at Fondor or Kuat to deal with. As he looked up the holoimage of a woman appeared as he took his place in front of the holographic projector to speak with the captain. "I am Captain Deamora. It is a pleasure Captain Nelia. I request that you shuttle over to my ship so we may speak in person." With that he turned to his second in command who was handing him a data pad with the read out on Nelia's ship. He nodded before looking back up. "I will speak with you when you arrive. The main hanger deck has been cleared of all damage and debris." He then stepped away from projector. That was one thing he didnt get used to, the holographic projectors. He was much more comfortable with speaking to a person in person. That way there was no one off to the side giving them advice.

Ali'Zarin looked to the datapad in his hands before he headed towards the bulkhead, looking back to his second in command. "Lieutenant you have the bridge." The man nodded before Ali'Zarin stepped into the hall way and began to walk down to the turbolift. His eyes never leaving the datapad for a moment before he stepped inside and hit a single button. The lift quickly shooting down as it slowly and stopped at the hanger deck. He was waiting on one other person now, the General that was going to be in charge of all ground forces.

Though news had come to Ali'Zarin from Naval command that he'd be promoted to Line Captain for the rest of the mission. He could only hope though that the promotion stayed as he walked down the hall. The bulkhead in front of him opening as he stepped onto the hanger deck. His men working on the Tie Fighters and the pilots getting ready to redeploy as he stood and waited for Captain Nelia to board the Dark Whispers.

Imperial Navy
Alzarin Deamora
Black Ops Commander
Bella_NeliaDate: Thursday, 21 Apr 2011, 4:15 PM | Message # 5
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Quite the opposite to, Deamora, Bella hated meeting in person. There was a job to be done, and shuttling to the Dark Whispers seemed a waste of time to her. Before she could refuse and insist that there were more important preparations to be made, Deamora had already moved on. "Of course, Captain." She finally said, mere seconds before he dissapeared from the screen.

"Comm down to the flight deck and tell Mr. Jackson to prepare a shuttle. I will make sure this meeting does not last long." She said briskly before she started to leave the bridge. "Mr. DeSade, you are in charge." It was usual for her leave him in command. The Captain hadn't specifically chosen a second in command, but when she did, it would likely be Nigel. As she said that, the Captain turned on her heel and left the bridge.

In the corridor, an ensign met her with her coat and gloves. As she walked, she pulled the grey knee length dress coat on over her uniform, leaving the garment unbuttoned. Bella also pulled on a pair of leather gloves, smoothing the fingers as she tugged lightly on the wrists of the gloves. "Get on the holo and find me any information that you can about this Captain Deamora. I want Naval and any other military records, flight records, battles, everything. I want to know anything and everything about this man." She said to the ensign. With a small salute, he traipsed off to intel to find out what she had requested. She was sure that once he found the information, he would transmit it to the shuttle.

The shuttle would be sitting on the flight deck, workers bustling around it as she exited the corridor. "Mr. Jackson! " She called out as she strode towards the shuttle, her heels clicking on the metal flooring of hangar.

Bella Nelia
Captain of the Impavid
The Galactic Empire

Message edited by Bella_Nelia - Friday, 22 Apr 2011, 3:34 AM
Dax_HorraceDate: Thursday, 21 Apr 2011, 4:42 PM | Message # 6
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[ISD-I Wolfenstein]
[En route to Dantooine]

Upon the bridge, the crew worked hard to ensure that battle commands were not only being followed, but also to ensure that such commands were ready incase that a fight were to break out. With a datapad in his hand, General Horrace would continue to read up on the two Captains he was assigned to work with. Now being of a different branch of service, Horrace was inclined to let them handle tactical situations and movement. But if need be, Horrace was qualified to take command, though his only special orders of this mission, was to give him command of all ground forces that may be launched upon the planet of Alurion itself. Glancing up, he looked at the Navigator. "How long?" Typing away, the Navigator did not change his glance from the screen. "Within a couple of mikes, sir." Horrace would nod and continue reading his datapad.

Cal_JacksonDate: Saturday, 23 Apr 2011, 2:59 AM | Message # 7
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((Sorry for the delay, will have a profile up later today!))

"Hey, look at that big, beautiful man in his dress blacks!" shouted Captain Tomas Darcy. "Don't start with me, Darcy," he responded sharply. "Oh come on Major, you get a break from flying our coffins," responded the tall, lanky Coruscanti. "I joined the Starfighter Corps to fly starfighters, not be a bus driver. Unlike you, I prefer shooting craft down to being some big wig's chauffeur," he complained. The other pilot laughed, "But you get to fly the Captain, and hang out with her in her meeting with this brevet Line Captain wanker," assured his trusted friend.

"Okay, I guess you win that round. Any time spent that fine piece of a-" he said, interrupted by an enthusiastic "Mr. Jackson!" from none other than Captain Bella Nelia. "Captain!" he said, giving a salute. "Captain Darcy and myself were just talking about how much we are looking forward to flying you today," he said with a smile, and an unnoticeable, but sharp, elbow in the ribs from Darcy. "Shall we?" he said, with a raised eyebrow, and then swaggered walk onboard and into the cockpit. He also found it odd, and surprisingly sexy, that the Captain opted for the female version of the uniform, when so many women favored wearing the male version. Once the Captain was aboard the shuttle, they would lift off. "Shuttle AA-one-niner, you clear for exit vector. Remain at or below tops until clear," said the traffic controller. He follow his instructions, and once the Shuttle had descended out of the secondary hangar and headed towards the Dark Whispers, two TIE Fighter from his 27th Imperial Fighter Squadron and two TIE Bombers from Darcy's 393rd Imperial Bomber Squadron took up escort positions. After some time, the shuttle came into distance to the Dark Whispers. "Star Destroyer Dark Whispers, this is Shuttle AA-one-niner, carrying Captain Bella Neila, commander of the Star Destroyer Impavid, and Major Calvin Jackson, Flight Operations Officer of the Star Destroyer Impavid, requesting docking permission. Transmitting security codes, now." he said, now awaiting the response from the Dark Whispers.

Major Cal Jackson
Commander of the 27th Imperial Fighter Squadron
Flight Operations Officer for the Star Destroyer Impavid
Captain_DeamoraDate: Saturday, 23 Apr 2011, 3:17 AM | Message # 8
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A few moments later a voice crackled to life on the com of the shuttle. "Permission to land granted. Just watch the wreckage and mind your head. We've still got a few beams out of place, and some ties on the Deck that dont have a roost to hang in." The mans voice seemed more relaxed and laid back than many would expect of the head of flight control for the hanger. Then again many of the crew were that way from how they operated. They worked off the grid, a place where running everything strictly and by the books got you killed more than it saved your life. Ali'Zarin was silently waiting for the captain to arrive, one of the head mechanics approaching him in the mean time with a heads up on the damage of the hanger. Most of it fix, yet they had lost a few Tie fighters during the fight as well as brought back a couple that had been damaged from an internal explosion.

"Seems like everything's just getting better." The mechanic nodded at Ali'Zarin's brief show of inner thoughts before he motioned to the crates on the far side of the hanger. "Get those Proton Torpedoes down to the weapons storage and forward tubes. Have them on stand by and be ready to fire them on my order when we get back into the fray." The man nodded before Ali'Zarin head the sirens going off in the hanger bay. A heads up for the crew to get out of the way as a shuttle was coming. Ali'Zarin brought up the Datapad in his hand, taking a look before handing it off to an assistant.

It was always fun to see the reactions of the crews that usually arrived on his ship. More often than not, many of them seemed out of place and often became angered on their first few minutes on the ship when they weren't getting the salutes for their rank. About the only thing that really made Ali'Zarin stand out as the Captain at that moment was the escort of the Imperial Marines that stood on each side of him. Even then, their stormtrooper armor was far different than what you'd find on most Imperial Ships. Some even showing signs that they were original Mark II Kaminoan Armor from the Clone Wars. If no one knew better, they could claim the crew as a relic running a ship from the future. There he was though, doing his job out in the light this time as Ali'Zarin stood in front of the Shuttle, waiting for the boarding ramp to lower. His uniform unique and personalized just as much as the rest of the crew.

Imperial Navy
Alzarin Deamora
Black Ops Commander
Bella_NeliaDate: Saturday, 23 Apr 2011, 12:32 PM | Message # 9
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"We hardly have time for your flattery, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Darcy." She addressed them both, giving no more than a brief salute in return to each before she turned her attention back to adjusting her gloves. "This fine piece of ass has a meeting to get to. That was what you were about to say, was it not, Mr. Jackson?" Without another word, she boarded the shuttle and settled into her seat.

Bella pressed a button on the small console next to the seat and it lit up and her aide appeared on the screen. "I've found nothing on Captain Deamora, Ma'am. Not even a service record or a fingerprint."

"What do you mean there is nothing? If he works for the Empire, there has to be something, and I want it found, Ensign." She was not convinced that there was nothing anywhere in Imperial records about the Captain of the Dark Whispers, or even the ship itself. If it existed, it had to have been built somewhere, and there should have been records about that at least.

Thankfully the trip was short and uneventful, but she was not thrilled with the lack of information that had been gathered along the way. She rose to her feet and tugged the creases (which were not actually present) out of her uniform. "Mr. Jackson, I would appreciate your company for this meeting. I am not sure that I entirely trust this Captain Deamora. There are no Imperial records, as I am sure you heard, and that is a red flag in my mind." The Captain said as she finally turned her gaze to the cocky young pilot that she had chosen to head up the squadron of fighters for the Impavid.

Of course, she wouldn't force him if he did not wish to go. That was not the type of person that she was, Captain or not. A moment later, she cleared her throat and turned and walked down the ramp of the shuttle to meet Captain Deamora.

Bella Nelia
Captain of the Impavid
The Galactic Empire
Geoff-ColeDate: Tuesday, 26 Apr 2011, 7:05 PM | Message # 10
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Word traveled fast when negative happenstance befell members of the Imperial Starfleet. The news of a rebel with enough courage and gall, as well as the means, to assault one of the Emperor's Star Destroyers, the Marathon in this case. A fully-functioning Venator would be quite the mark to add to one's career, even if the capture and kill were not directly credited to Cole. That was at least how he viewed it. It had been some few weeks since he had spoken to Rainier Brandt concerning Senator Cambrist's Outer Rim policies and offered the services of his own expertly-qualified Captain Jeremy Brogan. Since then, word of Alurion's rebellion had come through many channels; indeed, it was quite the topic seeing as how an Imperial post-master had been seized. Cole thought this largely amusing in private, but he also viewed it as a possibility to match his captain against the chance that the Venator's commander might well come to aid the poor, under-armed and over-matched Alurion rebels. Perhaps it would not. Perhaps it would instead draw others. Cole could only guess. He was not the Moff of that sector though and, as such, could not take direct action. However, classifying missions as training and advisory status while watching other captains make war; that was acceptable.

It was for this reason that Jeremy Brogan, aboard the ISD Cloak, accompanied an EF76 Nebulon-B frigate and a single Carrack cruiser as fitting escorts, were en route to Dantooine, where they would gather intelligence from the local governor regarding the situation before proceeding to Alurion where, presumably, elements of the Imperial fleet would be dispensing just punishment to the rebellious people.

Geoff Cole
Moff, Abrion Sector
Controlling Shareholder - Dorvalla Universal Corporation
Dax_HorraceDate: Wednesday, 27 Apr 2011, 5:07 PM | Message # 11
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(Just skip me this time around)

Cal_JacksonDate: Sunday, 01 May 2011, 9:47 PM | Message # 12
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"Not a problem Dark Whispers. AA-one-niner, out." he responded on the comm before guiding the Lambda Shuttle into the hangar. He hadn't responded to the Captain earlier, so now was his time to shine. "Not a problem, ma'am. I like knowing what is actually going on anyways, instead of getting the woman-speak translation later." he said, in a light hearted jab, as they ascended into the secondary hangar.

Once they were landed, he stood up and walked into the passenger area."Captain, just for the record, I don't like this mission. Not meaning to be cliche, but I invoke my occupation hazard of a bad feeling on this one. Some faceless guy who doesn't exist, on a ship that was never built, crewed by unknowns." he said turning to press the button to lower the entry ramp, but turning for a moment before doing so.

"Frankly, if orders weren't coming from straight from High Command to work on this, I wouldn't believe these guys. This operation is too out there for Imperial black ops, and I've worked with a couple of those guys, running atmospherics." he said finally opening the entry ramp and descending down it with her. He would keep his sidearm at his side, due to his bad feeling.

Major Cal Jackson
Commander of the 27th Imperial Fighter Squadron
Flight Operations Officer for the Star Destroyer Impavid
Geoff-ColeDate: Monday, 02 May 2011, 0:43 AM | Message # 13
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The Cloak, the Valiant and the Dominator emerged some distance from Dantooine within moments of each other. The Nebulon-B, the Valiant, was the first to check in with all systems showing green across the board. The Dominator took a few minutes longer; her captain reporting a slight electrical malfunction among some of the vessel lighting. Brogan noted the problem in his own personal logbook and instructed the Carrack's captain to continue on. Now, with one vessel to either side of his ship, he considered the scene before him. There were a pair of Star Destroyers off the bow; quite some distance away, but one of them appeared to be modified. Slightly curious, for a pair of Star Destroyers seemed altogether unnecessary to subdue a backwater planet, Brogan magnified the view and narrowed his eyes, spotting the damage to the modified ship. She had certainly taken a nice bit of a beating.

"XO, transmit the standard codes and prepare me a shuttle. If the need arises, I plan to pay a visit and see exactly what is going on."

Geoff Cole
Moff, Abrion Sector
Controlling Shareholder - Dorvalla Universal Corporation
Captain_DeamoraDate: Monday, 02 May 2011, 0:59 AM | Message # 14
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As the ramp came down a small honor guard of storm troopers had assembled, although from the looks of it, one could say the honor guard was clone troopers. Their armor a reminder of that era, maybe they were though. The group of six, with three standing on each side to escort the arriving captain and her own escort. Two other troopers standing on each side of a man that waited. A datapad in his hand before he looked up, handing it off to his assistant. His uniform not really what one would call standard. From the few glimpses that the heavy over coat gave, it was a mixture of colors and designs. One could see though how a ship with its background would shape and craft a crew. From the captain down to the newest of ensign that was still finding his place. The Dark Whispers was a ship that didnt exist, and many of those ships that reported bad and lacking crew members, often saw the removal of them, only for the Dark Whispers to pick them up and turn them into something else. Into a crew member that was one of the best, and from the crew on this ship, it was widely held to heart that they were the best.

Ali'Zarin looked up as he watched the Captain begin her walk down the ramp, his soldiers already at the ready as they stood. He wasnt much for ceremony, yet he had to let his troops have the small things in life. He looked to both before he turned, not a single salute before he spoke. "This way please." Ali'Zarin had pivoted on his right foot, spinning in a half circle as his boot hit the deck of the hanger bay as he walked towards one of the many doors. The last of the damage on the inside having been finished just as the visiting Captain arrived. Ali'Zarin wanted to get down to business, and wanted to return to where the rebels ambushed him. He had a plan, yet it seemed that their reinforcements weren't fully there yet.

He lead the Captain and her escort to the bridge, stepping on as he stood before the large windows. An assistant approaching him as the second in command nodded and relinquished control of the bridge. The man was a bit more well dressed, often leading many to believing that he was the captain, only to be pointed to Ali'Zarin instead. Ali'Zarin looked to the Datapad given to him as he nodded and pointed to his communications officers, three ships having shown up and not even made contact yet. He stepped forward to get a better view out the viewing windows before him as he spoke.

"Unidentified ships that have just entered the system. This is Acting Line Captain Ali'Zarin Deamora of the Dark Whispers, identify yourselves immediately."

Imperial Navy
Alzarin Deamora
Black Ops Commander
Bella_NeliaDate: Monday, 02 May 2011, 4:18 PM | Message # 15
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"Woman-speak translation." She repeated as she eyed him for a moment. "Well, Major, I would expect you would prefer 'woman-speak' to 'locked in the brig for an undisclosed amount of time' speak?" She chided back before she turned her attention to her gloves again. The Captain would listen to him thoughtfully when he voiced his concerns and offered a reassuring smile, indicating that she wasn't entirely irritated with him. "I agree with you, Mr. Jackson. And I do not like being on this ship, nor do I like the idea of this man technically being in charge of my ship." If Calvin Jackson knew anything about her, he would know that if there was anything that seemed wrong to her, her ship and crew came first.

The lack of saluting hardly bothered her, in fact, seeing as how she had no indication of official rank for the Captain of Dark Whispers, she was unconcerned with addressing him formally or saluting in any fashion. She gave a glance to Cal out of the corner of her eye before she finally address Deamora. "Captain, I am sure you are aware that preparations need to be made in order to permanently crush this little rebellion on Alurion, so if we could get down to business so that Major Jackson and I can return to the Impavid, it would be appreciated." Bella still felt that this could have been done just as easily over holo.

Bella Nelia
Captain of the Impavid
The Galactic Empire
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