Periscope Up
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Auzdein | Date: Monday, 25 Jul 2011, 6:12 AM | Message # 16 |
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| Still ferrying supplies across from the ravaged vessel to his own small craft (what few supplies had survived, anyway), Auzdein was helping serve as a human conveyor belt of sorts, and it brought the ghost of a smirk to the left side of his face; moments of nostalgia bordering on flashbacks coming to him and passing visions and memories before his mind's eye of times not long ago when he had been the 'F.N.G.' in the mainstream military, doing much the same thing as he performed his 'boot' duties on 'working parties', as they had called them.
With the last of Tresk and Grist's desired salvageables aboard Auzdein's own ship, along with the two alien humanoids of a species he had never encountered before, the fairly wary traveler accepted this recent turn of events as something that would lead him deeper into the workings of this galaxy he had spent so much time exploring amidst drudgery, resistance, and cultural incompatibilities. It was a leap of faith, but it was time for it, and he always ended up taking them. Auzdein sealed the hatch behind them all, checked over the secured cargo and passengers who were tending to one another with his remaining medical supplies, and moved forward through his ship to re-assume the helm.
As he began to make the slow and careful separation back away from the Bothan ship, he noticed a large blip come into existence on his sensor array's G.U.I.. A left brow quirked; 'More twists and excitement?' he wondered half to himself and half to any gods that might be listening. Auzdein paused in his pilot duties, allowing his ship to drift for a moment as he assessed the situation, skimming over the digital read-outs of data streaming in about the far larger warship that had just appeared.
Auzdein von Schäfer Governor of Inisfree
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Netan | Date: Wednesday, 03 Aug 2011, 6:34 AM | Message # 17 |
Lieutenant colonel
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| The Imperial star destroyer had dropped out of hyperspace. Almost right away, the crew did the scanning of the area. "Two ships in the vicinity! One's a Barloz-class freighter. Another's an unknown design, but no doubt it's also a freighter." The officer shouted out at the Captain. Netan would lean his left elbow on an armrest, using his hand to rub the chin. He was wondering what two freighters were doing this deep in the space. The Outer Rim was well-known location for smugglers and pirates. That would be his first assumption. That they were smugglers meeting up and bringing in illegal stuffs.
The first thing Captain Halan did was to open a channel, using a radiotransmitter rather than a holotransmitter. A firm tone would be heard over the channel, "This is Captain Halan of the Iron Fist. Under the authority of Galactic Empire, you are ordered to shut down and prepare a boarding party." Netan ordered for both of the dual heavy ion cannon turrets to be aimed at each freighter. A squadron of TIE fighters, to a total of 12, would begin launching out of the hangar bay. They would head for the freighter, so they could do a standard flying in circles. Since there were two freighters, Netan decided not to use the Gamma-class assault shuttle. Instead, he sent out a couple of TIE boarding crafts. A pilot, along with twelve stormtroopers, would ferry inside each boarding craft.
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Auzdein | Date: Wednesday, 03 Aug 2011, 8:06 AM | Message # 18 |
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| Auzdein had heard about this force and its sizable ships but never actually come into contact with one up close in person. Its sight was a bit daunting, and he judged that any evasive maneuvers in his far smaller craft would likely result in being accurately blown to Hell; 'Spaced', as some called it. As the TIE fightercraft compliments began to fly out of their parent ship, Auz raised a hand of reassurance over his shoulder to his two new passengers. If they had a problem with the people coming, they'd better get their cover stories ready. As for Auz, he didn't care who had issues with whom, for to him, this was nothing but a random expedition into unknown cosmic 'waters'.
Responding to the radio transmission, he identified himself and his vessel, with a word of caution tacked onto the end: "Be advised, Iron Fist, the other vessel is severely damaged and, in passing, I have paused to pick up its wounded." He didn't bother elaborating that he didn't have any ties to those he had chosen to aid, nor that he had no idea what the truth about them really was, if they had lied to him at any point, or what the remaining contents and composition of their vessel were. Such questions were usually preferred asked in person, that body language might be weighed alongside any verbal responses. He had served in a military and its interrogation element before, so he felt sure such words would only be taken with a grain of salt until the trained authorities could inquire directly.
Slowing his ship to a 'dead stop', he let it float there in the great black ocean of Outer Space, waiting for the boarding party and watching the circling TIEs. Regardless of how he was assumed to be, he was interested at this first encounter with the Imperial Navy, and his eyes narrowed for a moment as a thought occurred to him; to ask about a name he'd caught wind of earlier in his travels.
Auzdein von Schäfer Governor of Inisfree
Message edited by Auzdein - Wednesday, 03 Aug 2011, 8:07 AM |
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Tresk_Veldan | Date: Wednesday, 03 Aug 2011, 4:13 PM | Message # 19 |
Group: Users
Messages: 7
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| (( Apologies for not posting on this before, I've been too damned busy the last few weeks. I'll have one up in a day or so, I promise. ))
Tresk "Winter" Veldan Bothan Spynet Operative
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Auzdein | Date: Wednesday, 03 Aug 2011, 4:47 PM | Message # 20 |
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| no worries. thanks for the update. glad i'm not the only one thrown a few of the 'busy' curveballs as of late))
Auzdein von Schäfer Governor of Inisfree
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Tresk_Veldan | Date: Saturday, 06 Aug 2011, 2:47 PM | Message # 21 |
Group: Users
Messages: 7
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| (( Finally, I have time to post. Go me ))
Imperial patrols were an unusual occurrence in this part of the Outer Rim, generally such lawless territory was considered unimportant and a waste of manpower to patrol... usually. Still, it couldn't be helped that they were here, now, and Tresk knew all-too-well that this was a situation that could go from bad to extremely ugly very quickly. Passing mention of the Star Destroyer's name was also a tad unsettling, the Iron Fist's captain had a reputation for ruthlessness throughout the Spynet. Grist had succumbed to his wounds; passing out from a combination of blood loss and anesthesia, and as Tresk set him down in the medical bay, he went to work preparing for the boarding party.
The freighter they had been adrift on was registered to a Captain Ventralis, designated a simple travel freighter with a flight-path indicating the ferrying of passengers from Tatooine to Rishi. All in all, there wasn't anything overly suspicious about it, the shuttle had indeed been a passenger shuttle that the Spynet operatives had commandeered (though it was highly unlikely that the Imperials could figure that out) and the overall damage to the freighter meant that it was not a threat to them in the slightest. Still, Imperial navy men had a propensity for bloodshed, and Tresk knew that he'd have to play the diplomat here, lest he be forced to combat a contingent of Stormtroopers on his own.
As he came up behind Auzdein in the ship's cockpit, he waited until communications had ceased between the two ships before speaking. "Auz-de-een, the Imperials have a tendency to shoot first, loot the bodies later; should they become hostile, what defenses does your ship have?" He said enough that Auzdein would, most likely, realize the gravity of the situation they were in, but it was best that he leave his status as an active operative a secret. He'd been betrayed before, and he wasn't about to let it happen again. "I do not recommend attacking them, that would be an exercise in stupidity, but if I were you, I'd be prepared to defend myself." He felt behind him to make sure his vibrodaggers were still sheathed underneath his jacket.
Tresk "Winter" Veldan Bothan Spynet Operative
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Netan | Date: Sunday, 07 Aug 2011, 11:41 AM | Message # 22 |
Lieutenant colonel
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Messages: 103
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| Indeed, the Imperials do have a tendency to go look for bloodshed. Especially someone like Netan. Another crewmember also did his job in checking the registry of ships. The battered freighter appears to be registered to a man whose occupation would be to regularly bring sentient beings from a place to another. There was nothing unusual about that. However, the part where it had sent a distress signal would be. Yes, the pirates and smugglers made a habit of attacking others in this area of space. The problem with that is, they wouldn't go after a ship simply carrying passengers unless...there were something or someone important onboard.
For this reason...and excuse alone, Netan's men would investigate. Soon thereafter, the tractor beam would be activated. The Imperials aren't going to bring both freighters in, at least not until they were investigated thoroughly. "Have the stormtroopers set their E-11s to stun. We need whoever's on the ship alive, so we can find out what happened to the freighter." The Captain spoke on the radiotransmitter to the TIE boarding crafts. The TIE fighters would distance itself from the tractor beam once it was activated. Meanwhile, one of the boarding crafts would make its approach toward the battered freighter in an attempt to harpoon.
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Shiva | Date: Sunday, 07 Aug 2011, 1:43 PM | Message # 23 |
Major general
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Messages: 386
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| (( If nobody has any objections, I'd like to pop in for a bit after you all post a few more times. My people are on the move to a certain other location at the moment, so they could drop in on the way. ))
Shiva The Shadowlord The Lightbringer Separatist High Commander (former)
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Netan | Date: Sunday, 07 Aug 2011, 2:29 PM | Message # 24 |
Lieutenant colonel
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| That's fine with me. Any objections from Auzdein and Tresk?))
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Auzdein | Date: Sunday, 07 Aug 2011, 4:10 PM | Message # 25 |
Group: Users
Messages: 30
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| ((sure thing, Shiva. jump right in))
Auz gave Tresk a look of both understanding and weariness. He was in no condition to fight, with his ship or with his body, and something told him one was just on the cusp of erupting between them all. Had he known more about Tresk, he would have felt a strong camaraderie with the Bothan, for both of them had led dangerous, selfless chapters of their lives. Had he not been such a stranger to the Imperials, just as much, he would have felt the same strong camaraderie with them. How ironic it was that trained and seasoned men such as these, having so much in common, might still come to wreak great havoc and disfigurement upon one another, simply because of the cards they were dealt, and the sides of the table they'd by chance ended up on.
Feeling the tension in his neck, back, and chest returning, and a twitch in his left leg, his weary expression increased, and he popped one of his pills to help alleviate at least that one aspect of their tumultuous situation, hoping it would kick in by the time they were boarded, and hoping that such medical predicaments would be understood by those about to execute that boarding. The tractor beam took hold, and he released control of the helm, leaning back in his cockpit chair and looking out through the window panels, trying his best to enjoy the rare show.
Auzdein von Schäfer Governor of Inisfree
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Shiva | Date: Monday, 08 Aug 2011, 8:37 AM | Message # 26 |
Major general
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Messages: 386
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| The solitary Theta-class T-2c shuttle dropped out of hyperspace, sixty kilometers distant to the massive Victory-II-class Star Destroyer and the shuttles, as well as the TIE fighters. There was a brief period, perhaps a minute and thirty seconds of silence and then an encoded transmission was sent from the shuttle before it turned and headed towards the Imperial vessel at a rather low speed. A moment or two later, a rather distorted distress message would be transmitted to the bridge of the Imperial vessel.
"Imperials... attacked... raiders... escort lost... carrying... dignitary.... help."
Shiva The Shadowlord The Lightbringer Separatist High Commander (former)
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Netan | Date: Friday, 26 Aug 2011, 4:45 PM | Message # 27 |
Lieutenant colonel
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Messages: 103
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| Once the first boarding craft had their clamps attached to the Barloz, a tube would pop out of the craft until it had reached the airlock of the freighter. A squadron of stormtroopers would move toward the airlock, with one using a hull cutter to cut a hole. After minutes of cutting, a hole opened up an opportunity. Twelve stormtroopers poured into the freighter so they would investigate whether there was something unusual or that the captain of the other freighter was telling the truth.
Meanwhile, the second boarding craft would have had clamped down onto Auzdein's ship by now. The tube would proceed to attach itself just as the same process went through. Once again, there was twelve stormtroopers waiting to get onboard. However, this time around, the stormtroopers would be a little more cautious. One of the stormtroopers would begin making a hole right between both ships so they could pass through. Both parties had already set their blaster rifles to stun.
Netan does have a reputation for committing atrocities. Even then, there's a fine line between being a madman and justifying the means to the end in name of the glorious Empire. He wouldn't have allow something horrible to happen to the freighters. At least not until they give him a reason to. Another twist would be thrown into the mix. While the stormtroopers were preparing to take in the freighter crew, another ship had popped up on the scope.
"Another ship had entered the system, sir! About sixty kilometers away!" The sonar officer would shout out to Netan. "I see it." That was all he would say, keeping his eyes on the ship. "A Theta-class shuttle from the looks of it." The sonar officer spoke, as the Captain simply ignored him. Then he had ordered the crew to aim a Borstel NK-7 ion cannon toward the shuttle. When the Captain was about to turn around in order to speak in front of the radiotransmitter, a distress message was sent from the shuttle to the star destroyer.
The message was distorted, though. Only a portion of the message would be heard. It sounded like someone had attacked the shuttle. It's possible it was done by a group of raiders. It doesn't seem they could get the whole package of the message from inside the bridge. They'd have to send someone over to inspect as well. This was turning to be rather interesting. In addition to that, it's possible that this wasn't merely a coincidence. The Imperial Captain doesn't believe in coincidences. Thus, the reason for the ion cannon trained on the shuttle. "By the authority of the Empire, I order you to power the engines down. We're sending someone over."
The next moment, the Captain had ordered for a crew to be assembled inside a separate hangar bay. Yet another TIE boarding craft would soon be deployed, in addition to a couple of Assault gunboats that's going to serve as the craft's escorts. Within few minutes, the boarding craft and the gunboats would leave the second hangar bay. It would take a little more time getting to the shuttle though.
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Shiva | Date: Thursday, 15 Sep 2011, 7:35 AM | Message # 28 |
Major general
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Messages: 386
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| The shuttle did indeed power down its engines, coming to drift at an angle from the Star Destroyer and listing off towards its port side. At that time, radio transmissions ceased. It would still take time for the gunboats and the TIE boarding craft to reach the shuttle. Added (10 Sep 2011, 8:17 Am) --------------------------------------------- Anything further here? And a note, Netan, the assault gunboat was not seen until at least 0 BBY. )) Added (11 Sep 2011, 10:03 Am) --------------------------------------------- (( Netan, I took a few liberties with your deployed craft list, namely replacing the gunboats with a pair of TIE fighters. I hope this is acceptable. ))
The Star Destroyer had already fielded one of its four squadrons of TIE fighters, as well as a pair of TIE boarding craft. These craft were busy with the pair of shuttles, however. To the crew of the Theta, the Star Destroyer had dispatched another TIE boarding craft and a pair of TIE fighters to intercept the distant shuttle, which was just outside the range of the Star Destroyer's weapons, at least for the moment. It was at this time that an encrypted hypercomm message was sent from the shuttle as it continued to drift for the moment, awaiting the incoming pair of TIE fighters and the boarding craft. Added (15 Sep 2011, 8:35 Am) --------------------------------------------- (( If I don't see a post here tonight, I'll post tomorrow on it. Netan, I sent you a message on one of your other accounts notifying you of this. ))
Shiva The Shadowlord The Lightbringer Separatist High Commander (former)
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Netan | Date: Friday, 16 Sep 2011, 5:50 AM | Message # 29 |
Lieutenant colonel
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Messages: 103
Status: Offline
| ((Yes, it's perfectly fine))
Captain Halan was getting a little uneasy for no reason whatsoever. Perhaps it's because when he had been doing nothing exciting when all of sudden the ships began appearing and sending distress signals. Perhaps it was a mere coincidence. The Imperial wouldn't take any chances, though. The ion cannon may be a little far out of reach in shooting the Theta down should he need to do so, but it was still trained just in case the shuttle came into range. That didn't take his focus off the two other freighters. He had ordered a welcoming committee to the hangar bay and prepare for both ships' arrival.
Twenty stormtroopers would soon fill the first hangar bay up, just as one of the men from each boarding party would detach the clamps and closed the airlocks. "Bring the freighters over here." He ordered, The boarding party remained on each freighter, and the pilots of TIE boarding crafts would break away from each. The boarding crafts, along with the TIE escorts, would put themselves to a minimum speed. They were waiting for the freighters to get into the hangar bay before going there themselves.
Meanwhile, the third TIE boarding craft and their TIE escorts would casually ferry over to the Theta. The fighters would begin circling around the shuttle, just as the boarding craft was about to use the clamps.
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Shiva | Date: Friday, 16 Sep 2011, 8:53 AM | Message # 30 |
Major general
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Messages: 386
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| By the time the pair of TIEs and the boarding craft made it within firing range of the Theta, the crew onboard were rather sure the hypercomm message had been received. Three things happened at the same time: the pair of quad laser cannons that fired forward had been in line with the TIE boarding craft opened fire in a sudden double salvo, sixteen blasts converging to strike at the hapless and unshielded boarding craft. Secondly, the high-powered rear laser cannon opened fire on one of the pair of TIE fighters that was currently in its arc behind it, hopefully taking the fighter unaware and destroying it. Third, the shuttle's engines kicked in, full power as it dove down relative to the other craft a split second after engaging its weapons. When able, the rear cannon would attempt to fire on the second TIE fighter as the craft rolled and headed back and away, furthering the distance between itself and the stationary Star Destroyer to throw off its cannons further.
At this point, another twenty kilometers distant, a single Munificent-class star frigate dropped out of hyperspace. The Sword had been stationed only a few light-minutes away from the shuttle emergence point; a tactic Shiva had been using to see if there was anything worthwhile in the system. In this case, it worked perfectly. The shuttle had transmitted back the targeting data necessary for the Sword to engage and as it came from hyperspace, shields up and weapons powered, it was only a moment or two before it fired. Its pair of long-range ion cannons were meant to engage at ranges beyond that which an enemy could do so, and in this case, out of range of the stationary Star Destroyer, it was a beautiful thing. It's prow heavy turbolasers, two to be specific, also had such range. Capable of melting an ice moon one-thousand kilometers in diameter or piercing the shields of a ten kilometer battle-station, they were a weapon to be feared and between the turbolaser and ion cannon initial strike, the Iron Fist might well be reeling in surprise.
The vessel would slowly begin the engage thrusters, just a tad, to advance slightly as it would fire again and then again as the capacitors allowed. On-board, the crew in the bridge were already dialing in their next hyperspace jump should escape become necessary. Comm jamming of the Star Destroyer would commence, outside of local, in-system calls, and the Sword's captain hailed the enemy vessel. "Imperial ship, power down your craft, surrender and abandon ship and you will not be harmed.
Shiva The Shadowlord The Lightbringer Separatist High Commander (former)
Message edited by Shiva - Friday, 16 Sep 2011, 8:55 AM |
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