It was a normal day, like any other day on Naboo really. The people went on their business, shopping, and tending to their own matters. Yet, it was a day that would be one to remember, a day in which a single group of people were about to give the whole of the Galaxy a beacon of hope. All across the planet of Naboo the holoscreens began to flicker, the regular showing messages being interrupted by something for a moment. In that time a Gungan appeared on the screen, the being clearing his throat before he looked at the recording device before him as he began to speak.
"People of Naboo, I am General Bar Tenko, a Gungan that one served with the Gungan Grand Army in defense of Naboo against the Trade Federation. The time has come that we stop being peaceful and act upon the threats that are being levied against us by the Empire and their agent of terror and destruction they send to this planet, General Relius. Today I give this, a sign to the people of Naboo, and the Galaxy, that we will not stand by and allow this rape of Freedom to continue."
Declaration of Resistance in the name of Freedom
"We, the Gungans of the Planet Naboo, do this day send forth this Declaration to Brigadier General Relius and to all sentient beings in the Galaxy, to make clear to all the Purposes and Goals of this Rebellion. We firmly acknowledge the importance and necessity of the institution of Freedom. We accept that all must subjugate themselves to a Government, giving up certain rights and freedoms, in return for peace, prosperity and happiness for all, yet when it comes to the point in which that Government sends those such as General Relius to forcefully strip us of our Freedom, and to bound us into Slavery merely for not being Human, then it is made clear that our resolve will be put forth to ensure our Freedom and show as a guiding beacon to others that they too must stand to protect their own freedom."
"We believe that all beings of the Galaxy are endowed, by their own creators, the right of Freedom. We believe that, should the rights of free beings be willfully and malignantly usurped, it is the unalienable right of said beings to alter or abolish the Government that has decided to spread a Tyrannical hand under the false belief of its righteousness."
"Today, the Gungans of the Planet Naboo bring forth this Declaration of Resistance in the Name of Freedom. We stand here as a beacon for those that wish to fight, yet are frightened to do so. We face an enemy that far outnumbers us, that stands as an iron wall, yet this is not the first time that we have done so. The Gungans have stood against such an Iron Wall before, in the Year that the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo. The Gungans stood up and fought against the Trade Federation, we fought against their machines of slavery and destruction, we fought side by side with the people of Theed to show the galaxy that Freedom would survive and thrive, and that those groups like the Trade Federation would fall beneath their own injustice. Stand with us beings of the Galaxy, look to our stand against General Relius as a sign of Hope for the rest of you. See that this day, this day of Declaration of Freedom, that we stood strong, that we would not shy away from this fight. That if we die, our ideals will forever ring in the ears and swell in the hearts of those that hold Freedom close to themselves as we do to ourselves. Stand and fight, Stand and Fight the tyranny that the Empire sends. Shout out that they may send a thousand more like Relius to you, and you will stand in the name of Freedom."
"It is this day that we stand and fight! It is this day that we show that the Empire's Tyranny has no sway over us, that the fear the Emperor must us for lack of his own power is all that he has to keep us in line. We will stand and fight, we will stand as a beacon, we will voice our courage and hope, and we will instil in the enemy a fear of Freedom that is so powerful they will cower at the mere mention of our names. Today is the day that we fight, today is the day that we stand tall and shout out that we do not fall this day. This is not the day for despair! Today is the day for FREEDOM!
Signed By the Leaders of the Gungan Resistance
General Bar Tenko
Major Gadnek Tenko
Major Po Ban Ceel
Major Tinsa Marsune
Major Wulli Kukkels
When the last words were spoken, the screen remained on the now stoic General Tenko who stood silently with the Majors of his Regiment. He wasnt afraid to hide his face. He knew that the Empire would use it to send bounty hunters and to put a price on his head, yet, that's what he wanted. He wanted his face to be seen, he wanted his Majors to be seen. He wanted the Galaxy to see the face of those that would stand against the Empire with such courage that they would not shy away and keep their faces hidden. The image on the holoscreens remained as such for a few more moments before they returned to their normally scheduled broadcast, leaving the people of Naboo to sit and think on the words that had been said. To ponder on the hope of standing against the Empire. The words that showed those across the galaxy that they were not alone in standing against the Empire.