((I was supposed to post last night but I got too tired. I'll try to get it up tonight. Thank you for your patience.))Added (14 Sep 2011, 5:32 PM)
Captain Jed Mann, a soldier that's in command of Telosian Security Forces, had just closed the case on a group of people selling stolen goods on the Black Market. It had sent the Telosian Security Forces on a wild bantha chase, and a huge headache for Jed himself. They had finally apprehended the local mastermind behind all this. This case, along with a few others, had taken him several weeks to complete. With nothing else happening, and finally a break for the Captain, he was about to leave his office when something else had happened.
He was in his usual yellow and white Telosian military uniform. The man reached for his coat on a nearby coat rack inside his office, when a secretary opened his door without even knocking. That was an indication of something that went awry. "What is it now?! It better be damn important." His tone was somewhat gruff. The secretary cleared her throat for a moment before speaking. "It is. There's been reports of an attack by two battle droids. By the looks of it, a B1 battle droid strapped on a STAP each. They're firing on civilians." Jed would grumble, "Separatists." That was the first thing that came to his mind.
The secretary left, and Captain Mann would dispatch nearest patrol speeders to give a hot pursuit to each STAP. Soon enough, a squad speeder would be attempting to catch up with one of the STAPs. Same would happen for the second one. The next thing that happened would be that the Captain dispatched the Special Response Tactical Unit teams to block off all the entrances and exits for the city of Thani. Then he went ahead and contacted the local commander of the Imperial garrison of the current situation, coordinating with him in efforts to subdue the supposed Separatist attackers. Captain Mann didn't like the stormtroopers and their officers very much, but that was the process of the system and he had to abide by the laws.
The second last thing he did was making an emergency session on the HoloNet that's on a planet-wide broadcast. The man stepped on the podium, "I'm Captain Mann, of the Telosian Security Forces. I urge all civilians to stay in homes for your own safety. The TSF are going to coordinate with the Imperials in efforts to subdue the attackers. Please remain calm and stay indoors until we say otherwise, and follow instructions to your local authorities. Thank you for your cooperation." The man stepped down on the podium. He went back into his office to leave a message to Senator Fowlkes of what was happening, before going back to coordinating with the Imperial forces.