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Struggling for Survival "Heroes Are Born"
JintaJidanDate: Monday, 02 Jan 2012, 3:15 PM | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
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Nine years is a long time but for one Jedi it’s been a nightmare having to change his identity to change his life to not use the force to use the old ways having the identity of a bounty hunter was good for a short time but it was only good for about a few months this Jedi was about to set up an account to get himself some coin money to progress his current situation but his plan of gathering up the other fugitive Jedi was never going to stop him he just needs to find a new way of finding the fugitives perhaps going back to the old resources like Bail Organa the Senator of Alderran perhaps using his knowledge of what has happened since the time of the rise of the Galactic Empire till now he will be able to lend a helping hand in the grand scheme of things he could see this plan going on two sides either Organa will agree to see him or he will dismiss him, but for this plan to work he will need to get through the front door as it were first he needs the audience of Bail Organa that is his first goal.



Jinta looks at his instrument’s as he comes out of light speed within his two year old freighter as he looks to Alderran a place he has never been too before but he is familiar with it is strange to him but he hopes he can seek an audience with Senator Organa as he comes within the system he notices the planet ships passing in and out of the planet it reminds a little bit of several planets he has visited so many years ago he freighter passes through the atmosphere and he notices the pristine landscape of this planet he then receives information of landing procedures from several docking bays as he lands his freighter he realizes that finding Bail Organa won’t be that hard what will be hard is seeking the audience with the busy Senator.As his freighter powers down he notices security is pretty tight with his ramp lowering down he stands up from his seat he grabs his cloak and places it on and flips the hood over his hood as he grabs his lightsaber and place’s within the secret side of his cloak then walks out and is met by security who looks at his credencials they check him out and asks if he has permits for his freighter he shoes his information and then is allowed to park for three days only he nods his head and walks away. After An hour he makes his way to the Palace of Alderran their he looks at the site and notices heavy guard he wonders is Bail Organa is within these walls he will soon find out as he walks within the halls he comes up to a secretary and he walks up to the desk.
“yes id like to seek an audience with Bail Organa it’s about a plan to get rid of the Galactic Empire”.

Message edited by JintaJidan - Monday, 02 Jan 2012, 3:16 PM
Avadrie_volFyrDate: Friday, 06 Jan 2012, 11:21 AM | Message # 2
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The secretary looked at the cloaked man who had rather brazenly walked into the palace and not only had he demanded to see Bail Organa, but had mentioned out loud, quite publicly about it being a plan to get rid of the Galactic Empire. However, perhaps luckily for Jinta (or perhaps not), the secretary with whom he had spoken was also in the employ of a one Lady Violet. It was known that Senator Organa was less than sympathetic with the Empire, and so Lady Violet had seen fit to place someone somewhat close to the security minded Senator in case something like this occurred.

The secretary looked at Jinta for a few long moments, as if she were deciding what to do before she made her decision. She took out a piece of paper and scribbled a set of coordinates on it and then slid it across the desk to the man.

"Do everyone a favor and keep your mouth shut about stuff like that in the open. Are you trying to get us killed?" She

The coordinates were to an isolated sector of space known as the Zamael system, located within the Deep Core.

"Broadcast your ship as the "Withering Husk" when you arrive at the coordinates, and someone will meet you there."

Lady Avadrie volFyr
Senator of Empress Teta
Defense Committee Member
JintaJidanDate: Friday, 06 Jan 2012, 12:07 PM | Message # 3
Lieutenant colonel
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It was possible that he said his statement out loud that was not his intention he takes the piece of paper from the young secretary and opens his cloak to reveal his Jedi robes and tunic along with his lightsaber as he does he looks at the corodinates and looks towards the name of it he wonders if this is somewhat of a trap he walks around the desk of the this young secretaries and looks at her from under his hood and then decides to whisper but why whisper its not like their are Imperial forces watching him and even if they are its just going to be over looked as a crazy man but then their is always that two percent of voices who hear actually get killed he thinks about it and then walks away from the desk as he heads for the doorway to take him back to the elevator which will eventually take him back to his frieghtor but this secretary gave him what might be a trap he senses the force as he tilts his head to the right as he is near the doors of the palace to the outside as he cant see the future he does see the path from which the corodinates are givent o him but these are merely shadows images really nothing more. Opening his eyes he turns back around and walks up to the secretary and whispers directly to her.

"with all do resepct to these corodinaes that you have given me"

"mind telling me in a more discreet location exactly who you belong to"

he flashes his hand directly over her face perhaps using the force will intice her to tell him more of what he wants to know although by him doing such things someone will be able to exactly tell that he has force capabilities but that is the risk he must take in order to find out all this secretary knows about in order for him to fill in the pieces to also make sure he isnt flying into a trap.
Avadrie_volFyrDate: Friday, 06 Jan 2012, 12:18 PM | Message # 4
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Lady Violet had been trained in a watered down version of the ancient Krath religion to be sure, but as illusions and mind altering effects were the hey day of what she had been taught, she had an understanding that those she put into her employ might be tested by others in such a fashion. The secretary of course, was susceptible to the Jedi's mind trick and would nod politely under the influence of the Force,

"Of course." And then the secretary got up and led the man to an unoccupied office, and once he had stepped inside and she shut the door behind him she told him 'who she belonged to'.

"I've been hired by Lady Violet to keep an eye out for people such as yourself who oppose the Empire...Especially Jedi Knights such as yourself." (as he had revealed his customary Jedi attire and weapon). The woman seemed to pick up on the Jedi's natural hesitation that he was walking into a trap (and perhaps he was, just not the traditional kind)

"She wants to overthrow the Empire, just as you do." The secretary added.

Lady Avadrie volFyr
Senator of Empress Teta
Defense Committee Member
JintaJidanDate: Friday, 06 Jan 2012, 1:39 PM | Message # 5
Lieutenant colonel
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Jinta follows the secretary to the the inclosed office their he listens to her speak to him about this Lady Violet he walks over to the table to where their is a chair he removes the hood from his head as his greyish white hair flows down and he then opens his cloak full as his mind trick has worked to his atvantage as he places his hands on the headrest of the chair he looks towards the young secretary who has given some of what he has wanted to know but their must be more to this why her why to go see this Lady Violet, was he that obvilious to her.

"so who does Lady Violet repersent which underground rebellion does he belong to"

"and what is it to me if i go to these corodinates you have given me who will be there once i get their"

he looks down at the piece of paper to the corodinates he realizes that the corodinates are to a system in the outer rim territories close to imperial grounds he wonders if this might be a trap he waves his hand infront of her face once again knowing that he is in his right to do so as he does he wants to know more about what he has gotten himself into all because he wanted to see Bail Organa.

Bail_OrganaDate: Friday, 06 Jan 2012, 6:08 PM | Message # 6
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Bail was high above the events down below, in his personal living space of the Aldera Royal Palace. The secretary's interference left him unaware of Master Jidan's presence, however were the Jedi to reach out, he would feel the Senator. He was in his office within the living space, with the door closed. Winter and Leia playing in the main room could be heard, albeit very faintly by him, and only when it was dead silent. He had stepped out of much of the Empire's politics over the past year, although he was now regretting it. He seemed to have an ability to silently move debate in one direction or another. He had enough regard that his colleagues respected him, and was loyal enough that the Emperor counted him amongst "friends"; his true nature was far different. The Cantham House meetings, covert rebellion, shadow support of resistance movements. Mon Mothma would be proud, were she around him anymore.

He knew of a way to get ahold of her, the Woman in the Brown Cloak; whom he had on holo at the very moment. "... and what of a more, shall we say, public voice?" he asked her. She shook her head, "I've tapped Mical de Crion for that duty, however he has yet to respond. I'm hesitant however, due to the similar appearance of the both of you. It could help gain us support, certainly, but also draw increasing attention upon you," she spoke in her modulated voice. He laughed lightly, " All Mical needs to do is speak and the difference is instantly recognizable to anyone with a pulse. Are you sure he is the best choice, though? While he was still in the Senate, during our meetings on Coruscant, he was always opposed to any form of military opposition." It was a comment which caused pause in the Woman, but she finally spoke. "I believe that he, like many this past year, has had his eyes opened to the true nature of the Empire, and may be more willing to join our cause than before," with a conviction in her voice, despite the modulation, that left him nearly convinced. The conversation went on, soon to move on into the various resistance movements, both active and soon to be, while the scene downstairs unfolded.

His Serene Highness, Prince Bail Organa
First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan

Senator of Alderaan
Avadrie_volFyrDate: Saturday, 07 Jan 2012, 10:03 AM | Message # 7
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The coordinates weren't to a system in the Outer Rim. The system was in fact located in the Deep Core. If Jinta thought that the were to an Outer Rim world, then it was simply because he had lost his sense of direction or understanding of the galactic grid system - Zamael was a Deep Core world.

"Lady Violet is the leader of her own movement, sir." The secretary answered under the influence of the Force.

"And I don't know who will be there, that's all I was ever told to do - if I saw someone wanting to fight the Empire, to send them there to meet with someone from Lady Violet."

Lady Avadrie volFyr
Senator of Empress Teta
Defense Committee Member
JintaJidanDate: Tuesday, 10 Jan 2012, 1:30 PM | Message # 8
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Upon further review Jinta looks back down towards the corodinates written on that piece of paper his mind slipped those corodinates that were given to him were not in the outer rim he turns over his right wrist which has a remote galaxy map projection screen fixed into his forearm plate he turns it on the holographic image pops up and he sets the corodinates into the little computer at the moment he looks the image pops out and he notices that the corodinates point him to the deep core he tilts his head up and then realizes that the both of them not not alone within the room their is another person here but not here its like hes watching from a distant window.

"your right on my little map the location you gave me is within the deep core"

as he speaks to her in a low tone but then he looks up as the ceiling in the room is massive he notices their is a dark figure at one window watching their conversation he turns around and grabs his lightsaber from off of his belt and holds it in his right hand then turns around and looks at the secretary then just as he has his lightsaber within his hand he puts it back upon his belt he realizes that would be an act of hostility and he doesnt want that he instead looks carefully at the secretaryas he shuts of his holographic imager and then walks over towards another door and leans up against it in a rood kinda way.

"so if i go to these corodinates that you cant say who will be their because either that you dont know or even if you do telling me would probably get you killed i still came here to visit with Bail Organa so i'll take these corodinates under advisment but id still would like an audience with Bail"

"you hear that Bail"

he looks up at the ceiling around and see that dark image and he looks directly at the secretary with a gleem in his eyes that would drive fear into anyone else and that is what he is trying to go for.

"Bail" he roars in a higher pitch voice but not loud enough that everyone only loud enough that Bail could hear him within the wall or through a pane of glass

"id like an audience with you since you are watching our conversation with your peeping eyes we have something to speak about and it deals with Alderaans safety as well as yours"

Jinta waits for the answer and he wonders at this moment if the secretary believes hes a crazyed lunatic or just some old fashioned Jedi knight who hasnt been on the level since the betrayel nine years ago which the plain truth would be both are quite correct.
Avadrie_volFyrDate: Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012, 10:17 AM | Message # 9
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(I'll post later today hopefully. I have completely lost my creative spark at the moment, and I want this to be a long going, exciting thread so I don't want to do shortshift it.)

Added (11 Jan 2012, 10:17 AM)
The secretary indeed thought he was something of a raving lunatic, and was having a hard time at the moment wondering why Lady Violet would want someone who appeared to be quite stark raving mad involved in her burgeoning efforts. However, she was being well paid to not wonder too much as that. Something for Jinta to perhaps consider as he continued to wildly call out for Bail Organa, and openly speak of defying the Empire and the whatnot, that if Lady Violet had agents within Senator Organa's office - it was indeed probably, if not more than likely that the Emperor had willing eyes and ears present as well.

Suffice it to say, it was not terribly wise for Jinta to be putting himself, the secretary, and Bail Organa himself in great danger by being so open with his intentions.

"You're just going to have a little faith, sir." Was all the secretary could offer in response to the wildman's ravings.

Lady Avadrie volFyr
Senator of Empress Teta
Defense Committee Member
JintaJidanDate: Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012, 2:10 PM | Message # 10
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Jinta pushes the secretary aside and opens the door with his right hand as he steps outwards he realises he was quite forward with his ramblings and perhaps he has put Bail in some danger he decides to perhaps to go back to his frieghtor their he will sleep on his decision either to stay on Alderaan to seek an audience with Bail organa or to input the corodinates into his navigation computer and head to the deep core to Zamael to then transmit the whispering husk through his communicator, but that if he chooses to leave if he doesnt what will happen will Bail acknowledge him will Bail even meet with him those answers are still unanswered.

Jinta flips the deep blackish geen hood over his head and it now shadows his face from everyone within the palace he closes his cloak turns around stares at the secretary and heads out from the palace down a long outstretch hallway and then out of the palace itself he finds the elevator he came on which then takes him to the public transport from their a short ride and then the transport drops him off back to his frieghtor he notices it hasnt been fined as of yet which is a good thing. he preses a few buttons on his left wrist computer module and the shields to his frieghtor are down the rmap lowers and he walks aboard their he closes the ramp as it shuts into place he walks through the tight corridor of his frieghter and into the communication relay he places the corodinates that were given to him by the secretary into his navigation computer as he removes his clook and hood and catches up on his mail. he also grabs the holographic imager that holds the image of his fallen friend Taizen Sai as he places it on the cold hardened surface of the table the image shows the duriel site only he take a seat and makes himself a cup of joe he wonders when Bail will get in touch with him. He would like to know that before he makes his biggest decision.
Avadrie_volFyrDate: Friday, 13 Jan 2012, 4:30 PM | Message # 11
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After the raving lunatic Jedi had left the building, hopefully to make his way to the Zamael system - the secretary went back to her desk and began packing up her small amount of personal items. The Jedi's antics had made her realize that she was going to need to get out of town, lest someone more loyal to the Empire (or at least well paid) decided to turn her in for consorting with the Jedi who had been brandishing his lightsaber hilt about and talking openly of sedition.

She hoped that whoever Lady Violet was, she knew what she was doing - but she also doubted that Lady Violet would be expecting a crazy Jedi to show up, of all people. With that thought in mind, the secretary left the building and made her way to a more non descript part of Alderaan, to lay low for a while.

Lady Avadrie volFyr
Senator of Empress Teta
Defense Committee Member
SoapDate: Monday, 16 Jan 2012, 8:39 AM | Message # 12
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A 3-Z light freighter had emerged out of hyperspace. The I&D signature that it was giving off would be dubbed "Corellian Pride." Inside it was two salkies, domesticated kath hounds, and the lone human known as Soap. Although, he wouldn't use his real name or even the nickname when flying upon a civilized system. The Empire surely would have a bounty on his head, so that he can be brought back to court martial for desertion. There was something...or someone he need some help with. The man did not have many friends within the Empire, so he couldn't exactly trust an Imperial to find someone he needed to locate. After some time of prying some information out of a Rodian smuggler inside the infamous cantina on Mos Eisley, he was told that there might be someone on Alderaan to help out.

His tone was deep and firm, a very typical one for that of a soldier...or a former soldier, for that matter. "Corellian Pride here, I'm requesting a landing clearance."

~Ex-elitist soldier and current deserter
JintaJidanDate: Tuesday, 17 Jan 2012, 3:55 PM | Message # 13
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Jinta woke up on board of his frieghter the shasook the name of his frieghtor was given to him by a smuggler while he was assuming his other idenity Joe Rieker the word of his frieghtor is unclear to him but its a name and as his three day landing permit sits in the balance he looks upon the galaxy map at Zameal within the Deep Core he charts the galaxy map for however long it will take him and with his communication relay set to any channel he picks up a transmission from a ship called the Corillian Pride he senses something ilusive in the force perhaps the person or persons on board that ship could help him but he has no way of prooving that he has become a threat to Bail Organa because he didnt handle himself in the correct way and then given those corodinates by a simple secretary of Lady Violet seems dangerous but Jinta thinks perhaps their is something more to these corodinates perhaps their is a trap being set up for him he will not go as of yet, for now he stillw ants to meet up with Bail Organa perhaps he knows of somewhere to go to fight the Empire in an indirect way.

Jinta stands up and dresses himself not with his Jedi robes but with the baught Manda'lorian armor set he picked up while on Tattooine once dresed he grabs his sleeves cloak and then his half fitted helmet and places it over his head perhaps a different look will benifit him in meeting with Bail Organa as well as this person he felt within the force the person who is on the Corillian Pride, he walks over to his armoury and grabs not his lightsaber but his blaster which is within his holster and wraps it then clicks it around his waist he then grabs his jet pack and clicks it to his back then with his gear set up to his liking he clicks the button for the ramp as it lowers he emerges out into the daylight sky of Alderaan and heads for the location of where the Corillian Pride will land perhaps an informal meeting with the person in charge of that ship in his timeline.
Marek-BountyHunterDate: Friday, 20 Jan 2012, 10:05 PM | Message # 14
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After completing his last bounty for the Hutts Marek finds himself on yet another bounty only this time its for a Jedi Fugitive Jinta Jidan, he thought it would take him several days to find several sources of information for the right price but it was a stroke of pure luck while he was on Alderaan to actually see his main target walk right by him, as if he had no care in the world the bounty will be easy pickings he thought as he decided to follow the Jedi Knight right until he walked into Alderaan's Palace. After what seemed like hours and from his vantage point he saw and again tailed the Jedi back to his ship. Once the Jedi was in his ship Marcus would have the advantage he would be able to get his target. Several hours pass and the steakout of the Jedi ship has left Marcus with little to go on it was a stroke of luck for this Jedi to walk right by him, and now he waits for the right moment to strike as he has done many times before, he watches from a distance to see that his target is on the move. Marek decides to follow him to see where the mark his mark will elad him hopefully he will learn more as to why he is on Alderaan and when is a good time for him to strike he would prefer it was in an inclosed area it would make his capture less visable then the others he has done that way he wouldnt have to deal with the Alderaan authorities as well as anyone else who came into his way.

Message edited by Marek-BountyHunter - Saturday, 21 Jan 2012, 11:35 AM
JintaJidanDate: Tuesday, 24 Jan 2012, 12:50 PM | Message # 15
Lieutenant colonel
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Jinta now realizes that he might have put Bail Organa in danger just as he put himself in danger he realizes this as he walks from his frieghtor to a secure transmission station to tap into the frequency thus sending the Corillian Pride on a landing platform next to him its the only way he feels that he can get to see who is exactly on board the ship and perhaps this man or woman can help him with the business at hand of getting other senators like Bail Organa together to have a Rebellion as it were against the Galactic Empire all parties of various worlds all together in one cause to systematically wipe out the Galactic Empire from both political office as well as fleet status now he knows that will take time it will also take time to find senators and or soldiers with their dislike for the Empire.

Jinta then taps himself with his wires into the communication screen and then finds the frequency for the corillian pride their he jamms the signal so that only the Corillian Pride will be able to hear him and not the Alderaan security he has a way of doing it he has done it many times before he then takes a peak over to his right as he senses their is someone also in the area either spying on him he must be quick at it.

He takes the microphone and places it within the communication relay then speaks into it as if he was a Alderaan planetary officer allowing himself to calm down taking himself out of being a jedi and acting the role of someone else isn't easy for someone who is has been on the run for nine years but he hopes this works out he then turns to his right again and looks at the landing information for what his frieghtor is landing pad AA-45 so then AA-46 is open right next to his frieghtor the perfect oppertunity to meet this person.

"Request cleared to land on landing pad AA-46 Corillian Pride, Welcome to Alderaan"

Jinta then makes sure the signal has gotten through pulls out all the wires that he has made makes damn sure the terminal looks like it has never been tampered with and then walks away from the terminal after a few moment he wonders if what he has done has gone through he hopesit has but one can never tell he looks down at the time frame he has left on his landing pass two days left to go and its still quite early in the day one day done two days remain he then checks the amount of credits he has and he has a lot but he could use more how he exactly plans to get more he doesnt know.

The only thing he does know is when the Corellian Pride lands near to his he will have to put on his best game face as well as to be not as loud or he might lose another one to his lunatic rantings he does through however still want to meet up with Bail Organa perhaps he can bug the Palace and watch the man from a distance like he has done to other senators int he past he would however have to be cautious when he does so to use older Jedi frequencies would be too risky perhaps frequencies of a bounty hunter would do the trick but he will have to put on another disguise to get close to the Senator to actually bug him like a pin of somekind that will help him he can only wonder if the person on Corellian Pride will help him in his cause.

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