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A Soirée at Chandaar
Senator_OrdanDate: Friday, 02 Mar 2012, 2:05 AM | Message # 1
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The Lambda-class shuttle "Palatine Dream" emerged from hyperspace, painted in broad sweeping colours identifying it as a truce vessel and one of Anaxes, its transponder likewise. The Captain communicated to the diplomat aboard as they made a scan of the system (normal arrival procedure) "Envoy, we have arrived at Chandaar."

The envoy opened a diplomatic comms line to the Chandaar control "Chandaar, this is Envoy Sir Henry Siveral of Anaxes, we wish to enquire if you have implemented the motion required by the Ordan-North Act into law?" he said as the shuttle kept an open line containing all data to the rest of the fleet lying off in deep space.

In the background the communication channel from the fleet could be heard by the Cronese.. Strangely it was the sound of chatter and an orchestra tuning up.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Robeir_XXIIDate: Sunday, 04 Mar 2012, 12:55 PM | Message # 2
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The envoy would receive a simple message.

1. Any Vessel attempting to blockade Chandaar will be viewed as Hostile
2. Any Vessel attempting to prevent vessels from leaving or arriving at Chandaar will be marked as a Pirate vessel and will be deemed Hostile
3. Chandaar will protect itself from this hypocritical blockade
4. Any Vessel attempting to prevent the freedom of movement of the people of Chandaar will be marked as hostile.

Head of the House of Cron
Ruler of the Cronese Mandate
Senator_OrdanDate: Sunday, 04 Mar 2012, 1:53 PM | Message # 3
Lieutenant general
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The following message would be transmitted, with rather less brevity. "Young man, I request you give the following message to your superiors from the Government of Anaxes, your stated proposals for action would prove highly detrimental to your sector." he clicked transmit and broadcast the following message on all diplomatic and news frequencies. Subtly, the shuttle had also probed the system and established the location of all static and mobile defences present, dispatching them to the fleet (no jamming was stated).

"To Whom It May Concern,

Citing the authority of the "Ordan-North Cronese Capital Blockade Motion" which authorises "a full blockade (comprising the stoppage and seizure all non essential goods and vessels inbound and outbound) of the capital world of the Cronese Mandate (Chandaar) until such a time as all Cronese forces are withdrawn from Caluula and the following statement is issued and made law in the Mandate or six months has expired." with the full force of Imperial Law.

Thus as the Cronese Mandate has refused to adopt the required statement into law, the fleet of The Axum Interest Protection Squadron and those of selected allies will follow the "call" and "authorization", explicitly stated in the aforementioned motion and enact a blockade within the parameters stated by said motion and allowed by Imperial Law.

Every consideration will be given for the lives and well being of the citizens of Chandaar and the Cronese Mandate, we warn attempts to break said blockade will be met with minimal force and confiscation of vehicles and cargo attempting to break the legally authorized blockade.

We hasten to add that any violence done or attempted on the vessels of the Interest Protection Squadron or it's allies will result in a reciprocal use of force (so far as it does not engage the lives of civilians past an acceptable level) up to and including the demolition of any or all military assets present if it is required in this case.

This course of action is truly regrettable, and in order to demonstrate our concern for the people of Chandaar we announce a one hour period during which you may clear your airspace to assure civilians remain safe. We aim to conduct a firm chastisement of the Cronese Mandate but to do so fraternally and with regard to the local citizenry.

Applications for exemptions for inbound or outgoing (to be granted for essential supplies and in emergencies) to the Blockade should be filed with the Chief Interdiction Officer's Office aboard the IPS Eagle, relevant comm protocol will be transmitted presently to allow easy contact from local shippers. Unless in the event of an emergency, exemptions should be applied for no less than 24 standard hours before departure or arrival at Chandaar. All inbound and outbound vessels will be interdicted before reaching the world and maybe inspected.

If the Cronese Mandate or Chandaar Government do wish to contest the Blockade they are welcome to choose a region of space away from static defences and civilian traffic in order to conduct a formal and honourable contest of arms so that we might test our metal without endangering non-combatants. Both are cautioned that assault on ships lawfully and peacefully enforcing Imperial Statute may have significant and lasting consequences within the Empire as well as on the relations between the Mandate and other worlds - with war being the ultimate possible consequence.

Furthermore, the Cronese Government should note that aboard the IPS Eagle (Tector-class) Deck 24 and 25 will be hosting dignitaries and observers of this blockade and so is urged not to direct it's fire upon said section of the hull (which is located well away from tactically significant systems). Also, a number of media vessels and probes will be present (they will prominently be marked with media transponders and the paint jobs of their various news networks) and so you are encouraged also not to fire upon these unarmed observation vessels which are under orders to remain out of the combat area.

The Axum system recognizes that if this situation does regrettably erupt into conflict all the protections and conventions recognized under The Protection of Civilians in Conflicts (IP) Act, The Protection of Medics in Conflicts (Inter Planetary) Act and all other relevant Legislation as well as the normal rules of moral conduct during military conflict - it also calls upon Chandaar and the Cronese Mandate to assert it's commitment to the same.

The blockading vessels will arrive presently, and the blockade will commence in one standard hour and thirty standard minutes. The Government of the Axum system strongly urges the Cronese Mandate to see sense and use this time to apply the provisions required by the Ordan-North Motion to local law as this will avert the regrettable conflagration which might take place if the coalition led by the Axum System imposes the law.

Should the Cronese Mandate refuse to comply and we are forced to implement a blockade, we call upon them to allow our officers, crewmen and marines to partake in shore leave on Chandaar, to help give some stimulus to the local economy and show that despite the problems which exist between our Governments over law enforcement, we are all ultimately brothers and citizens under Imperial Law.

Yours Sincerely,

Hubert Ordan
Senator of the Azure Sector, Foreign Minister of Anaxes, Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron, Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee, Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers, Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes, Autocrat of Selgon, Owner of Azure Durasteel, Systems Admiral (Retired), Imperial Navy &c

Speaking on behalf of the Axum System and it's member worlds, it's allies and colleagues in the enforcement of Ordan-North Cronese Capital Blockade Motion."

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Nick_NeolightDate: Sunday, 04 Mar 2012, 6:04 PM | Message # 4
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[Acherin Space]
[Aboard the ARS The Blood Patriot]

Colonel Neolight and his accomplice, Captain Dragg, whom was one of the few fortunate Aeeq refugees to come to Acherin, to get recognized for his position as an officer in the former Aeeq Military, was placed under Colonel Neolight to learn from him. From their shuttle, they stepped onto the Acclamator-II Class Assault Ship The Blood Patriot, one of 3 ships in a coalition fleet that was tasked with conducting a legal blockade. The two Acherin Military Officers, both from the Black Hand Unit, would make their way through a wave of salutes as they entered the repulsor lift that would take the two all the way to the bridge. As the door closed, Nick would look down at Captain Dragg.

"To update you on the situation, Captain. I've just received word that we are to get the ships in position to jump. We are part of a multi-coalition tasked with ensuring peace ans stability in the Emperor's galaxy."

The Captain would simply nod in agreement as the lift went up. Pulling out a data-pad, Colonel Neolight would hand it to Captain Dragg for his review. Of course the good Captain was just recently assigned to Neolight's care on a temporary basis, but the good Colonel promised to make the Aeeq Captain more intelligent while underneath him.

"Uh, sir... it says here that we are to power up our weapons before we jump?..."

Confusion, typical for most officers that never left the safety of their front office. Naturally, Neolight would step in.

"That is correct, Captain. We are going into a somewhat hostile area. We do not want to be seen with our guard down. Plus you have to factor in the fact that these are the Cronese Mandate we are dealing with. Reports say they are an un-disciplined bunch whom do not share the Emperor's wishes for peace and stability in the galaxy. That is where the law, and a few patriotic leaders come into play."

As Neolight finished, the doors would open to the bridge and the two would step out. As the bridge was called to attention, Colonel Neolight would acknowledge them and instruct them all to continue what they were doing. Taking their rightful spots, Colonel Neolight would look over the crew.

"Alright gentlemen, I want to ensure the following are established:

1. Ensure our weapons are powered up and on stand-by.
2. Coordinates to the meeting spots should already uploaded and our engines should be warmed. I want to ensure we are not late for the party.
3. In the event of a evacuation from the area is given, ensure that the proper coordinates are in set. Losing ships is not part of the plan.
4. I want eyes on the scanners at all costs to ensure that we let nothing slip past the blockade.
5. High motivation.

The Aeeq Captain would chime in after Colonel Neolight.

"Ensure that the following 2 ships are given the same information as well."

Looking at him, Colonel Neolight would nod in approval. As the orders were followed, the final preparations were being made to ensure that the ships had everything they needed for the mission. Forgetting something at this point would not be acceptable and the following individuals would be punished for it. Over on the DP20, they would ensure that their guns were powered and that their ships engines were warmed. As for the GR-75, the technician would program the Anti-Air drones for combat, providing it information given by Axum Command. Once the drones were programed, the GR-75 would report in as green. With all ships green and ready to go, the Colonel would instruct a message be sent to Axum Command on a secure channel.

"Ensure Axum Command is aware of our ability to move at any moment." Colonel Neolight would command as they all awaited to flick the switch.

Colonel Neolight
Acherin Black Hand
Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Sunday, 04 Mar 2012, 6:34 PM | Message # 5
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General Mann of the Telosian Security Forces had sent both CR70s to the secret coordinates that was sent to him by Senator Fowlkes via Captain Vald. The man had placed Captains Severin and Falloon in charge of both the Pride and the Defender. Captain Severin was a Chiss that left the Unknown Regions for some unknown reasons to eventually be settled on Telos IV. Captain Falloon was a Twi'lek that was freed by Tremaine himself, of which originated from Ryloth. Both corvettes would make a jump out of hyperspace at precisely the same time. Both ships were flanking each other, One flew by the left side, another by the right side.

They were told to escort a Venator and a couple of corvettes from Deralia, and a couple from Axum. Both Captains would order their bridge crew to begin eminating their I&D signature to ensure that they weren't hositilities. However, because Captain Severin had more experience in military, he would be the mission commander for the Telosian forces. The Chiss would have a channel open, as an image of the man would appear. "This is Captain Severin of the Pride. We were sent by the Telosian Security Forces to assist in the blockade procedures of Chandaar. Come in."

Both ships did their own scans of the area to see if they could pick up their assigned escorts' signatures. Meanwhile, the weapons were being prepped up in case they had to depart for Chandaar in a hurry.

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Alyn_StarkDate: Tuesday, 06 Mar 2012, 4:53 AM | Message # 6
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Not far from where the Anaxian shuttle had emerged and was now likely holding steady, a second vessel emerged from hyperspace. Unlike the shuttle, this was a very different craft, if close in size at least. Appearing quite outdated, it was an Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport, the AIAT/i variant, to be precise, and it instigated its own system scan at this time, maneuvering away from the shuttle. Scans of this particular craft, both passive and active, would find themselves quite unable to peer beneath its exterior, likely from some form of jamming device.

There was a few moments of silence as the scans initiated and then over the open communications, a deep voice gave ownership of the vessel. "This is private yacht Flame of War, here as an observer for the blockade of Chandaar by invitation, attending on behalf of Lord Alyn Stark of Lorrd."

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
Jacinta_IbáñezDate: Thursday, 08 Mar 2012, 0:26 AM | Message # 7
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After some time of contemplation, and allowance of the proper diplomatic communication to occur, the Deralian government, and the Ops, postponed their goodwill tour of the Tion Hegemony. This time also allowed time for the DP20 Gunships Aesculapius and Triumphus would be able to join her in the edge of the Saheelindeel system, at the very border of the Cronese Mandate. At this moment, in fact, were the Ops to move even a meter forward, it would be breaching Cronese space. Jacinta had not left the bridge, other than to sleep; she was even eating meals from her command chair. She wasn't going to put it past the Cronese to attempt a "preemptive" strike against them, despite any planned and announced entry being along an interstellar trade lane, thus ineligible to their claims of sovereignty. It bothered her that despite that fact, the Cronese had stated that they would consider her warship's entrance into the Mandate, even though it was on a hyperspace lane and not technically in their space, an act of war by her government. She was confident she could best any attack made against her, but she still didn't like the bellicose atmosphere she was about to enter.

She was thinking upon the Cronese, when a Lieutenant approached her. "Ma'am, our gunships have arrived," was what broke her thought, and embrace of the aroma of her cup of green tea that her nose had been hovering over for a good five minutes as she had thought. She nodded to him, "Thank you, Lieutenant. Have the crew prepare for hyperspace jump and have the gunships form up on our flanks; oh, and raise Commander Argiolas, Colonel Dimas and First Captain Vernengo to the bridge, please" Her Executive Officer, Wing Commander, and Marine Detachment Commander respectively, were all off ensuring their respective divisions were prepared for combat duty now that they were an hour into being informed of their divergence from plans, with Commander Argiolas ensuring the gunners were particularly ready. When the varied officers were on the bridge, and at their respective station, she rose from the command chair and walked to the communications station. "Inform Captain Vald of our readiness, and that we are en route to the rendezvous point." Once they had confirmation of the message being sent to the Anaxsi commander, she moved over to the holoprojector towards the rear of the bridge. She inserted a datacard with the briefing she had prepared when she received Captain Vald's operational plans, and began to orate as the image displayed gave the appropriate prompt.

"Under our command will be our ships, as well as two CR70 Corvettes, with Vanguard c20 retrofit suites, from the Telos Security Force and two Assassin-class Corvettes from the Anaxes Interest Protection Squadron. Our role is, upon entry to Chandaar, should we be engaged, to engage and destroy the 101st Mandate Fleet; our friends from Caluula who retreated at the sight of us and the Auril Irregulars. I expect the same response here, although it is their capital, so they might actually put up a fight. We need to be ready for that. If they are not present, though, and we are engaged, then we are to attack, in descending order, targets of tactical relevance and strategic importance. Any big ships they have, will be primary targets if this is the case, followed by carriers, and then capital combatants, followed by everything else. I will establish the target in this scenario. We are to board and capture wherever possible, so Captain Vernengo, be prepared for pod deployments. One standing order that was stated is that, any static defenses are to be ignored and avoided until all naval opposition is eliminated. Should the Cronese not engage, we will not do so in kind, and proceed to simply establish the blockade under Anaxsi direction; any combat will see the previously stated strategy used. Should the Cronese attempt to shelter their fleet through their static defenses, we will also not engage them. Colonel Dimas, all fighters will launch upon arrival at Caluula to join a joint fighter screen against the enemy's fighters." she said. Once all of them asked their questions, and they had been answered, they began their deployment

The flotilla jumped into hyperspace, along a trajectory suggesting they were continuing their goodwill tour that had been publicly stated. First they jumped back towards and did a brief formation fly-over of Saheelindeel, following which they seemed to jump for Dellalt, where trade negotiations were underway with the Tion Hegemony, however they would never arrive. In fact, were the Cronese Mandate's Office of Strategic Services looking, the Deralian ships would be nowhere to be found in Tion Hegemony. A half-hour, and a couple of re-directs, later, they were in formation at the meeting point of their forces, arriving mere seconds after the Telosian vessels, enough time to hear the Telosian Captain's message. He would be given data on the battle plan and the formation their task force would use, which placed their DP20 Frigates at their current position, one on the flanks of the Venator, at forward quarters of the ship, a kilometer above the actual ship, and a kilometer out. The Assassin-class Corvettes from Anaxes would be ordered into a similar position, but below the plane of the Venator. The already present Telosians, however, would be placed in-line with the the other escorts, but on the plane of the Venator and a kilometer ahead of the ship's bow. This allowed their fighters optimum room to deploy, gave said fighters coverage for deployment, and gave good forward coverage of the Venator, allowing their gunnery crews, at arrival, to be more concerned with the flanks and rear of their formation. It also gave them an optimum attack formation, allowing the escorts to engage immediately, and providing all vessels with a clear line of fire.

Captain Jacinta V. Ibáñez
Commanding Officer, HDMS Ops
Senator_OrdanDate: Thursday, 22 Mar 2012, 5:20 AM | Message # 8
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The Diplomatic Shuttle would beat a very hasty retreat, having served it's role as a spy for the Interest Protection Squadron.

The Axum Interest Protection Squadron Force, with soiree underway on it's Tector's deck 24 and all drinking a solemn toast "To the Empire and the Blockade" with a glass of the finest wine as they jumped. The force would come out minutes later at the empty region of space within the system specified. Fighters and bombers were all dusted off momentarily (having been pre-prepared for launch) and shields and weapons clicking on throughout the fleet, in the pre-discussed formation.

"Cronese Forces, please stand down and allow our legal blockade." spoke Ordan from a lectern by the velvet curtain fringed Transparisteel viewing windows on Deck 24, a laugh was audible across the communicator to the Cronese forces. A squadron of TIE fighters streaking past the window in formation (with according screaching sound effects).

"Operation Patriot Shining Freedom Glory is underway, gird whatever needs to be girded Ladies and Gentlemen!" Ordan said, addressing the fleet and turning to the command lectern which targets were displayed and prioritised on. Bidding would begin for the chance to be the lucky individual to be the Gun-Captain of one of the mighty Quad heavy turbolasers on the main firing terrace several decks above.

Martial music began to sound from the Orchestra as a nine gun salute was fired to each allied force from some of the smaller turbolasers. If any Cronese ship did attempt to intercept the flotilla it would be engaged, with the Tector-class and the two escort carriers firing a "shot across the bows" of the Cronese Navy, the Tector with a Triple medium turbolaser and the Escort Carriers with a missile each.

"Any Cronese vessels heave to and prepare for boarding" a voice would announce from the Bridge of the Tector as it cruised lazily towards any large cronese assets which proved threatening while staying away from the space stations. The fighters forming a protective screen as it moved in concert with the forces from Acherin.

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Nick_NeolightDate: Thursday, 22 Mar 2012, 3:21 PM | Message # 9
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[Cronese space]
[ARS The Blood Patriot]

When word was given, the Acherin ships assigned to the blockade would make the jump to lightspeed. It was during their time in hyperspace that the crews would get themselves mentally and physically ready for the possibilities of battle. Colonel Neolight and Captain Dragg would stand on the bridge, looking at a holo of the visual of the projected plan.

"When we get there Captain, be mindful of what is going on. One day... President Tu'Rot may decide to send you. Use this as a learning tool."

Captain Dragg would nod.

"Aye, sir."

The crews would keep themselves motivated until it came time to exit lightspeed. Once they did, the viewports were lined with the planet Chandaar, as well as multiple warships as well. Nick grinned some as he always hated being late, but it was not the fault of anyone here. He simply did as he was told, nothing more. The ships would move in formation, with the GR-75 take up a position slight ahead of the Acclamator's right side. The DP20 would fly in front of both ships, positioned in the middle but a little bit higher then the rest of the ships. As Axum fighters would form around the fleet, Nick would look at the Communications Officer.

"Ensure the techs on the GR know that those fighters are friendly."

The Comm Officer would nod.

"Sir, they are being listed as friendly right now, as well as the rest of the allied ships and fighters being sent here."

Nick grinned.


Colonel Neolight
Acherin Black Hand
Alyn_StarkDate: Thursday, 22 Mar 2012, 5:24 PM | Message # 10
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On board the Flame of War, which was technically anything but a private yacht, being instead a highly customized war vessel for its size, the solitary pilot engaged the engines smoothly, taking a distant stance from what was sure to be an upcoming battle. Despite his warrior blood, he was here as an emissary for Lord Stark. He did not fear scans from ships, for his own was blocked against such, and he did not fear being fired upon, largely because he'd fire back and his distance made him an observer. Switching on the cameras and recording devices on the ship, he leaned back and prepared for a marked lack of excitement as the Anaxian forces began their advance.

Alyn Stark
Lord of Kinyov
Senior Captain, Retired, Republic Navy
Head of House Malos (former)
Licensed bounty hunter
Majority shareholder, Lorrd Engineering
Owner, Stark Defense Conglomerate
Civilian Medal of Honor recipient
Representative, Lorrd (10 BBY-9 BBY)
LomenRyuunDate: Thursday, 22 Mar 2012, 7:54 PM | Message # 11
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The EF76 Nebulon-B frigate Tornado arrived suddenly as well, quite some distance to the rear of all the larger fleets. The comm officer broadcast the message to the Axum protection squadron, identifying the frigate as the current personal transport of Senator Ryuun of Druckenwell, who had come to view the blockade. Ryuun himself was on the bridge, and the ship deployed its two squadrons of TIE fighters for defense, if needed. Ideally, as they'd come as noncombatants, they would not have to fight.

Lomen Ryuun
Senator, Doldur Sector
Senator, Druckenwell
Representative, Monor II (10 BBY - 9 BBY)
Representative, Geridard
Representative, Boranall
Representative, Therenor Prime
Vice-chairman, Defense Committee (Temporarily suspended)
Controlling Shareholder - Druckenwell Arms Corporation
Jacinta_IbáñezDate: Saturday, 24 Mar 2012, 9:30 PM | Message # 12
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The Deralians, upon launching all hyperspace capable fighters, which consisted of two squadrons each of ARC-170 Starfighters and Clone Z-95 Headhunters, as well as a squadron of BTL-B Y-Wing Starfighters. The Z-95s and Y-Wings were a new addition to the Ops, replacing their previous complement of Alpha-3 Numbus-class V-Wings, which remained in service in the racks of the modified DP-20 Frigates the Deralians fielded, as well as a orbital defense fighter; the change had been made once High Command made a performance review and determined that the V-Wing was redundant to, and not as able as, the V-19 Torrent Starfighters already on-board, and better fire projection could be made with the new fighters. It also gave them further force projection with more hyperspace capable ships.

The Deralian-led task force dropped out of hyperspace "along side" the Anaxsi-led task force, if along side could be defined by a distance of several kilometers. Plenty for maneuvering room, but close enough that each task force could, for the time being, provide fire support to one another. Captain Ibáñez would hold this position, as they began scanning their sensor feeds for an ID on the 101st Cronese Fleet; upon identification of the 101st, she would move to obtain an intercept course. Otherwise, she awaited the Cronese response, and partially, the Anaxsi lead. It was largely their show, and she wasn't about to seem unprofessional in her leadership, and she also didn't want to appear timid. Now was the time for a true test of the Cronese declaration that the entrance of a Deralian vessel into Mandate space constituted an act of war, and what exactly their response would be. As they did their search for the 101st, the intelligence team was also at work at prioritizing military targets, and identifying what exactly could be brought to bear on them.

Captain Jacinta V. Ibáñez
Commanding Officer, HDMS Ops
Senator_OrdanDate: Sunday, 25 Mar 2012, 11:30 AM | Message # 13
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The Telos IV forces would form up with the Deralian forces, they would consist of 2 Vanguard-C20 CR70 Corvettes and would move alongside the Deralians as they approached along with the Anaxes Assassin-class Corvettes.

(Tremaine cleared me to RP the Telosians, in future posts I'll RP them in the same post as the Axum Forces. Carl, you're clear to post.)

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle
Robeir_XXIIDate: Sunday, 25 Mar 2012, 12:42 PM | Message # 14
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(I'll post when it's necessary, so it's safe to say that any Cronese ships at Chandaar are stationed at the two space stations orbiting the world, and the others are at the edge of the system, no where near the ships blockading the world, so they cant be boarded and taken.)

Head of the House of Cron
Ruler of the Cronese Mandate
Senator_OrdanDate: Sunday, 25 Mar 2012, 1:33 PM | Message # 15
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As we stated full scans were made can you please detail the number and disposition of the ships and stations. Otherwise it will just be "attacks generic unnamed cluster of ships 1" - Doesn't make good fleet RP as Fleet RP needs detail. Cheers! Jamie))

Senator Hubert Ordan

Senator of the Azure Sector
Foreign Minister of Anaxes
Captain-General of the Azure Interest Protection Squadron
Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Worshipful Master of the Most Loyal and Honourable Company of Blockadeers
Archtreasurer of the Vault of Pols Anaxes
Autocrat of Selgon
Owner of Azure Durasteel
Systems Admiral (Ret)
Order of the Canted Circle

Message edited by Senator_Ordan - Sunday, 25 Mar 2012, 1:34 PM
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