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A drink now and again isn't a bad thing
Kso-DashuneDate: Saturday, 02 Feb 2013, 7:47 AM | Message # 1
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Osseriton. Not the most pleasant of worlds, but not the worst either. The Hemes Arbora didn't make for bad hosts, nomads as they were, and their cantinas on the world served well enough for any man to come and drink. As Da'shune examined the drink in the glass before him, he wondered idly how they made it and what exactly was the mixture before taking a swallow. Dressed as he was in a rough-and-tumble spacer's uniform with his weapons slung about himself, he blended in easily with the folk of the cantina. Not a soul present here could mark him as the Presidium of the Independent Hapan Nation; if anything he was just another spacer who looked practically like any other Human offshoot or similar type.

The IHN was growing, he reflected as he set the half-empty glass down on the pitted wooden table before him. The Nagai and Faruun that had put their fortunes in alongside the IHN had been beneficial allies, and the O'reen, despite their reservations, had provided the Hapans with a trade outlet. Even the world the IHN had claimed for their own was being tamed, slowly but surely, even as Hapan scouting parties tried to find a better world to make into the IHN capitol.

This wasn't to say there hadn't been setbacks. The Unknown Regions were a place of danger and far more intrigue than some would assume. The Chiss were a race that the IHN had met, briefly, but kept their distance. Other creatures, such as Mnggal-Mnggal, were terribly dangerous and the IHN had already exterminated a small outbreak before learning its true instigator; learning had come at a price, but they learned fast.

K'so Da'shune
Presidium of the Independent Hapan Nation
LiaricDate: Sunday, 03 Feb 2013, 2:00 PM | Message # 2
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In recent weeks, Osseriton had seen an increase of CEDF teams. The cantinas were seldom visited by the Chiss, but were occasionally graced by those of notable rank. Their presence, no matter the establishment, was usually welcomed by intense, inquisitive stares. However, attempts to socialize with their enigmatic race, were far and few between.

Adorning their standard black uniforms, and charric weapons, the CEDF Officers made their way into the bar area. There were three males, known to visit from time to time, accompanied by a female that had not been seen before. They took to their own table, and spoke amongst themselves in Cheuhn, the difficult language of the Chiss. It was known to be a beautiful language to listen to, if anyone had the opportunity to hear it.

At one point, the female stood up, smoothed her hands over her tightly fitted uniform, and departed for the refresher. When she returned, she walked back toward her table, whispered something to one of the men, and then walked away. He arched a single brow, and watched as she took a seat at the bar. It was unclear whether her action had bothered him. The Chiss were difficult to read, for they often maintained a stoic front.

A half empty glass sat in front of her. She took a moment to assess where it came from. Once she reached her conclusion, she used the back of her hand to nudge it toward Kso.

Message edited by Liaric - Sunday, 03 Feb 2013, 9:42 PM
Kso-DashuneDate: Tuesday, 05 Feb 2013, 7:53 PM | Message # 3
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Chiss. As soon as they entered the cantina, Da'shune felt more alert. A slow, easy movement saw his sidearm, a gun of command, untapped and ready to be drawn. Here in the Unknown Regions, such a weapon was a rarity; as rare as seeing a Chiss weapon in non-Chiss hands.

When the female sat next to him and pushed the empty glass in front of him, Da'shune simply glanced at her with a raised brow. Chiss arrogance was legendary, and the stories he'd heard were corobberated in the single movement. Moving slowly with his left hand, he reached across himself and, with a finger, nudged the glass back towards her. It wasn't far enough to end up before her, but rather between them in the narrow empty space.

"Another drink," he said to the barman who wandered over to see what the Chiss officer wanted. In all probability, Da'shune reflected, continuing to drink was a bad idea. The Chiss had no love of outsiders and a Hapan was as about as much of an outsider as one could get.

K'so Da'shune
Presidium of the Independent Hapan Nation
LiaricDate: Tuesday, 05 Feb 2013, 10:03 PM | Message # 4
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A blue-silver hued hand shot out, meeting the glass just as it came to a stop. Her slender fingers toyed with the glass, rotating it in place as she thought about what she wanted to drink. As the Hapan asked for another drink, she slid him a sideways glance before turning her attention towards the barman. "Make that two" she said, her accent rather strong, making it clear that she did not converse in Basic often.

She flicked her wrist back, releasing the glass from her hand, returning it towards Kso once more. A pair of red eyes finally settled upon his face, committing his features to memory. The Hapan's impression of her race was not far off. In terms of personality, the Chiss often displayed a cold, arrogant, and disciplined behavior. Liaric possessed all of these traits. She was cautious, as any of her kind would be when in the company of outsiders.

"Vel'iari'csapla," she said, extending her right hand towards the Hapan. Though the Chiss showed a cold lack of emotion, they were a highly civilized species, and were not above being polite. She chose to give him her full name, instead of her core name. Core names were traditionally used by close friends. An exception could be made to outsiders, in the case that an outsider had trouble pronouncing Chiss full names.
Kso-DashuneDate: Monday, 11 Feb 2013, 4:31 AM | Message # 5
Group: Users
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Damn. Perhaps he had managed to drink a bit much. As she pushed the glass back, he clumsily deflected it with his elbow, causing it to wobble and then tip over with an almost musical sound. Only last minute quick reflexes kept it from falling to the floor and shattering. That put him off to a good start.

He was a little surprised, or perhaps more than a little, when she offered name and hand. "Vel'iari'csapla," he sounded out her name as he reached to take her hand, "K'so Da'shune." If there were no issues, he'd greet her handshake with one that was equally firm but not overly, pump twice and then release. He hadn't missed the look her friends had given her when she'd come over though. At best case, he hoped the male Chiss weren't the overly protective sort. At worst case, well, he had the feeling that in his present state with no real friends around, he might be in a pickle.

K'so Da'shune
Presidium of the Independent Hapan Nation
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