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Darwin, Kaylie, and Artie in trouble
Darwin_SkyDate: Monday, 18 Feb 2013, 10:30 AM | Message # 1
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The crew (which only consists of Darwin, Kaylie, and Artie) were inside the cockpit, with the light freighter inside hyperspace. They were trying to look for allies, and Nar Shaddaa was the place to do it. However, the planet is still all the way to the other side of the galaxy. There were still a lot of trip left to go, and Darwin was already itching to get out and look for people that would willingly take up arms against the Empire. The Jedi knew the crew would have to be careful as not to attract unwanted attention, especially when it comes to the Empire. He would be able to deal with the stormtroopers if they hadn't employ a tactic that meant overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers. That's okay, because he was hoping to work with freedom fighters that was used to dealing with multiple opponents at once. That was what the Libs sounded like, and he wanted to go look for them in order to help them one day remove His Majesty and his kath hounds from the galaxy. 

However, something began to go strange. The YT-1300 light freighter had dropped out of hyperspace long before the Hutt Space. He pulled his feet from the controls and sat up, looking down at the console to see what went wrong. It was the hyperdrive motivator, which was strange considering both Artie and Kaylie had checked on them constantly. A rapid beeping went off from the console, indicating that the motivator was leaking to a point where they couldn't return to hyperspace travel. The Jedi would let out a loud groan, "We can't return to hyperspace. Let me look over where we are currently, really quick." He would look into the console, and it wasn't good news. Darwin turned his attention toward the cockpit, and saw a planet in sight. "We're in the orbit of Taris." 

At least the ship's I&D signature wouldn't be recognized by the Empire, at least not knowingly owned by a Jedi and his companions anyway. "Artie, send in the landing clearance and follow whatever projected path the docking authorities would lay out for us." The young Jedi gave an order to the astromech droid, as the droid gave off a couple beeps in compliance. He gestured for Kaylie to follow Darwin into the main galley. That was the moment Darwin put his personal lightsaber inside one of the inside pockets of his usual jacket, as well as strapping in a D18 pistol around his belt. The pistol was more of a show, he wouldn't use it unless his lightsaber somehow got lost. He spoke to Kaylie, "I wonder if the Lower City is still placed under siege by the Imperials." The Jedi recalled an article on the HoloNet mentioning that the Imperial authorities had managed to keep the Lower City under siege due to the gangs' feeble attempts at rebellion. "If that's the case, then we're going to have a hard time getting off world. People of the Lower City are our best bet on getting off this planet."

He explained to Kaylie while the light freighter were making its way toward docking bay number four.
Kaylie_WintersDate: Monday, 18 Feb 2013, 4:52 PM | Message # 2
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Kaylie was remarkably unconcerned about the hyperdrive, less so than she normally would have been at least.  There were other things on her mind, and nothing was more important to her than that.  "Yeah uhm....Taris?  Sure?  Maybe?"  The girl said distractedly.  "Wait?  Why land there if we can't leave?  I can fix the hyperdrive good enough to get to the station we were heading for."  She said, frowning some. 

The point was that Kay had no desire to stop on a planet that they possibly might not leave.  She was in enough trouble as it was and this was going to be a risky endeavor, and he knew why. 

"Darwin...will it matter if I say I don't want to go?"  It likely wouldn't as they probably needed a part, she knew that without even looking, but she was going to try.
Darwin_SkyDate: Wednesday, 20 Feb 2013, 11:38 AM | Message # 3
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The tiniest part Darwin did not know about the Lower City was that over time, it would undergo a major reconstruction. Compliments by Governor Tarner of Taris, any potential of having an ally among the Lower City may disappear. The Jedi wouldn't realize that until the crew set afoot on Taris, but that didn't mean potential of being resourceful would disappear. Even if Darwin allows Kaylie to stay, it wouldn't do her any good. He shook his head, "If you want to stay on the ship, you can. But if we split up, we have less chance of getting off this planet." That was the moment the light freighter broke atmosphere, and landed onto the docking bay number four. Artie would then release his grip of the controls, and left the cockpit. Darwin would hear a series of beeping from Artie. The astromech droid wanted to go with the pair. After a few moments of consideration, "Yeah, you can come with me."
The Jedi turned to look at Kaylie, "Don't worry. He's tougher than he looks. Artie did fight alongside me throughout the Clone Wars, after all."Artie chirped happily, feeling proud of Darwin's confidence in the droid's abilities. He leaned in to kiss the lady, one quick kiss. "Are you coming with us?" The Jedi asked Kaylie. This wasn'the Clone Wars, and the clones weren't backing him up. He was touching afoot on a hostile world, and would need as much help as he could get. Another reason Darwin allows Artie to come wth him was because the ship may be confisicated if the Imperials ever find out the ship was owned by a Jedi.
Kaylie_WintersDate: Wednesday, 20 Feb 2013, 3:47 PM | Message # 4
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Kaylie sighed and shook her head.  "Just let me get my jacket."  She muttered before she disappeared into their quarters to retrieve it.  There were only a few things in the galaxy that she wanted to do less than being stuck on a largely Imperial planet, though this ranked pretty high on the list. 

The girl pulled her jacket on as she walked back out and looked to the banged up old droid.  It was no secret that the two barely got along.  Somehow, the droid had his own opinions and they usually clashed with hers.  Sometimes he was right, sometimes not.  Just depended on the situation. 

"Let's get this over with then."  She said as she walked past the both of them and down the ramp.
Darwin_SkyDate: Sunday, 24 Feb 2013, 6:05 AM | Message # 5
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While Kaylie and Artie doesn't get along, the Jedi firmly believes in free will. He believes in free will so strongly that he allowed Artie to develop an unique personality. Darwin would notice Kaylie walking past Darwin and Artie down the ramp, moving to touch the ground. The trio would have to be careful if they wanted to get off Taris alive. Fortunately, the Imperial authorities does not know what he look like after a decade of hiding. They would just dismiss Artie as a random astromech droid that likes to follow people sometimes. As well as Kaylie, she had a very thin background history. If they did any scan on her, they would just see that she was raised in poverty from Tatooine. It would look to them like Kaylie was the sort of person that wanted a shot at better life. For the moment, they were not any threat to the security of the Galactic Empire on Taris. 

Wearing the usual smuggler's outfit, they would soon walk out of the docking bay and into the streets. Soon, they wouldn't see any nonhumans roaming among the Upper City of Taris. Obviously, they were still prejudiced toward aliens. That was something the Jedi wish he could change about Taris. However, he couldn't help anyone else beyond the crew. For he would attract unwanted attention from the stormtroopers. Like several Jedi fugitives, he would not fight unless it's absolutely necessary. So far the three-manned crew were moving under the radar, and they would remain this way. 

"Hmm...let's see if I remember the path to the Lower City." It had been a long time since he had set afoot on Taris, and the last time he did, it was during the Clone Wars. He fought the Separatists there under the command of his deceased master. That was the moment he saw an ad on one of the "holo-billboard"s standing tall. It had advertised that the Lower City had a new luxurious apartments provided to human citizens solely, away from the "infestation" of aliens. Darwin did not like that at all, assuming that the aliens were either slaughtered or forced to live beyond the Lower City. That would leave the most poverty-infested place of all Taris...the Undercity. It gave him an idea, "See that? The path to the Lower City should be clear for us, as long as we use our holo IDs." 

Indeed, they had holo IDs containing their alias. They would be safe for as long as they uses their IDs to enter the Lower City. "What do you think, Kay?"
Kaylie_WintersDate: Sunday, 24 Feb 2013, 7:40 AM | Message # 6
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Kaylie pulled her brown locks into a messy ponytail as they walked through the city.  She didn't much care what people thought of her, or her lack of background.  It didn't matter anymore, not to her at least.  Her gaze went to Darwin for a brief moment before she shook her head.  "I sure as hell don't know it."  Before he had taken her off of Tatooine, she had never been anywhere but that sandy desert planet.  "So I hope that you do.  Or else we're in a heap of trouble."

She followed him without question and stopped when he was looking at the billboard.  "I guess?  What are we going to find down there aside from apartments and a lack of non-human sentients?"
Darwin_SkyDate: Wednesday, 06 Mar 2013, 8:13 AM | Message # 7
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Darwin would continue to move with caution, but does not show his suspicious behaviors. He did not want to tip the Imperial authorities off that there was a Jedi on Taris. The young Jedi had heard of things Governor Tarner had done to the Lower City gangs when they had rebelled against the stormtroopers. He had an inkling the Governor would do something worse to a Jedi because to some Imperial eyes, a Jedi is far more of a threat than ordinary gang members would have been. Darwin chuckled, "No, it meant that since we're humans, we have a free access to the Lower City. We probably won't find anything that would help us there, but that meant we would have to travel beneath the Lower City." It was not a place Darwin was fond of during the Clone Wars, but it was necessary. "There may be someone that has information to lead us to our new friends off-world." 

The Jedi wasn't going to tell Kaylie who they were looking for in front of everyone, besides Kaylie had already knew who Darwin wanted to look for. Artie would beep a series of disapproval, not wanting to go to the Undercity. "Don't worry, it'll be alright." He told the astromech droid, as the crew moved along to one of many turbolifts that would take them to the Lower City. There should be more Imperial presence in that particular area of the planet, possibly because they were there to prevent another feeble uprising.
Kaylie_WintersDate: Thursday, 07 Mar 2013, 1:29 PM | Message # 8
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"And here I thought we were looking for a part for the ship." Kaylie commented idly. Yes, she knew Darwin always had an ulterior motive, but he had a reason. "I guess I am looking for a part for the ship..." She said as she glanced at the bleeping droid. 

"If you're unhappy about going, then go back to the ship. Simple." She told him before she turned her attention back to Darwin and gave him a soft smile, then she followed him into the turbo lift.
Darwin_SkyDate: Wednesday, 13 Mar 2013, 3:19 AM | Message # 9
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The Jedi would eventually walk up to the turbolift that would take the trio to the Lower City, but not before Darwin brought out a holo ID that would reveal his alias to a stormtroper guard stationed besides the lift. After a few seconds of waiting, they were allowed access. Artie was the first one to enter the turbolift, despite the droid's objections toward the Undercity. Then Darwin would be the next one to step in, waiting for Kaylie to do the same. Once Kaylie stepped in, the young Jedi would press the button that would take them to the Lower City. They would have to use a different turbolift in order to get to the Undercity, or they might have to go different ways if there were restrictions preventing the trio or anyone else from getting to the surface of the planet.

"We are looking for a hyperdrive motivator, but also we are looking for any clues that would lead us to the Libs. It's likely they need us to join the fight."
Kaylie_WintersDate: Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 4:03 AM | Message # 10
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"And why exactly do you think that we will find clues here?" Kaylie asked as she leaned against the back wall of the turbo lift and waited for them to arrive at their destination. "I can go find the hyperdrive motivator while you look for clues. It might be easiest and fastest if we split up, anyway." Kaylie said with a casual shrug.

"I can meet you back at the ship if you want or, you know, whatever you want."
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