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Turning up on Lorrd
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 6:35 PM | Message # 1
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Paul Gemmell sat aboard the Sentinel-class Landing Craft which had flown him the long hop from Imperial Center, where for the journey's length he had shared the gift of music with the various people coming to Lorrd, mostly Imperial functionaries for the various institutions locally and a few Stormtroopers posted to guard the local COMPNOR buildings in the capital.

They were all, extremely, extremely tired and disgruntled. Not having dared say anything to the well educated and dapper young officer who was clearly a member of Imperial Intelligence by his uniform; but still having been kept awake or serenaded at random by the young man, to whom they had feigned enjoyment but who in truth they wished was dead.

The pilot panned the control to the left as they skimmed toward the planet. "Lorrd Control this is the Imperial Transport TI-121-23TJK inbound from Imperial Center, carrying functionaries for the local Imperial institutions and a young Officer who has business with your Senator, requesting.." he stopped and his knuckles whitening as he heard another burst of Lute music through the open door to the passenger area "Requesting landing trajectory or docking vector if orbital is more convenient."

Beautiful Lute music would be audible over the communicator from the passenger hold.

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Roman_LekpinDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 6:49 PM | Message # 2
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Lorrd Control, on the spot as always, transferred the approaching landing craft to the top of its priority list. "You are cleared to land on pad 2699-A in Lorrd City," came the calm voice of a female operator. The landing craft's flight screen would be updated with the trajectory needed. By the time it touched down, the various ground craft needed for the Imperials would be in place, including a sleek repulsorlimo with tinted windows, intended for the man who had come to speak with Lekpin. Once he had boarded the vehicle, it would whisk him away to the government quarter, where he would be provided with helpful instructions on how to reach Lekpin's office.

If Paul followed said directions, he would soon be greeted by Lekpin's secretary, who would see Paul into the office.

Roman Lekpin
Representative, Lorrd (11 BBY-10 BBY) (9 BBY-Present)
Chosen of House Garth
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 7:16 PM | Message # 3
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Paul would arrive with his M-3PO droid named +ER (Or "Adder") and R3 Unit named H8. Paul's Lute was stowed in its compartment within the Astromech droid and he was dressed in the formal uniform of an Imperial Intelligence officer, a pale white with their characteristic cap. He entered the office of Senator Lekpin and offered a ridiculously perfect formal salute, his arm extended out infront of him.

"Hail the Emperor!" he said bracing up yet more as he did so. Awaiting the response before returning to his usual posture "I'm Lieutenant Paul Gemmell of Imperial Intelligence, Representative. May I say it is a pleasure to meet you."

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Roman_LekpinDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 7:26 PM | Message # 4
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"Long live Emperor Palpatine," Lekpin responded from his chair as he set aside a stack of paperwork he had been going through. Standing, he motioned for Paul to take a seat before the desk. "A pleasure, Lieutenant Gemmell. Welcome to Lorrd. What might I be able to do for you today? I was told you came all the way just to see me."

Roman Lekpin
Representative, Lorrd (11 BBY-10 BBY) (9 BBY-Present)
Chosen of House Garth
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 7:39 PM | Message # 5
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Paul took the seat proffered and sat with a smile, crossing his legs in front of him. "Well, Representative Lekpin, I come here actually on a matter of some importance but also one that requires some discretion. I trust that as per the law you will keep matters regarding the objective of my mission confidential? I realize this may seem a ridiculous question to an undoubted patriot such as yourself, but having a verbal statement of such is considered traditional in the circumstances.." he smiled and seemingly out of nowhere there was a datapad in his hands "I'm visiting here on a mission of some urgency regarding the safety and security of some of your most prominent citizens. I'm under orders to attach myself to them to assure their safety and security."

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Roman_LekpinDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 7:49 PM | Message # 6
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Lekpin folded his hands in front of himself and leaned forwards with a small frown. "Safety and security of prominent citizens, you say? You realize that while certain aspects of your mission can be kept confidential, it is my job to inform the people in question that they may be in danger if such is the case. Providing this isn't an actual Imperial investigation into someone on Lorrd, though, I will do what I can to assist you in your endeavor."

Roman Lekpin
Representative, Lorrd (11 BBY-10 BBY) (9 BBY-Present)
Chosen of House Garth
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 7:53 PM | Message # 7
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"I'll be informing them myself Representative Lekpin. I've been ordered to stay close to the people in question. They are Alyn and Ana Stark. For the forseeable future they're to be required to have myself attached to them and their retinue. As far as I am aware there are nothing but routine investigations in progress regarding Lorrd.." he took a moment to think about the phrase "Providing this isn't an actual Imperial investigation into someone on Lorrd, though, I will do what I can to assist you in your endeavor." before continuing. "I'll be en route to their location as soon as we're finished here. I trust your world is recovering from the economic blow which has hit it lately?"

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Roman_LekpinDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 7:59 PM | Message # 8
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Lekpin almost winced visibly as Paul mentioned the names in question. "Well of all people to have to watch over... Well, it is your assignment, Lieutenant. I wish you the best in it. I will inform Lord Stark that you will be calling upon him in his residence. As for Lorrd, I find we are recovering faster than expected. It was an unfortunate circumstance after all but I feel we will come out a stronger world because of it. Certain valuable lessons were learned, after all."

Roman Lekpin
Representative, Lorrd (11 BBY-10 BBY) (9 BBY-Present)
Chosen of House Garth
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 8:09 PM | Message # 9
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"You have some feelings towards the Starks?" he said raising an eyebrow quizzically at the expression from Lekpin when mentioning Stark "Or that you feel something regarding my mission? Please do be frank."

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Roman_LekpinDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 8:15 PM | Message # 10
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"Alyn Stark is a stubborn man, especially where his wife is concerned," Lekpin said after considering the question for a moment. "My personal feelings towards Lord Stark are nothing to have any effect on your mission here though. If he is in any form of danger, I am sure you will be able to warn him accordingly. Attaching yourself to him though? I wish you the best of luck with that." Lekpin chuckled slightly. "I will see that a transport is assigned to take you to Quetya in the Kinyov Province if you like."

Roman Lekpin
Representative, Lorrd (11 BBY-10 BBY) (9 BBY-Present)
Chosen of House Garth
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 8:20 PM | Message # 11
Group: Users
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Paul gave a little chuckle "Quetya, I thought you had said Queyta for a moment. I was worried that I was going to have to depart for some distant abandoned lava world I barely remember from my textbooks to see Lord Stark! I'm sure Lord Stark won't impede an Imperial Intelligence officer in the course of his duty, he seems like a more sensible chap than that. Transport would be charming."

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
Roman_LekpinDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 8:57 PM | Message # 12
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"My apologies," Lekpin said as he rang the transport for Paul. "Lord Stark can be... Picky... About his own security. Still, best of luck to you. You will find the transport waiting for you outside."

Roman Lekpin
Representative, Lorrd (11 BBY-10 BBY) (9 BBY-Present)
Chosen of House Garth
Paul-GemmellDate: Thursday, 21 Feb 2013, 9:05 PM | Message # 13
Group: Users
Messages: 88
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"Apology accepted Representative"

Paul and his Entourage of the two droids carrying his baggage would head off to the transport as directed.

Paul Gemmell

Lieutenant, IntCon, Internal Organization Bureau, Imperial Intelligence
Player of Lutes
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