sorry its so long but i figured Id roll it all up into one lovely package and let you cast an up or down Vote.
This is for an original(custom) planet. It will be considered open for rp and what not or for back stories like I plan to use it with Trask in his back story. I will be playing the senator as a newly elected following the death of their previous one. Nomination process is in here as well so it can be shown how its done. The back story I have is that the Senator will have been a militia leader during the Clone wars when the planet was attacked by the seperatists and that was how they got known enough to receive the nomination.
Name: Volus
Size: Circumference: 41,000 km
Gravity: 1.1 Earth
Atmosphere- approx: 68% Nitrogen, 22% Oxygen, and less than 1% of all other gases
Terrain/Climate: Earth-Like temporate
Location: Just inside of the expansion region along the Hydian Way close to the Inner Rim
Rotational Period: 25 hours
Revolutionary Period: 378 Days
Natural Satillites: 1 Ve'erna (pronounced v air nuh)
Population: 14 Billion
Capitol City: Panem
Governmental Type: Constitutional Monarchy/Representative Democracy
Governmental Structure-
King/Queen - Hereditary position, acts as the executive and can initiate legisilative bills for approval by the legislative branch. Acts as the Commander and Chief of the Armed forces able to command them however for a declaration of War they need the Prefecture's approval.
Prefecture- Legislative branch. Most of the power rests here. They are elected officials from all of the cities which represent the people of smaller districts. There are 1000 total and are elected by party based on percentage of the votes recieved. If a party recieves 33.0% of the vote then they will have 330 votes in the legislature. They are elected for terms of 4 years at a time, with the voters being allowed to recall their Prefect at any time if they can gain a majority vote in favor of recall in the district of the Prefect.
Powers: Raise/Lower Taxes, pass laws/bills/measures, approve appointments to office(such as the Senator to the Galactic Empire), Impeach and try elected officials, Remove a monarch from their position giving it to the next in line( to move it any further it requires multiple votes), Control funding(the monarch proposes a yearly budget including some discresionary spending for him, which usually the Prefecture approves so the monarch can spend without approval of the Prefecture), Declaration of War.
Council of Governors- Elected position. Governors are the heads of each of the major cities, 9 in all and are placed on this council for being awarded. This council acts as advisors to both the Prefecture and the King/Queen. They have one official power though. With a 2/3s vote they can override ANY act of either the King/Queen and Prefecture but if this is ever used they must immediately resign their position afterwards. The override is final and can only be rescended by the Council's successors or a unanimous vote by the Prefecture.
House of Nobles: The Court system of the planet is seperate from the other structures. As they are charged with all the judicial duties and responsibilities. They are also given the power to overturn any laws or acts of the Prefecture and ruler that are deemed to be in violation of the interpretation of the constitution. Those on the High court are nominated by the King and approved by the Prefecture while the Council of Governors are allowed to nominate the lower level justices.
Military(local militia):
The military is often used in place of a policing/paramilitary force. The vast majority of the forces are reserve meaning they are only ever called when needed.
500,000 Active duty ground forces(GIs, and officers), deployed around the planet in bases, tend to act more as police than anything else.
3,000,000 Reserve forces kept in reserve usually for natural disasters.
30,000 Pilots, mechanics, vehicle operators
20,000 Medics
5,000 Special Forces
12,500 ground based vehicles- see below
6,000 MMP (Mobile Medical Platform[Custom unit see bottom])(only 4,000 in Military use more in civilian sectors)
2,500 V-19 landspeeders
2,000 MPC (Mobile Personnel Carrier[Custom Unit See bottom])
1,000 Seraph Class Urban Landspeeders modified for an extra passenger and rear blaster cannon.
500 MAT-29 Razorbacks (Custom Unit See bottom)
Plus whatever the Empire wishes to garrison on planet.
2 XQ5 Space stations in the system.
1 Avenger class battleship (custom unit see bottom)
2 CR90s (kept for use by dignataries and one is given to the senator to use for their travels, so its usually not in system. The other is usually kept by the royal family for their usage or what not when they need to travel to different systems)
3 Squadrons of Z95 Headhunters
1 Squadron of V-wings
plus whatever the empire decides to have on patrol at the time if anything
System information:
Other planets 3
1 of which is a gas giant which produces Tibanna gas for local use(mainly just a source of revenue)
Asteroid Belt: Yes
Volus was discovered along with the Hydian Way. It was an early stopping point along the hyperspace route mainly because it was a peaceful planet and relatively close to the inner core. From its early days, Volus was a primarily human planet with other races making up a minority on the world.
In the early days Volus was mostly a grouping of city states which were only loosely affiliated with one another at the best of times, at the worst they attacked each other but no one city was strong enough to take over the others. This however was brought to an end when the Sith Empire emerged from the unknown regions and began their quest to conquer the galaxy. Volus itself was captured by the sith on their way into the core and Coruscant.
This was a defining moment in Volus history because they various groups that had been so divided before decided to band together and try to push the invaders off of their world. They formed a single organized resistence and with the help of a couple Jedi and the Old republic were able to push the sith off of the planet shortly before the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. With its soveriegnty intact once again the Volusians decided to never allow themselves to be so easily conquered again and then formed the government which brought the planet together after years of infighting. One of the high leaders of the resisitence was chosen to take the crown of the new constitutional monarchy that was going to be established. This was overseen by a couple members of the Jedi council and select representatives of the Republic who then put forward that the planet, finally be admitted into the Republic as a full member.
Volus would take part in a majority of the wars the republic fought from that point on providing people and materials to the republic's war effort. While the discovery of a gas giant hidden within the asteroid belt would prove a great asset because of the large supplies of Tibanna gas. It was this and a policy of saving the influx of money into the government that lead to Volusians having a large amount of wealth and prestige for a relatively small planet system.
It was this wealth, and strategic location along the hydian way that would eventually bring the Confederacy of Independent Systems to attack the planet during the middle of the clone wars. It was there that the local militia with a few jedi knights made a stand against the Confederacy eventually driving them back and off planet. In space above the planet the Volusians would study some of the remains of a few of the seperatist ships that had been destroyed, taking from them the raw materials and would begin to build a ship to defend their system in case they came back. As the ship neared completion however the Clone wars ended and the Republic had become an Empire. Deciding to remain with it, they also set out to go ahead and complete the new ship to prevent any future attacks. It had been designed to go toe to toe with just about any Seperatists ship and despite the expense they decided it would be more so to just scrap the project and so the Avenger class was born.
Custom Vehicles:
MMP-Mobile Medical Platform
17.4 meters long
17 meter wingspan
Maximum altitude:
Low altitude
2 composite beam pinpoint laser turrets
4 (1 pilot,1 co-pilot, 2 medics)
Minimum crew
Cargo capacity
Medical Equipment and Scanners
Usage Role(s)
Medical Transport / Support
MPC- Mobile Personnel Carrier:
Type: All Terrain wheeled vehicle
Length: 6 Meters
Width: 2.5 Meters
Height: 4 Meters
Armor: Similar to Saber Class Tank
Crew: 2 (Driver, Gunner)
Minimum Crew: 1
Shields: 25 SBD
Armament: Mounted LS-150 Heavy Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun (Heavy ACP Repeater)
Mounted PLX-1
Passengers: 20
Cargo: Multiple ammunition lockers including new belts for the mounted weapons and for smaller blasters the personnel carry
Consumables: 1-2 Days
Special: Added Repulsors designed to slow descent of the ship if dropped from another craft and to provide a way to get the craft up and over boulders
Usage/Roles: Armored Transport/Support
MAT-29 Razorback
Type: All Terrain wheeled vehicle, Scout Transport
Length: 3 Meters
Width: 2 Meters
Height: 2 Meters
Armor: Light
Crew: 3 (Driver, passenger, gunner)
Minimum Crew: 1
Shields: 10 SBD
Armament: Mounted LS-150 Heavy Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun (Heavy ACP Repeater) or Mounted PLX-1. Plus the weapon of the person in the passenger seat.
Cargo: None normally carried, trailor attachment may bring extra supplies
Consumables: 1-2 days
Special: Added Repulsors designed to slow descent of the ship if dropped from another craft and to provide a way to get the craft up and over boulders, ability to pull trailer with extra supplies. The passenger side is doorless and the gunner's seat is mounted in the back. Built for speed and will match a most light speeders, but carries only light armor and only the driver has a door or really any true protection.
Usage/Roles: Support Vehicle/Scout transport
Avenger Class Battleship:
Length: 1650 Meters
Maximum Acceleration: 2,400 g
Engines: 6 Creveld-4 Radial Ion Drives
Hyperdrive Rating: 2.5
Backup: 14
Main Reactor: Hypermatter Annihilator
Shielding: Roughly Equivilent to that of a Victory I class Star Destroyer
Hull: Equivilent to that of a Venator class Star Destroyer
Navigation: Equipped Navicomputer
6- 180 degree forward arcing mounted guns, 16 inch barrel diameter. Have to be manually reloaded after each shot. In two groups of three guns. Built to tear into shields and hulls of capitol ships. Powerful blast-slow reload.
3- Rear mounted 180 degree mounted guns. one group
8- DBY-826 heavy dual turbolaser Turrents
2-Medium Dual Turbo laser Cannons
45- point-defense laser cannons
6- Tractor Beam Projectors
6- Heavy Proton Torpedo tubes (16 torpedoes each)
24- Alpha 3 Nimbus-class V-wings
36- TIE fighters
12- TIE Bombers
50- MAT-29 Razorbacks
Various Shuttles
Prefabricated Garrison base
Passengers: 2,400 Troops
Cargo Capacity: 15,000 tons
Consumables: 3 years
Roles: Destroyer, Starfighter Carrier, Military Transport, Command Ship, Frigate
Special: 4 Large mechanical doors on each end of the ship revealing a large hanger bay which runs the length of the ship. Like a Venator only since the ship is round they have to take off by flying straight out instead of up and out. Ships are mounted in the sides and stacked up in rows. Doors are slow to open and closea nd leaves internal structure open for attack when opened.