I would like to request that this profile be legal. Going from memory, these are the big points of it.
- That Valara Saar - depending on what you view as a canon, a canon character - is Tes'dra's mother
- That Tes'dra be from the world of Yashuvhu - which had been settled for three millenia already, forgotten by the galaxy at large, briefly rediscovered prior to the Clone Wars but forgotten again during all that.
I feel that Valara Saar as my character's mother would better explain his talents, background and the type of character he is. She's a minor character in the EU, and I'm not requesting any sort of special powers for my character.
Secondly, to keep true to canon - Tes'dra would not be allowed to reveal what world he is from in a fashion that would lead to his world being rediscovered prior to when it was rediscovered in canon. (During the search for Zonoma Sekot much later). I qualified how he could reveal it because part of his character motivation is to seek out a suitable mate and bring her back to the homeworld (so, on the private transport back to that world, he'd be like "Oh, by the way - hope you said goodbye to everyone you used to know).