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Striile Ori'ramikade
Jaboa_MereelDate: Tuesday, 26 Jul 2011, 10:05 PM | Message # 1
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Striile Ori'ramikade
Strill Supercommandos

Name: Strill Supercommandos (Striile Ori'ramikade)
Size: Special forces team
Home Base: Concord Dawn (abandoned), The Rings of Althir

Formation: 12 BBY
Operations: Unconventional Warfare, Special Reconnaissance, Direct Action, Counterproliferation, Information Operations, Humanitarian Missions, Internal Defense of Insurgent Governments
Distinguishing Features: All have some form of Mandalorian tribal tattoos of Concord Dawn variety, varying from small bands on the extremities to full body coverage, as well as each having the tattoo of a notable Mandalorian creature, the Strill, somewhere on their body.

Known Members
Captain (Alor'ad) Jabo'a Mereel - Team Leader
Lieutenant (Ver'alor) Rao'si Du'trachek - Weapons/Operations Specialist
Sergeant (Ruus'alor) Val'ore Ekth - Engineer/Intelligence Specialist
Sergeant (Ruus'alor) Alina D'ael'mor - Medical/Tech Specialist

Known Assets
Amphibious Interstellar Aassault Transport/infantry Gunship Jaster's Legacy II
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Ol'avarde
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Mirshmure'cya
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Ne Shab'rud'ni
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Mandokarla

4 Basilisk War Droids
2 TX-130T Fighter Tanks
4 Z-6 Jetpacks
4 Wing-Blast Rocket Packs

Ranged Weapons
2 modified WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifles
Modified DC-17m Interchangeable Weapons System
Modified DC-15A Blaster Rifle
Modified DC-15x Sniper Rifle
2 DC-15S Blasters in various states of modification
2 DC-17 Repeater Hand Blasters
3 DC-15s Side Arm Blasters
2 WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols

Heavy Weapons
Modified Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
Modified Reciprocating Quad Blaster
4 PLX-1 Portable Missle Launchers

Melee Weapons
2 Mythosaur Axe
4 Mandalorian War Swords
8 Mandalorian Combat Knives
2 Shuriken Discs

V-1 Thermal Detonators
LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
V-6 Haywire Grenades
EC Detonators
Plasma Grenades
Fragmentation Grenades
EMP Grenades
Reverse-Polarity Pulse Grenades
HX2 Antipersonnel Mines

Formed following the fall of Kamino, the Strill Supercommandos are a small group of Mandalorian warriors who fight in resistance to the Empire with the ultimate goal of liberating Mandalorian Space, often not accepting jobs as a mercenary unit unless they benefit that goal in some way, shape, or form.

They are known to use Mandalorian equipment as much as possible, and when not able to to, resort to equipment of the Grand Army of the Republic. They are, in their style of operations, short six operators, and compensate with a high level of training, each trained as well as a Null-class ARC Trooper of the GAR, as well as cross-training in all roles in their organization and operating in dual roles. For most, regular, troops, this would cause a drop in operating ability, however, for the Strill Supercommandos, they in fact have become even more deadly and efficient in their abilities.

Highly trained, and hyper-lethal, each of them, they are a force to be reckoned with, and should be approached with extreme caution. Only another special forces group could possibly have a chance of meeting these individuals on even ground in combat.

Alor'ad Jabo'a Mereel
Striil Ori'ramikade
Jace_VaritekDate: Tuesday, 26 Jul 2011, 10:50 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
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(( Due to a lot of fantastic elements in this ("fan·tas·tic, adjective: 2. of extraordinary size or degree") I've moved it from the Profiles forum to the Requests forum for review. Too tired to get started tonight, though. But once it's all sorted out and edits are made (if necessary), I'll clean up all the OOC and move it back. ))

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
Jaboa_MereelDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 0:08 AM | Message # 3
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It just wouldn't be Mandalorian if it wasn't something extraordinary. Aside though, as mentioned in this profile, they are intended as an elite special forces unit (think a squad from Delta Force, DEVGRU or the SAS, just the Mandalorian version), albeit an undermanned one. This described who they are, what they do, and what they have to do it with. The assets listing isn't additional equipment, but rather a group listing of each of their individual equipment. To explain a bit, even though I listed some equipment in Jabo'a's profile, that equipment is also within this list, as is he, himself. It was more of a time cutting move, to be honest, rather than working on profiles for the other three characters, who will RPed as separate characters unless a group post through Jabo'a proves to be more sensible. I am more than willing to explain any part of this in detail, provided it is necessary, but I did not, nor do not, find a need for this as a request, as again, their assets is all personal equipment. The only possible thing I could possibly see is the base in the Rings of Althir, perhaps; in which case, it is a simple base within a carved out asteroid in the rings of the planet Althir, think a down-scaled version of Vergesso Base.

Alor'ad Jabo'a Mereel
Striil Ori'ramikade
Jace_VaritekDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 5:43 PM | Message # 4
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Okay, I do get that. But surely you can't think Basilisk droids that Karth and I notoriously deny whenever possible can be passed off as "personal equipment"? The same goes for the TX-130 tanks, and for a lot of these explosives and heavy weapons, too. I'm not trying to be curt here but it boggled my mind when I saw a lot of the things here. So, remaining consistent here, I'm going to deny all the Basilisks. I can go with the TX-130's depending on how Jabo'a acquired them (presumably stolen from the Empire? That's fine, but I'd like to know the circumstances under which he was able to do so and move them around without, as far as I can see here, a ship that's big enough to carry them). Speaking of the ships, I'd like to cut down on two of them (your choice which) just so this unit doesn't have quite so much autonomy; that is, someone needs to ride along with someone else. I feel ships can't be quite this easy to come by especially if this unit has been in action for a few years.

So anyway, I'll explain more in a moment. But first, I vote to DENY the following:

- Any and all Basilisk war droids, forever.
- 4 "Wing-blast Rocket Packs"
- 2 "Shuriken Discs"
- 2 Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship (of your choice)
- Z-6 rotary blaster cannon
- Reciprocated quad blaster
- 2 PLEX Launchers

The denial of the "Shuriken Discs" is a bit tentative, because I'm not sure what they are. Is it this? Because that's awfully silly. But even if its just ninja stars, do you really need them on top of 2 axes, 4 "war swords," and 8 combat knives? As for the "Wing-blast Rocket Packs," no offense but this is also silly. It's from a period in 1997 to 1998 when Kenner had a fetish for including battle accessories with its Star Wars action figures and included one with Boba Fett. Han Solo was packaged with a "Smuggler Flight Pack" too, which was basically the same thing as this but it wasn't at all apparent how it helped him smuggle anything. So yeah, it's just silly and borderline non-canon in my opinion because it's not even something Boba Fett would use; he's badass enough not to need basically a STAP strapped onto him to be able to kill someone. If anything, these rocket packs strike me as something that'd be considered dishonorable in Mandalorian culture, to have a flying death machine that does your killing for you, etc. That's just me, though. Either way, I vote to deny them. The stuff from the Tartakovsky Clone Wars are, in my opinion, indulgences of cartoon whimsy on Tartakovsky's part and I don't really take them seriously (even though, speaking of action figures, in 2008 they made an action figure with this weapon and that usually means it's canon. Regardless, it's silly and cartoonish). The ships and Basilisks I already mentioned.

And I vote to APPROVE the following:

- 1 Amphibious Interstellar Aassault Transport/infantry Gunship
- 2 Pursuer-class Enforcement Ships
- 2 TX-130T Fighter Tanks (pending some background)
- 4 Z-6 Jetpacks
- A reasonable number of:

- Modified WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifles
- Modified DC-17m Interchangeable Weapons System
- Modified DC-15A Blaster Rifle
- Modified DC-15x Sniper Rifle
- DC-15S Blasters in various states of modification
- DC-17 Repeater Hand Blasters
- DC-15s Side Arm Blasters
- WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols

- 2 PLEX launchers
- 2 Mythosaur Axes
- 4 Mandalorian War Swords
- 8 Mandalorian Combat Knives
- 5 V-1 Thermal Detonators (use prudently, please. Not Xizor's Palace style.)
- 10 Plasma Grenades
- 10 HX2 Antipersonnel Mines
- A reasonable number of LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
- A reasonable number of Fragmentation Grenades
- A reasonable number of DetPacks
- A reasonable number of V-6 Haywire Grenades or EC Detonators or EMP grenades or Reverse-Polarity Pulse Grenades (they're the same thing, please choose one type for simplicity's sake).

I think, at long last, that covers everything. I'm flexible on a lot of these numbers but not all of them. As for the Althir base, I'll probably be okay with it but I'd like to have an explanation of how the Striile Ori'ramikade came into this extravagant base. Jabo'a couldn't have possibly built it or bought it. Please do explain.

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
OrionKarathDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 7:24 PM | Message # 5
Lieutenant general
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Okay, so I lost my entire post here, so bear with me. I did it in a more artful fashion, but to simplify... and make this easy, I can not as a manager nor a member, accept the argument that "It's silly and I don't think it should be canon" as a valid form of denial of something. Be it from something like the Wing-blast Rocket Packs to Shuriken Disks as a personal weapon. Nor, can I, as I have been clear on earlier, I hope, as a manager nor member accept the argument "A guy went overboard with this almost a decade ago, I don't trust anyone with this anymore" as an argument either. Especially against someone who was there and witnessed this. Understand too, in AGD, Rauun was something of a mentor to me, but even I felt he went off the deep end a bit sometimes. Always? No. Kind of a fifty-fifty shot, really. Taking a hundred of these things and carving up thousands of people, all against NPCs.... yes, that was overboard. Four of these, chosen off of their actual combat application and capability and based in Chop'aa Notimo's use of what seems to be the modern version of the Basilisk War Droid in a few years in canon, are not, and can not, do what was witnessed in AGD... nor could a hundred, or what ever happened that has caused this knee-jerk reaction nearly a decade later. You bring Karth into this as a source of denial, but let us not forget that Karth did approve Rhygar the Basilisk he asked for, with me, no more than three weeks ago, thus by majority rule... approving the Basilisk, which he ultimately turned down. I will even drop the Fighter Tanks, due to the fact that, you are correct that they don't have something to haul them around (which I didn't realize when I had chosen them).

For the sake of the fact that the valid argument could be presented that they are unique and personal equipment, I am willing to drop the Wing-blast Rocket Packs. And yes, I do think that the Basilisks can be personal equipment, for they intended as a ground vehicle. One that can be ridden through space, given the rider have a pressurized suit, but ridden through space nonetheless and intended for ground operation nonetheless. Also, on grenades, because they are relatively cheap weapons, and are limited by only so much possibly being carried by a single individual, as canon itself has presented, and then also considering the amount of gear these Mandalorians have, it wouldn't be a situation of an unending supply in combat. No, nothing Prince Xizor's Palace would happen, unless you were consulted first (I actually hadn't thought of that until you said something); and if I must choose, Reverse-Polarity Pulse Grenades. Now, to simply this a bit, I will break down the distribution of assets/gear among each individual.

Jabo'a Mereel
Amphibious Interstellar Aassault Transport/infantry Gunship Jaster's Legacy II
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Ol'avarde
Basilisk War Droid
Z-6 Jetpack
Modified WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifle
Modified DC-15S Blaster with combat knife bayonet
2 DC-17 Repeater Hand Blasters
Mythosaur Axe OR 2 Mandalorian War Swords
2 Mandalorian Combat Knives
2 Shuriken Discs
V-1 Thermal Detonators (3)
Plasma Grenades (2)

Rao'si Du'trachek
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Mirshmure'cya
Basilisk War Droid
Z-6 Jetpack
Modified Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
Modified DC-15A Blaster Rifle
2 DC-15s Side Arm Blasters
Mythosaur Axe OR 2 Mandalorian War Swords
2 Mandalorian Combat Knives
DetPacks (2)
HX2 Antipersonnel Mines (4)

Val'ore Ekth
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Ne Shab'rud'ni
Basilisk War Droid
Z-6 Jetpack
Modified WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifle
Modified DC-15x Sniper Rifle
2 WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols
2 Mandalorian Combat Knives
LXR-6 Concussion Grenades (4)
Reverse-Polarity Pulse Grenades (1)

Alina D'ael'mor
Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship Mandokarla
Basilisk War Droid
Z-6 Jetpack
Modified DC-17m Interchangeable Weapons System
Modified DC-15S Blaster with scope from a DC-15x Sniper Rifle
DC-15s Side Arm Blaster
2 Mandalorian Combat Knives
Fragmentation Grenades (3)
Reverse-Polarity Pulse Grenades (3)

Group Assets
4 PLX-1 Portable Missle Launchers
Reciprocating Quad Blaster modified to be an automated emplacement

To explain Althir, it isn't something he created, nor is it as big as Vergesso Base (I merely used it as an example of its design). The Althir base, is a hangar that has been carved out of a small asteroid, into which hallways, living quarters (which center around a communal lounge), a galley, a training area, a firing range, and warehouse have been also carved into. It was an old mining base, that was part of an exploratory effort by the government of Althir in an attempt to recover from the effects of Mandalorian occupation, Republic occupation, and then the resulting economic downturn of finally regaining independence. The effort failed, and was abandoned awhile ago, with Jabo'a heading there due to the Mandalorian history and the planet's noted independence, want of maintaining such, and lack of interest by anybody in the world these days. The asteroid would be equipped with jammers to ensure their lifesigns or any electronic signature would be undetected until someone was very close and making an aggressive sensor sweep. I think I've covered everything... the loss of the previously written post has derailed my thought process... I hope this helps?

Orion Karath
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
My posts here, pre-2009 archives here
Karth_DeQoraDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 8:04 PM | Message # 6
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I will admit to a lapse in judgement regarding Rhygar's request for a Basilisk, but you have to understand something, Jaron: it's not simply what Rauun did, but Basilisks have truly destructive potential, and I have a hard time trusting anyone with them (especially after reviewing their specs. on the wiki). I am willing to cede the point that, as you've said, four of them are far less worrisome than a hundred; but the apprehension remains nonetheless. And this isn't a personal slight against you, Jaron; but you do have a tendency to go a tad overboard with your requests, not so much now, but in the past. That being said, you do bring up a valid point, and it's all a judgement call, to me. I can trust you with one, maybe two Basilisks; but you have to understand that I will always have doubts about their usage.

Now, as for the rest of the request - while I agree with Jace that Wing-blast Rocket Packs are rather ridiculous (okay, I think they're very ridiculous, but that's just me); I don't have a problem with them seeings as they are officially canon and thus allowed to be requested. Thanks for dropping those tanks; as that was going to be my next bullet point, and thanks Jace for addressing the same concerns I had on those. And, while I don't have a problem with Mandalorians using melee weapons, such an abundance for a squad of four people does seem a tad superfluous. So, with all that in mind, here's my vote:

  • Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry Gunship
  • x2 Basilisk War Droids
  • x2 Pursuer-class Enforcement Ships
  • The weaponry (though I do admit, shuriken discs do seem a tad silly; I don't care which of the either/or weapons you choose, so long as you choose between them)
  • The Wing-blast Rocket Packs/Jetpacks/Whatever-packs
  • The Pulse Grenades

  • x2 Pursuer-class Enforcement Ships
  • x2 Basilisk War Droids

My reasons for denying the 2 ships and the 2 Basilisks are synonymous with Jace's concerns; namely, the possibility of misuse (as far as the droids go) and Jace's opinion on the proper number of ships. So long as the two Basilisks I do approve of are used sensibly and reasonably, I might later change my opinion and approve a few more; but that's still subject to change, we'll see.

Man, Myth, Administrative God. Also plays a mean kazoo.
Jace Varitek: In Northern California we just have gangs of vigilante interior decorators.
OrionKarathDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 8:35 PM | Message # 7
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I could take two Pursuers and two Basilisks if that is what I must, but I will still fight for even those two Basilisks. As a side note on weaponry... all of them would not be used at the same time. I believe I've explained this in the past, but this is the total weaponry for these individuals to have available, not the total weaponry they would carry at any one time (with the exception of Val'ore and maybe Alina).

Orion Karath
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
My posts here, pre-2009 archives here
Jace_VaritekDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 9:59 PM | Message # 8
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In response to Jabo'a, I called a lot of things "silly," yes, but I don't think I cited that as reason enough to deny any of them. I think I said the Shuriken disks, the "Wing-blast Rocket Packs," and the Z-6 rotary blasters and reciprocating quad blasters were "silly," in my opinion. I also said the Shuriken disks were excessive on top of the rest of the weapons, the "Wing-blast Rocket Packs" were of dubious canon status considering their history, and that a lot of elements from the Tartakovsky Clone Wars series, especially artistic embellishments like these particular weapons, are also of dubious canonicity (the very existence of the ARC Troopers in the canon has been in doubt until recently). So yes, I pooed on much of the request but I don't think I did so unfairly or that I'm being a bad guy here.

As for the Basilisks, I agree with Karth that it's about their capabilities; I'm not denying them because Rauun abused them. Rather, I cite the fact that Rauun abused them as an example that they can be abused in the RP. That's why I don't approve them even for people who I know aren't going to abuse them, because I don't want someone else to say "He got a Basilisk, why can't I have one?" And I suppose this is a difference of opinion here, but I think it's risible to try to pass off a Basilisk war droid as "personal equipment" without having to request it. Have you ever seen an RPer with a Juggernaut or an AT-TE as "personal equipment"? No, these are things that obviously need to be requested, and so do Basilisks.

I think that addresses everything in your first paragraph. Moving on in brief, I don't have a problem with the TX-130's even if it means the Striile Ori'ramikade need to stash them somewhere (surely they'll have to do this with the Basilisks too, for the same reason?). I would infinitely prefer the TX-130's to the Basilisks. With respect to the grenades, I wasn't intending to limit them to X for each person; I was intending to limit them to X for the entire group. I feel that after years of fighting, it's reasonable to expect the Striile Ori'ramikade have a finite number of grenades remaining in their arsenal (it doesn't mean you can't acquire more in the RP; buying them, stealing them, etc.).

Finally, I appreciate you trying to be helpful but I think categorizing the weapons by who has what actually makes it immensely more complicated. This might just be me, but I literally can't grasp the information in this format without having to break it down into a list again, and I've already posted a list of these things that I voted to approve and deny so I'm going to go with that. As for the Althir base, it looks good to me, thanks. I'm a bit skeptical about how they would come by these sophisticated sensors, but I'm not going to challenge it because it's within the realm of possibility that they could have them somehow or other.

I think that touches on everything. I'll go with Karth's numbers where they conflict with mine, except with regard to the Basilisks. To be clear, I trust you not to abuse them but that's not the problem; it's having to tell one person they can have one because I trust them and another person they can't because I don't. Personally, I prefer one principle and one policy on this, enforced equally. Because the potential to abuse Basilisks is there even in the cuddly Notimo version—the fact that it took Starkiller (Starkiller, mind you) some 20 to 30 minutes to defeat Notimo's Basilisk implies to me that it could potentially kill hundreds of civilians, if not a thousand or more. I don't think it's unreasonable to say "No, it's a slippery slope and I'm not going to approve any of them for anyone."

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
OrionKarathDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 10:36 PM | Message # 9
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Alright, not to beat a dead horse here, but I feel strongly about the Basilisks. I also feel that in some circumstances, trust is a factor in approval. Am I advocating approving something for someone because you know they won't abuse something over someone you are unsure about? No. Am I advocating not approving something for someone who would more than likely abuse them? Yes.

But, not to get into a philosophical debate, let us look at the Basilisk in depth. Not to bore you guys to death with numbers crunching, but I feel the need to discuss the Basilisk War Droid in depth. Firstly, it is a distinctly Mandalorian object. I, for one, would be hesitant to approve them for a non-Mandalorian force. Are there exceptions to this rule? Yes. However, I feel it is something that is uniquely Mandalorian and should stay so as much as possible. It also has clear use in this time frame. To address the concerns of Jace concerning the Notimo fight, while it is probably one of the longest and toughest fights in the PS2 TFU game, we have also, since AGD, taken into account the artistic freedom of the games compared to more solid canon (the films, sourcebooks, books, even comics). Such as, while in a majority of Star Wars games, shields must be taken down for an ion cannon to have effect, we all recognize and enforce that ion cannons work, regardless of shield status (unless perhaps you talk about a personal ion blaster versus a personal shield, in which case, the shield is going to be overloaded and taken down by the personal ion blaster). In this instance, I would say that, while Notimo and his Basilisk would be a tough fight, it isn't going to be as long and dramatic as in TFU. Remember, in TFU, you can unleash devastating combos of lightsaber strike and incredible uses of the Force upon beings and objects, and have them still standing and ready to go afterwards, when we all know that it would not be the case a supermajority of the time. In the case of the Basilisk, I would say it is one of the exceptions to the rule, in regards to the Lightsaber use... even then though, it would likely give way to the second combo, not require a third, forth, fifth or however many you have to do on the damn thing.

Now beyond that debate, let us look at the stats of the Basilisk. It's offensive weaponry is as follows: two Laser Cannons, two Shatter-missile Launchers, two Brawling Claws and a Shockwave Generator system. While the Pulse Wave seems to be a energy based weaponry, and probably of devastating variety, it is only mentioned or seen once in canon, and that is the Essential Guide to Droids and I think maybe a few features on the comics, in the past, I believe we've taken such one time references and have conducted our own retcon; and in the spirit of that, I would knix this weapon from them. In regards to the shockwave generator, it seems to be used as some kind of gravitic weapon, like something to knock people in a local area down or something to weaken the structural integrity of a small building. Regarding the shatter-missle... I can't find anything to differentiate them from regular missiles, so I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say they are a Mandalorian missile with no different attributes, other than being Mandalorian. So, that leaves us at the blaster cannons... a regular weapon, featured on a lot of vehicles. Last but not least, the brawling claws, which as their name suggest, are a close quarters weapon, useful for stepping on foes and swatting them away... this is no different that the legs of any walker, really. To me, this is a really reasonable design, with similar stats to other like-sized ground vehicles (such as a Fighter Tank), merely a difference in method of travel and application. With this counter in mind, could I urge you at all to reconsider?

Orion Karath
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
My posts here, pre-2009 archives here
Jace_VaritekDate: Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011, 11:34 PM | Message # 10
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I appreciate your feelings on this but it looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree. Everything you said about the Basilisk's capabilities reinforced my opinion of them as being able to kill hundreds and potentially a thousand or more defenseless people. And it may be uniquely Mandalorian, but "Mandalorian" is an increasingly broad term—this week, Baird declared himself a "Mandalorian." Drace considers himself a "Mandalorian." Captain Anderson is a "Mandalorian." Even Jamie the Hutt at one point identified as "Mandalorian." Should all these people be entitled to Basilisks? It's a rhetorical question, but you see my point; the term "Mandalorian" is less exclusive all the time. I would also point out what Pluto Cratwright has demonstrated, that even something "uniquely Mandalorian" can be co-opted and mass produced for other purposes. The StarViper is another example of this, too. There's really no reason why a Basilisk can't be manufactured by anyone for anyone, and indeed there exist quite a few enormously destructive droids in Star Wars—and I oppose them as equally as I oppose Basilisks for anyone, Mandalorian or otherwise.

What you've said about trust also reinforces my point; you're advocating I do something I'm reluctant to do, which is telling certain members that I don't trust them to be responsible in the RP. To me, this might as well be saying "You're not welcome here." Sometimes this does need to be said, but generally I don't want people to feel unwelcome or condescended to, so where there's so much potential for something to be used irresponsibly in the RP I'm inclined to simply deny it to all; this has long been my policy on cloaking devices, for example, and Venator-class Star Destroyers (now and then), and quite a few Force powers (like "Deadly Sight"), and RPing as canon characters, etc.

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
Karth_DeQoraDate: Sunday, 31 Jul 2011, 7:54 PM | Message # 11
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Alright, I didn't want to appear wishy-washy here, but I feel like it has to be said. Jaron, I'm going to amend my vote, and DENY the Basilisks outright. Again, while I trust you to handle them responsibly, the multiple other threads regarding Basilisks (even Jamie's joke one) have proven Jace right, in my mind. Namely; how do we go about deciding which members can and cannot request them? If we approve them for your usage; but we deny them for others, then it just sets a precedent of (apparent) favoritism that isn't worth the headache.

Apologies for flipping my vote on that; but it had to be done. Besides, with Jace staunchly against them we'd have been in a management deadlock anyhow, now that Mt.'s gone.

Man, Myth, Administrative God. Also plays a mean kazoo.
Jace Varitek: In Northern California we just have gangs of vigilante interior decorators.
Jace_VaritekDate: Wednesday, 03 Aug 2011, 1:03 PM | Message # 12
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Just so we have an idea where the request stands at this point, the following is definitely APPROVED:

■ 1 Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry Gunship
■ 2 Pursuer-class Enforcement Ships
■ 4 Z-6 Jetpacks
■ A reasonable number of:

■ Modified WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifles
■ Modified DC-17m Interchangeable Weapons System
■ Modified DC-15A Blaster Rifle
■ Modified DC-15x Sniper Rifle
■ DC-15S Blasters in various states of modification
■ DC-17 Repeater Hand Blasters
■ DC-15s Side Arm Blasters
■ WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistols

■ 2 PLEX launchers
■ 2 Mythosaur Axes
■ 4 Mandalorian War Swords
■ 8 Mandalorian Combat Knives
■ 5 V-1 Thermal Detonators (use prudently, please. Not Xizor's Palace style.)
■ 10 Plasma Grenades
■ 10 HX2 Antipersonnel Mines
■ A reasonable number of LXR-6 Concussion Grenades
■ A reasonable number of Fragmentation Grenades
■ A reasonable number of DetPacks
■ A reasonable number of Reverse-Polarity Pulse Grenades

The following is definitely DENIED:

■ All Basilisk droids.
■ 2 Pursuer-class enforcement ships

And as far as I can tell, the following is ambiguous either because Karth has approved it and I haven't, or vice versa, or it's not clear whether it's a part of the request anymore:

2 TX-130T Fighter Tanks (pending some background)
■ 4 "Wing-blast Rocket Packs"
2 "Shuriken Discs"
■ Z-6 rotary blaster cannon
Reciprocated quad blaster
■ 2 PLEX Launchers

I'm willing to compromise quite here and bump most of these into the approval column (I refer here to the ones in orange). The reason that Shuriken discs are here, for instance, is I still don't know what they are (from my first post: "The denial of the 'Shuriken Discs' is a bit tentative, because I'm not sure what they are"). If you explained what they are, I missed it. But odds are I'm going to be okay with it. I'm even okay with the reciprocated quad blaster being modified into an emplacement, but not an automated emplacement. And I'm disinclined to budge on the PLEX launchers, too; I haven't seen a case for them each having a PLEX launcher more compelling than my case for them not to. Again, this wouldn't preclude the Striile Ori'ramikade from acquiring them at some point in the RP.

Finally, with regard to the "Wing Blast Rocket Packs," I remain opposed. It was an arbitrary accessory with an action figure at a time that arbitrary accessories were being sold with action figures (like the equally improbable "Smuggler Flight Pack" that came with a Han Solo action figure). I also think it's overkill of comical proportions to have already heavily armed and armored Mandalorians with jetpacks cruising around essentially on beefed up STAP's strapped to their bodies on top of all the weapons and gadgets that Mandalorian armor is notorious for. I can't imagine a circumstance in which this isn't "practically invincible," as the rules prohibit.

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
Karth_DeQoraDate: Tuesday, 09 Aug 2011, 8:23 PM | Message # 13
Colonel general
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Can we come to a decision here, guys? We've alot of requests just lingering without resolutions.

Man, Myth, Administrative God. Also plays a mean kazoo.
Jace Varitek: In Northern California we just have gangs of vigilante interior decorators.
Jaboa_MereelDate: Tuesday, 09 Aug 2011, 10:47 PM | Message # 14
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I believe I said the Shuriken Discs were indeed similar to those seen in the Predator series, but the inspiration is from the Discblades used by the Zeison Sha. I'll take the two PLEX Launchers, but drop the Wing-blast Rocket Packs and Fighter Tanks (as there is no way for them to conveniently make use of them, at this time).

The Reciprocated Quad Blaster would not be automated, but I am still wishing for the Z-6, as it is intended as Rao'si's primary weapon, as he fills the heavy role within the squad, if that wasn't clear already.

Alor'ad Jabo'a Mereel
Striil Ori'ramikade
Jace_VaritekDate: Tuesday, 16 Aug 2011, 11:55 AM | Message # 15
Group: Administrators
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I was browsing around an antiques shop yesterday and what should I find but the 1998 "Boba Fett with Wing-Blast Rocket Pack" action figure in its original packaging. On the back, it specifically states the "Wing-Blast Rocket Pack" had never been seen before (as of 4 or 5 ABY) and was believed to have been built by Boba Fett himself. Again, I think all of this is ambiguously canon, but even if it's accepted as canon it's a fairly compelling case against these things being generally used by Mandalorians, especially prior to the New Republic era. I don't know what all this other stuff is about on Wookieepedia, about it having been designed hundreds of years BBY, etc. (There's no attribution). But this too implies it was something only Boba Fett had in about 15 years after the current setting of the RP. I know it's been dropped from the request, but I had to gloat about my private eye skills.

So, okay, I'm fine with the throwing discs. I'll also relent on the Z-6, even though I think it's A.) ambiguously canon at best, and B.) massively excessive force on top of the formidable weapons loadout these Mandalorians already have. If it was, say, Percy Windsor requesting a Z-6 I'd be more comfortable (and amused) with that, but I APPROVE it here reluctantly, and the throwing discs also, because Rao'si can already kill someone with his DC-15A rifle, or his two DC-15S pistols, or his Mythosaur axe, or one of his two Mandalorian war swords, or one or both of his combat knives, or one of his many detpacks or HX2 antipersonnel mines, or possibly (using Jabo'a's armor as an example) one or both of his crushgaunts, or his whipcord, or his wrist projectile launcher, or his flamethrower, or his "dual gauntlet twin heavy blasters," or his "dual gauntlet combat spikes," or his wristband blades, or his "boot spikes," or his toxin disperser, or his poison injector, or his kill net from Predator which has been denied in the past but still appears in Jabo'a's profile, or, presumably, his bare hands. How a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon could possibly be necessary in this context is vexing to me, but in the spirit of compromise I'll roll with it and call the request APPROVED.

All I ask is you change your avatar. I agree with Karth on this one; I know the dude is a badass IRL, but in this picture of him he looks 15 years old, and I think his goofy smile doesn't instill the sort of fear in his enemies that Jabo'a's avatar has done in the past. I'm not hating on it like I have some of this request, but I think it would be an objective improvement to the character to have a different avatar (sorry I let you down, btw—I couldn't find a suitable picture of that guy either. Lots of pictures where he looks badass, but he's in his rugby uniform in all of them. Sucks).

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
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