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Request to play a Tarkin
Elon_TarkinDate: Saturday, 26 Jan 2013, 5:32 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
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Short request: Request to play a Nephew of Ranulph Tarkin, to be a successful Imperial officer in the Navy with some civilian positions and a bright future thanks to his Cousin being Messr Willhuff Tarkin, to whom he owes a great deal. A speciesist and vocal supporter of the New Order, known for allowing little dissent.

Wordy words: Elon Tarkin was born on Eriadu in 44ABY. He was sired by the younger brother of Ranulph Tarkin; Ibzan Tarkin.

Ibzan tarkin lacked all of the hard nosed militarism of his brother and was rather poorly regarded for not having a taste to join the Republic Outland Regions Security Force. Instead seeking to help build a solid financial footing for the family business Quintad Orbital Manufacturing, transforming it's financial fortunes considerably via shrewd investments and fund management. As a successful businessman, he was able to retire at a young age with enough capital to make himself a considerably comfortable life on Coruscant where he was courting the Lady Elana Praji.

Ibzan made a fortune from investments on the Coruscant Financial Exchange really thanks to luck more than judgement, being consistently in the right place at the right time to buy low sell high.

After a successful time in stockbroking, he moved into government finance and liquidated his business interests when he became Director of the Republic Reserve Administration. As a powerful bureaucrat, the House Praji finally consented to him being allowed to marry his love, Lady Elana Praji. Their child was born the year Ibzan's brother died in the heroic battle to defeat pirate rule of the Outer Rim.

As for their child... Young Elon grew up fiery and enthusiastic being schooled on Eriadu in the traditional fashion, learning the arts of war. As he grew though he became aware of his fathers un-militaristic past and his Uncle's heroism and death at the hands of pirates, he felt honoured by his father giving him the middle name of his uncle and hoped to live up to it.

After graduating early with a degree in Strategic Studies with Galactic Politics from Coruscant University Elon enlisted in the Republic Outland Regions Security Force on a one year cadetship. During the cadetship he gained a detailed knowledge of the skills required of an officer and a gentleman.

Less than a month before the training program was due to end the Clone Wars were declared, thus Elon Tarkin volunteered for the Republic fleet and served honourably through the Clone Wars.

After wars end, he was disgusted to find out that his Uncle's murderer had not only defected to the Seps, but then switched allegiance again when their cause went south. He quietly swore an oath to himself, that he would make their blood run like a river for their treachery to the Republic (twice) and for killing his Father.

Having shown an aptitude (common in his family) for ship construction and design, Elon Tarkin quickly rose to become the Commanding Officer of the Imperial Navy Research, Development and Engineering Center (the cutting edge of the state of the art in terms of Imperial technology). His quick rise from a Commodore to Flag rank was largely due to his Cousin Wilhuff "watching his career with interest".

As he continued in his role, Elon was granted the sinecure Chairmanship of the Imperial Colonization Board. Due to his links to military research he was also quietly given the title of Division Chief of the Tech Section of Imperial Intelligence to allow him to continue research for the Navy and (with Intel approval) plough back military useful ideas to the Navy.

Thus with his finger firmly within all the pies available, Elon Tarkin would continue to press forward with all branches of research for the Navy while aspiring to Ministerial position and also with the ache inside to repay those who killed his Uncle.

Admiral Elon Ranulph Tarkin-Praji
Commanding Officer of the Imperial Navy Research, Development and Engineering Center.
Division Chief of the Tech Section, Imperial Intelligence.
Chairman of the Imperial Colonization Board.
Jace_VaritekDate: Sunday, 03 Feb 2013, 9:06 PM | Message # 2
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I APPROVE of this.

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
JaronDate: Monday, 04 Feb 2013, 8:02 PM | Message # 3
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I APPROVE as well.

Jaron Park
Manager from June 2009 to Present, Administrator from December 2011 to Present
(pre-April 2012 posts) (post-April 2012 posts)
Pre-2009 Archives
Karth_DeQoraDate: Monday, 04 Feb 2013, 11:56 PM | Message # 4
Colonel general
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Man, Myth, Administrative God. Also plays a mean kazoo.
Jace Varitek: In Northern California we just have gangs of vigilante interior decorators.
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