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Schmuel_KadramDate: Monday, 25 Mar 2013, 8:33 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 68
Awards: 1
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Status: Offline
As the GTU company was demonstrably becoming rather edgy in the last conflict at Lorrd.

And since all the big companies have an interest in seeing that powered armour has only limited proliferation (not to mention the Empire generally having said policy I assume)

I'd like KDY-RHE to purchase enough stock in the company from the Empire (or whoever owns it now) to pull it off the markets as a traded listed company listed on stock exchanges and make it a Privately owned company with the RHE having access to their databases (as owner).

They'd then announce the former owners and founders of GTU were to be granted board positions and effective control of the (tiny) company but no ownership. Ostensibly this is to make it a "family owned" corporate once more, KDY showing its commitment to small innovative companies, on the understanding they return to their old role as a niche producer of small numbers of suits from their traditional catalogue only. Basically returning them to being a small scale producer that sticks to building what it knows with no notion of innovation or expansion.

Thus GTU can linger on in the RP (as it was in the canon) as a fairly small company (until it got contracts from the NR later), producing small orders to order, little inventory and few to no stockpiles. Effectively I see it being like an artisan gunsmith in the real world. Vaguely owned by a lazy owner who is happy for it to just tick over making small orders for small profits.

Thus it can sink into the background, forgotten as it should be. If anyone wants a small quantity of units they can buy them but they certainly won't be taking planet, corporate orders etc R&D shelved indefinitely.

Schmuel Kadram
Governor of Rothana
Junior Vice President of Operations KDY
Jace_VaritekDate: Friday, 05 Apr 2013, 10:22 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2245
Awards: 4
Reputation: 21
Status: Offline
Quote (Schmuel_Kadram)
Thus it can sink into the background, forgotten as it should be.

Surest way is simply to not involve it in the RP any further. DENIED, but thank you for taking the time to put together a thoughtful request.

GTU at this point is an independent company in which the Empire has a considerable stake which it is in the process of liquidating back to the company itself.

Jace Varitek
Manager/Administrator from January 2003 to Present
My recent posts here, pre-2009 archives here

"When my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
—John Maynard Keynes

Furthermore, a dancing Wookiee:
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