Memorandum for: Chief of State Ponc Gavrisom
Subject: Re: To: General Cracken, All Law Enforcement Chiefs
Classification: Secret (CTX-Directive), Medium Priority Chief of State, you are correct in supposing that the prominent bounty hunting guilds have not posted or, in any manner, endorsed the bounty to which you refer. The dissemination of this bounty appears to be limited to certain sources on the holonet that disclaim that there is no contact information for he or those who posted it and, what's more, that there have been no credits deposited in advance as is customary for "anonymous" listings. NRI therefore considers this a minor threat to Neimoidians, as most professional bounty hunters would consider the posting to be dubious at best and, thus, not worth the trouble. However, there is always the possibility, as you suggest, that perhaps a deranged being with pretensions to bounty hunting could be persuaded to act upon the bounty. Therefore, NRI is treating this case as a high priority.
We have posted a bounty of our own for information as to the identity of him or those responsible for this posting, and this, combined with the investigation of our people, has produced us some useful information. It appears that the holonet posting originated with a Toydarian bookie on Tatooine who, we believe, was murdered some time after the bounty was posted. We have no information at this time as to who murdered him or why. What we do know is that the Toydarian spoke to various individuals of a "Doctor" for whom he (the Toydarian) was acting as a mediary in the matter of this particular bounty. Who the "Doctor" is, if he is a doctor, or if, in fact, he even exists, we do not know. We suspect, however, that it is an alias for an individual in some manner responsible for the bounty and likely responsible for killing the Toydarian as well.
Regrettably, unless we recieve more information, it appears that our leads in the case end here. We have informed the individual who posted the bounty—a Devaronian who collects and disseminates "word of mouth" bounties, and is not believed to be involved in originating this particular bounty—that the client referred to in the posting is dead and, therefore, we expect the posting to be removed from the holonet this week.
As for whether Mr. Cale, the Duke of Baltimn, is responsible, we can say only that it is a possibility. He is certainly a high profile individual with a potential interest in intimidating Neimoidia and its people, but at this time we have no information that implicates him in this bounty. However, we will consider monitoring the Duke's movements and contacts throughout the week and, no doubt, will have more information for you then.