TO: Capt L. I.C.T.O.O.D. Kruus
CC: Senator Kruus
FROM: Ponc Gavrisom, Chief of State
PRIORITY: High Captain
I am hereby comandeering your vessel under Section 45-2 of the Treaties of Allegiance as your vessel is the closest to the Baltimn system, and the most able to deal with the potentially hostile situation you may face on Baltimn.
You, Captain Luuneray In-Case-The-Other-One-Dies Kruus are hereby commissioned temporarily as an Officer of the New Republic Republican Guard, an Officer of the Guard will arrange for your Official Oath of Allegiance and also the relavent credentials and official written orders to be presented. Rules of Engagement will also be presented to you, to be opened on arrival to Baltimn.
As such, I am instructing you to take your vessel to the Baltimn System (which I am informed by your Father that you are in close proximity to) and procede in system, and make contact with the Baltimn Government.
You are to enforce the clauses of The Defence of the Shipping Industry Act which require the ship to be turned over to the Government, if the Baltimn Government does not comply, then I authorise you to use minimal force to seize the ship if practicable. If not practicable then please relay communications to us in order that we may arrange for other forces to be dispatched or deputised in your support.
I must urge you to use your discretion in this matter, Baltimn is a regime already under fire, and I would certainly hesitate to bring about any further scandal or shame and multiply their problems.
The following clauses of law are relavent, I believe you have several libraries of Legal Data onboard, so this should not be a problem.
"Possession of ships constructed by Ravak and Larben shall be henceforth Illegal.
Planetary Government Ownership of Ravak and Larben ships shall be made Illegal, any Ownership of these vessels in operating condition shall result in their confiscation. All currently owned vessels must be turned over to New Republic Authorities 7 days from the passing of this act.
Any non-member world on an Affiliate, Observer or Ally Status shall have this status removed and shall be labeled by the Diplomatic Corps as "Belligerent" if it does not comply with this act, and shall be deemed unsuitable for membership until it complies with this legislation."