The Forte Estate
Ryloth Memorandum to: Eli Fitzgerald
Executive Director, Freedom Fund; Former Chief of State
Subject: RE: The Morishim Ammendments
President Fitzgerald,
It is indeed a travesty, sir, that President Gavrisom's policies have gone largely unopposed and unchecked. You are indeed right, in the domestic issues that have kept me from being a presence in the Senate as of late. My standing on my people's ruling council unfortunately at times requires a rather demanding amount of my time on Ryloth itself. It appears in our absences, our allies have seemingly lost their way. They have gone from being our most stalwart supporters to Gavrisom's quietest. Perhaps it is their shame due to their betrayal of the cause, that holds their tongues still. I have been, and always will be, a Soldier of the New Republic. I will fight for its best interest now that I am able to do so, and will continue our fight that you are sadly unable to join me in on the field of political warfare. Rest assured, I have been willing before to go to any length to protect and preserve the New Republic. I am still willing to go to any length to protect and preserve the New Republic. ANY length. Our very survival is one the line, and sacrifices must be made, and some of us must do things that may go against our very fiber of being. For the New Republic, the cause shall endure and we will fight on, even in our darkest of days.