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Nationalizing BoSS
The Bureau of Ships and Services should be subject to more control.
1. Aye [ 5 ] [100.00%]
2. Nay [ 0 ] [0.00%]
Poll has expired - Tuesday, 07 Apr 2009, 10:59 PM
Answers total: 5
Senator_CambristDate: Sunday, 29 Mar 2009, 0:01 AM | Message # 1
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For over 18,000 years, the Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) has been the one agency responsible for assigning each vessel in the galaxy its own transponder, keeping records on such vessels and tracking their movements from one world to the next. For the most part, it has done this job commendably, but eighteen thousand years is a long time; the bureau has since drifted into autonomy, accountable to no one (not even the Old Republic), and has become an inbred haven of nepotism and corruption. Frequently, BoSS's offices and field jobs are filled not with qualified employees, but with relatives, friends and "donors," with no more loyalty to the New Republic than to the Empire.

Are these the people we want to trust with our starship registrations, flight certifications, transponder codes, and weapons statistics? I say no, not without oversight. The Bureau of Ships and Services is supposedly a bureau of the New Republic, and we deserve assurances that it truly is loyal to us and not our enemies. We deserve a bureau that hires the most qualified employees, not relatives. We deserve responsibility and accountability from this bureau, and so I propose this measure to make BoSS more responsible, more accountable, and more responsive to the demands of the people, and free commerce.

I propose that BoSS be placed firmly under the authority of the Commerce Council (therefore the Senate, and therefore the people), and that the Council should be given the power to hire and fire employees as necessary to clean up 18,000 years of nepotism and corruption. All employees must also be required to speak either Basic or Bocce, to streamline the trillions of vessel registrations and documents and make commerce much faster and more efficient. Finally, all BoSS employees must be required to sign an oath of loyalty to the New Republic.

Senators, it's time for accountability and responsibility from an organization that is supported by our tax credits, but is as loyal to us as it is to anyone including the Remnant. No more nepotism, no more corruption. Eighteen thousand years is enough. I vote in favor.

Senator Cambrist, Brentaal
Chairman of the Commerce Council

Tremaine_FowlkesDate: Thursday, 02 Apr 2009, 11:06 AM | Message # 2
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Senator Cambrist,

You proposed a good bill, one that would help get rid of corruption within the Republic. It may seems like a small thing, but everything starts small. This seems like a very good thing to do. I vote in favor.

Tremaine Fowlkes,
Senator of Mowgle

Tremaine Fowlkes
Senator of Telos IV
Cul-utaanForteDate: Thursday, 02 Apr 2009, 4:33 PM | Message # 3
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This measure is something that is a much needed reform, and I thank Senator Cambrist for bringing this security issue to the attention of the Senate. I myself vote In Favor of this law. Corruption is something I look to fight in my tenure here, and seeing one of my colleagues stepping up to this fight as well. I do have one concern however, that I would like to bring forth.

This issue is, as I said, a security issue...not necesarrily a commerce issue. Thus, I propose the Forte Amendment, which will put BoSS under the jurisdiction of the Council on Security and Intelligence. It is of my concern that this issue is a little too much for the Commerce Council to handle alongside moderation of the entire galactic commerce system, and CIS has more experience in dealing with this issue at hand and it falls under their everyday operations than the Commerce Council.

General Cul'utaan'forte
Forte's Legion
DannilBoVarDate: Thursday, 02 Apr 2009, 4:40 PM | Message # 4
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"The InterGalactic Mining Core has mixed feelings about the proposed bill, and at this time can not pass judgment either for or against. However, if the good Senator from Brentaal were willing to perhaps meet with the Board of Trustee's and discuss the proposed legislation, then the IMC feels that these matters could be addressed and that this body could therefore pass judgment. Corruption is a large issue among many governments; and the InterGalactic Mining Core strives to help create accountability within the Republic and it's distinct services."

Dannil Bo'Var
InterGalactic Mining Core and Subsidiaries
Senator_CambristDate: Friday, 03 Apr 2009, 7:29 PM | Message # 5
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Senator Forte, your vote for this measure is wise, but your amendment is not. The Council on Security and Intelligence does not have the expertise or the qualifications to oversee a department that is clearly concerned with commerce, not security, not intelligence. Not everything is a security issue, Senator, and this happens to be an economic one. Since you have admitted that you "have light experience when it comes to intergalactic economics," perhaps you can kindly withdraw your amendment.

Needless to say, the Bureau of Ships and Services (a bureau concerned with commerce) would be best served under the authority and expertise of the Commerce Council. Don't sell us short, Senator. As for Representative Bo'var, your reluctance is unfortunate, but if it's necessary that the IMC have the measure clarified, I would be willing to send a representative of the Commerce Council to brief your Board.

Senator Cambrist, Brentaal
Chairman of the Commerce Council

Simon_LeviDate: Friday, 03 Apr 2009, 9:37 PM | Message # 6
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Neimoidia votes in favour and seconds Senator Cambrist's stance that running the BoSS is clearly not something for security and intelligence and is clearly a commerce matter.

Moff of the Tammuz Sector
Eli_FitzgeraldDate: Monday, 06 Apr 2009, 10:57 PM | Message # 7
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I'm concerned about the enforcement of this resolution, considering that since BoSS has been essentially independent for generations, they might not be amenable to suddenly having authority imposed on them, rightful or not. I would also prefer that the Bureau retain some discretion over its employees given the situation, but I do agree that perhaps there is no alternative where there is nepotism of this sort. If these measures are necessary to "drain the swamp" of bureaucracy, so to speak, then I will support them. However, I'm going to be reluctant to commit the Republic to legal battles with BoSS over these new powers, and I hope it won't be necessary to do so.

I vote in favor of the measure, because above all it does appear to be a step in the right direction, and my promised goal of streamlining government bureaucracy wherever possible. With that, the vote is closed and the measure is passed without objection. I feel I should remind Senator Cambrist and his allies, however, to be clear, this measure does not authorize the Commerce Council, or any worlds seated on that Council to use force to evict employees or enforce its declarations. Such matters should be solved properly in the courts by the New Republic (the actual New Republic), though as I've said I hope it will not be necessary.

Eli Fitzgerald
Chief of State

Eli Fitzgerald
Senator of Ralltiir (10 BBY—Present)

"I was elected to do some flamethrowing in the Senate. To a light a fire under those Senators and make it hot for them."
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