At the helm of a small Zhyrian Fighter, Sarid Kopesh newly self dubbed "Atrocitus" thumbed through varied holofeeds. Most prominent was the public outrage over his latest victim. This was good if not somewhat ironic. The insipid fools would never know exactly what Moraine would of had in store for all of them. Even if they did, HE had taken the liberty of destroying all evidence of her role as a Dark Lord of the Sith. Deimos of course was a variable in play Atrocitus knew, but he also knew that he could capitalize on Deimos Al'cair's passions for his now defunct master to be blinded to what was about to transpire. Really who would the Republic believe? A fallen Jedi? Or a deceased Senator tragically cut down in the prime of her life?
Atrocitus knew enough of his slain Master's policies and designs that it would be the latter. One quick message to the IMC or the OSC would have Moraine's former colleagues up in arms clamoring to Zhyr to have justice wrought. Deimos was known to Atrocitus, but he was not to Deimos, save by a name.
But Atrocitus with-held the checkmate much as the Dark Lady herself might of. He simply had baited Deimos and departed without words to the void of stars. If Deimos played the hand as expected, "General Al'cair" would grow exceptionally paranoid and in a effort to protect the public, institute martial law with the Revolutionary Zhyrian Guard. Or in more accurate terms forge a regime change. The IMC would balk at this as would the OSC and both would probably petition the Republic to install a new Govenor. Deimos would then take umbrage and a War would start. The War would draw Jedi.
And even if it didnt occur in that way, and Deimos "played nice". Atrocitus was served too there.
In any case it would give him the time to prepare.
But to do that he needed more. Power. Knowledge. Anger. Anger was his strength and in a primal way it was his visceral connection to the Force. These games of planning bored Kopesh easily, but he knew full well that to continually beat his chest would eventually leave him in a weak position. Even the strongest Kath Hound must have a pack to follow him, if he is to take down a Great Shyrack.
So while his rage smouldered and the fires were buried, they never were extinguished.
The bloody shadow of the dark side of the Force had empowered Kopesh far too potently for that.
While in flight, he had studied what he had stolen from Zhyr. And he had profited in his solitude. Particularly from the Scroll of Vortraus. Apparently there had been one Sith in existance who even Darth Phobos herself had feared once upon a time.
Atrocitus' ship sliced through the galaxy as the planet of Ziost loomed large and imposing against the blackened firmament of Space. This had been the Lord's home of old, seconded only by Zhyr. And Zhyr was a arid worthless world in Atrocitus' eyes now. Deimos playground where he could avail himself of such toys as he might desire. What was a planet compared with a promise of immortality? A eternal existance of bloodshed and his hunger fed?
A eternal thirst and potency in the slaughter of life. A connection spawned of blood and rage, for the Blood was life.. and Life was the Force. He would be the harbringer of this depraved truth.
He would seek out this Sith Lord of old. Activate his legacies. For if what the texts stated on this particular individual, were factual and that (like his former mistress) the ability she had learned, which allowed her to cheat death; had indeed been culled from him. There was really for a monster like Atrocitus one worthy goal.
Summon him.
And then..?
Break him..