Vote of No Confidence, Against Senator Exar Ray
In Regards to the Chairmanship of the Defense Council
After review of the Dantooine Report, it is clear to me that, whether it be on purpose or accidently, Senator Ray has lied about the composition of his planetary defenses in order to receive further funding and assetts...and in a lesser offense has mismanaged his own militia forces. He has, as Defense Council Chairman, failed to also address several issues related to planetary militia oversight, issues that have led to great risk to other member worlds in the wreckless actions of member worlds, and even affiliate members, thus creating an even greater security risk to the New Republic as a whole.
Thus, and this is with great reluctance, I put forward a Vote of No Confidence in Senator Ray as Chairman of the Defense Council. You have too much on your plate, Senator, to actively, and effectively, deal with the challenges faced by this government and our military forces... and since you have expressed resistence to resigning, we must take this step in the interest of the common good. I am sorry, sir.