Memorandum for: Jedi High Council, New Republic Senate
Subject: Sith Temple and the New Sith Order
Security: Classified
I wish to bring this to your attention, as I have told the gracious and eloquent representative the Jedi Order had sent to meet with me at Druckenwell. At this time, I, Jericho Novak, Sith Lord and uncontested Dark Lord of the Sith, do found the New Sith Order, taken from principles of the Old Sith Order and combined with the morality and democracy of the New Republic. I see no fault with this, though many have and likely as not, many will. As the Jedi Order guards the New Republic, so with the Sith Order. At the time of this sending, I have planned to create a Sith Temple on Druckenwell, akin to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. In my temple, all Force-sensitives wishing to adopt this path will be welcome. Likewise, any wishing to change to the Jedi Order at any point will be free and welcome to do so. I am not here to hold prisoners, simply to train a new ideology.
I will not, however, be releasing my teaching materials to the public knowledge. As the Jedi safeguard their knowledge, so do I. At the time of this writing, I have one apprentice who has come forth and trained with me nearly since my emergence into this changed galaxy. If any among you have any questions regarding my policies or thoughts, you know how to contact me.