If the Senate would permit me to introduce myself, my name is Zuthus Bralor and I come to you today not only as Mand'alor but a representative of my people. I as the leader of the Mandalorians wish to form an alliance so that way we may trade freely amongst ourselves as we Mandalorian's our renowned for our food products, our tools of war manufacturing and our warriors. Consider these trying times I believe that our alliance would be beneficial for both our nations. As you may all be aware our nation has recently formed in these past months under my direction. The Mandalore Sector itself is quickly becoming prosperous and we have successfully reformed our government with Mandalore at the center of government. Our clans have come together under our shared virtues, beliefs and goals pulling ourselves from our criminal reputation and forming a respectful collective of honorable people who wish to seek excellence through our cultural values such as the Resol'nare.
We share the same values of freedom, equality and of democracy, in fact our cultural makes no distinction between men and women even in our own language. Mandalorians do not see race either. For anyone who wishes to be Mando'ade is Mando'ade in our eyes and deserves the same respect only being better through ones actions, excellence in virtues and merit.
We also share the same enemy, the Empire, for which I as Mand'alor have pledged to fight until breath leaves my lungs or my enemy no longer breaths. I'm sure all of you are aware of how the Empire enslaved the Mandalorians.
In going back to the crux of the matter I must address current issues that we Mandalorians want to discuss with the Republic. Currently it is our intentions to acquire that which has been stolen from us. In some cases our people, being scattered around the galaxy are under the oppression of Imperial spast, we wish to take back all the planets under Imperial control that was ours at the height of our own Empire. We claim these planets as our own for the cultural significances it has. Further more, before Fenn Shysa our previous Mand'alor freed us from our slaver the Empire ravage much of our famous Mandalorian iron ore. Our intelligence has indicated that the Empire never had the means to properly process this ore so much of it is stored in storehouses through out the galaxy some of it in Imperial territory, some in neutral territories and others in Republic territory for example our own intel point to Wayland as having a sizable amount of unprocessed ore.
Hence our need for an alliance with the Republic. With the help of this senate our people can reclaim it's identity and former glory. In return we will be able to provide you with services that will relieve your already stretched forces protecting your own people and holdings. As well bring the fight to the Imperials once we establish our economy without the Republic to break it's fragile truces as we will have no such agreements.
Ultimately our goal is to spread our ways through out the galaxy and do so peacefully in the Republic so that our people may travel freely and no longer have to stoop to illegal means just to get by and to create a safe haven throughout our territory along the Perlemian Trade route and through out our nation committed to protecting the laws of the region to allow for travelers free from fear and assault.
At this point I would open the floor to any questions.