A Statement to Chief of State Gavrisom
From Imperial Minister of State
Walther Thaddeus Fiske
Chief of State Gavrisom, the Galactic Empire has no reason to doubt the sincerity with which you signed, only months ago, the historic peace treaty between our respective factions. We are, likewise, committed to peace and desire that our past animosities between us be set aside; we believe, thus, that it is only appropriate that this new era of armistice and understanding begin with a clarification, and an apology, for an event that occurred at the very beginning of the New Republic, that haunts us still. In 5 ABY, the vile and violent Stenax species, without provocation, grotesquely murdered tens of millions of innocent men, women and children on a half dozen worlds in the Gordian Reach, for no reason but that they considered themselves "Imperial," and desired new lives for themselves and their families on worlds their shared, peacefully, with the Stenax. The New Republic was fully aware of this episode, and did nothing to prevent it. What's more, famous instigators such as Mr. Skywalker and Chewbacca were known, in the months prior to the episode, to be on the planet Stenos in contact with, and in alliance with, the Stenax. Chief of State, I needn't connect these dots for you.
The Galactic Empire demands, in this new era of cooperation, that the New Republic investigate the role of Mr. Skywalker and Chewbacca in the "Stenax Massacres," and issue a public apology to the Senate for having allowed these heinous murders, dismemberments, and disembowlings to occur. This incident is a blemish on the New Republic and, more importantly, a blemish on Republic/Imperial relations. Chief of State Gavrisom, if you are committed to peace, as we are, you will heed this request.