500 Republic
Nerra House (State House for Ryloth and Off-World Twi'leks) Memorandum for: Ponc Grivisom
Chief of State
Subject: Notice of Investigation-Senator Jamulon Desilijic Tiure of Dantooine
CC: General Airen Cracken, Director-NRi; Advisory Council; High Council; Justice Council; Court of Justice; Senatorial Oversight Committee; Senator Jamulon Desilijic Tiure of Dantooine
Security: Open
Citing recently discovered information in regards to a pyramid scheme, and thus any relevant resulting felony and misdemeanor charges, as well as personal admittance to participation and practice in the act of slavery, and thus any resultings felony and misdemeanor charges, the Corruption Panel, in the name of the New Republic, is launching a formal investigation of Senator Jamulon Desilijic Tiure of Dantooine. Due to the information at hand, the Corruption Panel shall also launch an investigation into Senator Tiure's commerical enterprises, his actions before obtaining his seat and while holding office, and his election. We formally ask, as per procedure, any possible aid NRi and the Court of Justice can give in regards to this matter.