The Young Guns
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 8:32 PM | Message # 1 |
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| Hours ago, he was at Mon Calamari Shipyards. The tour of the Viscount was incredible, and he was pleased that reforms and innovations called for by several members of the Admiralty, including himself, were finally being applied. He couldn't wait for the launch of the ship, which was years away, and worried that Gavrisom might cut the funding to, if not delay or cancel, the project. They needed the Star Defender Project to be completed, as much as they needed New Class to be seen through, politics be damned. Unfortunatly, they lived in an age of politics, with a man who appeased to everyone at the helm. Gavrisom wasn't his first choice for Chief, and he would openly admit that, however he was still loyal and supportive of him in public. His political views were a moot point, as were the views of every other servicebeing. They had a job to do, and despite their beliefs, it had to be done. His job, was now Inspector General for the entire NRDF as well as Advisor to the Supreme Commander on Future Force Operations. He took the desk job after the peace treaty was signed, giving command of the Fourth Battle Group to his executive officer, who earned it well through the years. Part of him wished she was still his aide and confidant, however she had to begin her own career, and he wasn't about to let good, young talent be put to waste following his wrinkled ass around the galaxy to every form of military installation imaginable, from a tent and campire diligently staffed by two men on a lonely and remote planet to the massive citadel of Anaxes. He was there, making sure everyone was still combat ready at the blink of an eye...and making them such if they weren't. The job was active, and showed him alot fo the galaxy...but nothing compared to the sitting in the command chair acting as the righteous hammer of freedom and justice. He felt some of that old, and missed, feeling now, as he now stood on the bridge of the DP-20 Frigate Pioneer. Lieutenant De Crion was his guide, and commander of the vessel. "The crew is mostly fresh from Academy and Crew Training, with experienced staff placed in key areas." said the Lieutenant. "How long have you been out of the Academy, Lieutenant?" he asked him. "Three years, sir. I must say, it's an honor to have you aboard, and even more so to meet you. Many of us have grown up idolizing you. We learned much of your tactics and strategies in Academy, in fact my senior year they introduced a senior only class called Theoretical Warfare, with one of the major subjects being your Full Spectrum Dominance theory." he said. Kieran laughed at this, and smiled at the young man. "I had no idea some of that made it into Training and Doctorine. It's good to now they are teaching you more than just the basics. MY tour is yet to bring me to the Academies, but I'm sure it will be quiet the experience to learn about myself."he said, causing laughter amongst the staff that were in the group. He looked over to a small device, looking like a mere holoprojector, which was connected into a dataport. He tapped the device, causing a holographic woman to appear. "Cortana, how does the Pioneer look?" he asked the AI. "Good. A hell of a lot better than any wartime DP20s we've come across. I'm liking the new ship smell.." she said. He chuckled and detached the device. "Transmit your data to the backup core at the Coruscant office." He said, detaching the connection wire and handing it to a technician. He then took the device, dismissing the AI, and pocketing the device. Few knew what it actually was, and anyone finding it would think of it nothing more then a regular holoprojector. The new tech had helped him greatly in his job, but the long development, and cost of the units, were likely to cause the new mobile AIs to see little use. "Alright Lieutenant, the ship looks great, crew is in lets see it in action. My staff is ready for grading, go to red alert." he said. The Lieutenant saluted, causing him to give a return salute, and then heard the Lieutenant begin to bark orders. Lighting switched over to red, as klaxons sounded throughout the ship. Once the crew had manned their battlestations, slightly under average, but still passing, his staff would begin testing random crewmembers, making sure they were in proper conditioning, making notes and recommendations as they did so. Once this was completed, the ship made a micro jump along the patrol zone, simulating a battle jump. Within a minute they had dropped out of hyperspace, and prepared to begin simulated combat.
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
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Captain_Heller | Date: Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 9:54 PM | Message # 2 |
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| "Captain," the Lieutenant asked him again, "Shall we engage?" Heller didn't like this. That is, he didn't like it before the readings had shown that the New Republic ship—the Pioneer—was armed, shielded, and combat ready. He had been put in the uncomfortable position of having to knowingly violate the peace treaty with the Republic and capture one of their vessels, although his instructions had been unspecific as to which one. Heller's Star Destroyer, the Marathon, had for hours been shadowing the Republic fleet's training exercises, and finally an opportunity had presented itself in the form of this lone gunship. But he still didn't like it; Heller recognized the Pioneer as a Corellian Gunship and, probably, a DP20—a small vessel, but underestimated at one's own peril. It was well equipped and well rounded, and its formidable missile compliment could overwhelm an unsuspecting Star Destroyer's shields before it even knew what hit it. So what to do? They hadn't, apparently, detected the Marathon yet; Heller was tempted, instinctively, to accelerate into a long arc around the gunship, surprise it from behind, and open up with a broadside at close range before it could maneuver out of the way. But then he remembered, of course, that they weren't at war with the Republic any more. The Pioneer wouldn't—or at least, shouldn't—be expecting a Star Destroyer to open fire on it while the ink was still wet on the peace accords. Why not use this assumption to his advantage, dishonorable though it might have been? "Not yet," Heller answered, "Bring us in closer, slowly, and ask them to switch to frequency seven; that should waste some time. Once we're in contact, identify ourselves and ask them to do likewise. Keep our shields down in the meantime, but be prepared to raise them. I wan't no hostile gestures at all, not even one targeting solution, understood?" "Sir," the Lieutenant acknowledged, and relayed his orders. The Marathon moved in closer to the Pioneer at an oblique angle, clearly intending with this traditional maneuver (as the gunship would understand) to eventually pull up alongside of it.
Clive Winston Heller Captain of the Marathon The Galactic Empire
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 10:33 PM | Message # 3 |
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| A moment after reversion into real space, a commotion started at the sensor station. After about a minute, Lieutenant De Crion informed him the sensor array may be malfunctioning. He connected Cortana back into the mainframe of the ship, and proceeded to inquire into the situation. He walked over to the Sensor Station. "Ensign, give me a sitrep." he ordered. "Admiral, upon reversion long-range scanners picked up an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It is being detected on the Imperial side of the neutral zone, but Intelligence reports cleared this area of Imperial presence yesterday. We are running diagnostic now." reported the young man, clearly rattled. "Calm youself, Ensign." he said, placing a hand on the young man's shoulder. "It's working fine, Admiral." reported Cortana as the Communications Officer spoke. "Sir, the Imperials are hailing us, requesting a switch to frequency seven." reported the young female Twi'lek. He nodded, and removed Cortana, pocketing her once more. As he headed towards the opposite side of the bridge, their fighter support for the practice session arrive. Two flights, containing an E-Wing and two B-Wings. "Ensign, order fighter support to remain in escort formation. Keep them to our portside." he ordered. As he and the Lieutenant moved to the station, the Sensor Array came back online and confirmed the ISD coming alongside the Starboard side fo the ship. As this was done, a voice came across the comm panel. "This is Imperial Star Destroyer Marathon, identify yourself." said the voice. "It's a type one, sir." reported the Sensor Officer. Kieran nodded, and looked to De Crion. "It's your show, son. Remain ready and alert. We need to be ready to react if this goes sour...and prepared to fight." he said, having a bad feeling about this. He walked over to the command chair, taking a moment to think as the Lieutenant repsonded back. "This is Republic Gunship Pioneer, carrying Admiral Kieran Nadia of New Republic Defense Force High Command for observation of standard Gunnery and Readiness Practice sessions, scheduled to occur today at this location in Republic space. State the nature of your business, Marathon." he said, ready to call in the main fleet at a moment's notice, but defering to Nadia for overall command...he wouldn't do a thing without Nadia's personal order.
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
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Captain_Heller | Date: Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 11:03 PM | Message # 4 |
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| Heller stood stoically at the Marathon's bridge viewport, his ostensibly calm demeanor concealing his secret; that before every battle—though he had seen many, at this point—he felt nervous. Considerably more so now, in fact, because he had the added weight on his conscience of jeopardizing a peace agreement that he, himself, supported. He had always been a moderate, and were he not born on Eriadu he might well have been the one in the Pioneer now. But no matter, he had his orders and, one assumed, they were not without good reason. The Captain's eyes shifted intently from the gunship to its fighter escort (which had since appeared), and back again. The New Republic vessel grew steadily closer, the glow of its engines beginning to cast a flame orange hue over the Marathon's durasteel hull. The Star Destroyer was still a few moments behind the Pioneer, but had completed its oblique turn and now flew, essentially, parallel to it. The maneuver, and deliberate grace with which is was performed, called to mind images of some ancient, seafaring predator silently approaching its foe, merely to peer at it, perhaps. Or to swallow it. "Tell them we're sorry, we didn't copy, and ask them to please repeat the last transmission," Heller ordered. By the time the gunship had done so, the Marathon would be in position; beside the Pioneer, to starboard, and slightly behind and slightly above it. "Be polite," he added to the communications officer, "I want them at ease." That is, as much at ease as one realistically could be with a Star Destroyer looming in one's blind spot. "Ready the tractor beam."
Clive Winston Heller Captain of the Marathon The Galactic Empire
Message edited by Captain_Heller - Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 11:14 PM |
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 11:17 PM | Message # 5 |
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Messages: 20
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| Nadia sat in the chair, uneasy. His instinct and training told him something was amiss here. Acting on a whim, he shouted out. "Helm! Maintain automatic control for the moment, but switch manual control to Command." he ordered. In the background he could hear De Crion speaking once more. "I repeat, this is Republic Gunship Pioneer, carrying Admiral Kieran Nadia of New Republic Defense Force High Command for observation of standard Gunnery and Readiness Practice sessions, scheduled to occur today at this location in Republic space. Once again, state the nature of your business, Marathon." he said, looking down at the communications officer. "Are we on the right frequency?" he asked. "Yes sir, we switched before responding, they should have received the first transmission easily." she reported back to him. For a moment, De Crion thought, letting a grunt escape from his throat. "Keep a channel ready to open to the main fleet." he said. Unquestioningly, she did so, and now they were waiting for some sort of response from the Marathon
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
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Captain_Heller | Date: Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 11:42 PM | Message # 6 |
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| For a moment there was absolute silence on the Marathon's bridge, with the exception of the mouthful that the Pioneer was compelled to repeat over the comm. Heller drew in one deep, measured breath, and let it out. "Right," he said, turning away from the viewport to regard the various stations on the bridge. "Turbolaser batteries seventeen through thirty, set your sights on the rectangular casing on the top of the ship, to the aft. This is the power generator casing; sensors will send the data to you momentarily. Visual aim only on the first barrage, no targeting solutions. Hold your fire until my mark. Point defense guns, deck one, prepare for indiscriminate fire on the gunship's shields. Even displacement, visual aim only for the first barrage. Hold your fire until my mark." "Diagnostics, prepare to raise shields on my mark. Tractor beam, prepare for your lock on my mark. Communications, prepare to scramble all channels with the exception of frequency seven, on my mark. Prepare the following transmission but do not send it until my mark," he cleared his throat, "Pioneer, you are trespassing on Imperial airspace. Your vessel will be seized, and boarded. Power down your shields and armaments, and we will cease firing. Repeat, and over." He paused, and turned again to look out the viewport. This was the point of no return. Even with an Admiral the likes of Kieran Nadia aboard, the totality of this assault would, no doubt, overwhelm all but the finest and most seasoned of crews; the turbolasers would concentrate on the Pioneer's power generators, pummeling its shields mercilessly while the Marathon's point defense guns would weaken those shields even further. The communications scrambling was sloppy (the New Republic's fleet would notice that communications had been disrupted, giving Heller a very short window, perhaps 5 minutes, before another curious gunship or picket came to investigate). On Heller's mark, it would be pandemonium on Nadia's vessel. "Gunnery? Diagnostics? Tractor beam? Communications?" "Mark."
Clive Winston Heller Captain of the Marathon The Galactic Empire
Message edited by Captain_Heller - Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 11:48 PM |
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 0:00 AM | Message # 7 |
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Messages: 20
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| In the bridge, the Sensor Officer had a sudden change in tone. "Sir, we are detecting a surge within their power system." he said at a slow pace. "Where, Ensign?" he asked with no reply. "Ensign." he said in an orderly tone. "ENSIGN!" he now screamed. "Weapons, sir.." said the Sensor Officer. Before he could take the controls in the command chair, the ship rocked with combination of the tractor beam grabbing them and the opening salvo. "Return fire!" ordered De Crion. Immediatly, the fighters broke formation and swept around, to make a torpedo run on the command tower, specifically targetting the bridge and firing off a pair each, also firing their Ion Cannons as they came in. Immediatly, the guns on the Gunship opened up on all local weapons emplacements, focusing on the turbolasers that were firing on them. Meanwhile, Nadia went into action by making his way to tactical. "Ensign, set three quick salvos of missles to be launched with zero thrust from the missles." he said. Once they were set, about twenty seconds later, he gave the order. "Fire!" following which missles from the Gunship fired from each tube two seconds apart. The modified setting caused their engines to not ignite, and with far less mass and, unlike the Gunship, giving no opposing thrust, the tractor beams dragged the missles quickly straight into their generators, allowing at least one to hit each.
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
Message edited by KieranNadia - Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 0:07 AM |
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Captain_Heller | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 0:36 AM | Message # 8 |
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| "Clever," said Heller admiringly under his breath, as he watched the Pioneer "float" a number its missiles and use them, essentially, as mines. Were the Marathon actually pulling the gunship in with its tractor beam, this could potentially have been rather perilous to its projectors. However, the New Republic vessel wasn't disabled yet, and the tractor beams were merely being used to hold it in place, like the talons of a bird of prey, while the Star Destroyer's turbolasers continued to peck away at its shields and, ultimately, its power generator. Nonetheless, Heller admired innovative tactics even if, in this case, it would not prove effective; some of the missiles errant missiles were struck accidentally by the Marathon's turbolasers, but far more of them were destroyed by the fusillade of point defense guns already firing indiscriminately at the Pioneer's shields. Some of the missiles did, eventually, drift close enough to the Star Destroyer to detonate against its shields, but caused no significant damage. The starfighters posed a rather more serious threat, and were treated accordingly by the many of the Marathon's point defense guns (true, a number of them were busy with the Pioneer, but the vast majority were not). But the attempt, however vailant, perhaps did not have the effect that it desired; any protocol droid could tell you that the odds of surviving a direct assualt on an Imperial Star Destroyer were incredibly slim, and many of the fighters—particularly the slower and more potent B-wings—would not make it to the bridge (which, it should be reminded, is a very small and difficult target to find from a moving fighter, let alone to hit). Two fighters would survive long enough to loose their torpedoes; one E-wing and one B-wing, the latter with its ion cannons spattering the superstructure as well. The E-wing was hit at the last moment, its torpedoes straying off target. The B-wing fired it's pair of torpedoes more or less on target. Heller's shoulders tensed as he watched the spectacle unfold, too close for comfort, but made a point not to let the men see him cower, even out of reflex, away from the viewport. He stood his ground first as the ion cannons sprayed the superstructure with a sound like pouring sand, and the lights on the bridge flickered, and failed. Next, the torpedoes exploded against the shields, turning everything a bright, white color but, ultimately, not breaking through. "Auxiliary power," Heller found himself saying, in an oddly calm tone of voice. He noticed that, in the darkness, he had closed his eyes and now opened them to find the lights and systems restored, and the shields in front of the viewport evenly displacing once again. Too close, he thought to himself. He found the attack on the bridge to be in rather poor taste for Nadia, and it somewhat damaged the man in Heller's esteem. Destroying the bridge would not win the battle (as there was, of course, a secondary bridge)—it would merely kill the highest ranking officers present. No matter. By now, the Pioneer's shields would be straining significantly—if not overwhelmed, completely—from the continuous onslaught of the turbolasers and point defense guns. From that point, it would be only a matter of seconds before the gunship's casing was breached and the power generator knocked out, thus disabling its weapons, shields, and so on. Hopefully not its life support, Heller thought to himself, although apparently this Admiral Nadia would not wish the same for me. "Prepare the boarding party," Heller said, and only then did the bridge crew let out a collective cheer at the fact that they were, after all, still alive. Alive, and winning.
Clive Winston Heller Captain of the Marathon The Galactic Empire
Message edited by Captain_Heller - Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 0:44 AM |
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 0:54 AM | Message # 9 |
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| "Get me in contact with our fighters." ordered Nadia. "Sir, they launched an attack on the survived, a B-Wing. It is currently fleeing the combat zone." reported the Sensor Officer. Unfortunatly the jam didn't allow him to contact the pilot. He never gave an order, nor any standing instruction, regarding an assault against the command bridge by the fighters. It was actions like these by those that never had a chance to fight the Empire, with dreams of blowing up another Death Star or punching an Imperial Officer in the face on some unimportant world with fighting as fierce as if it were for Coruscant, that he wanted to be rid of. Now five lives were lost, and possibly more if the Captain took it personal. "Sir, missle attack failed. Enemy has us in a hold with no pull being exerted." reported the Tactical officer. "Launch a regular 12 salvo spread against the weapons emplacements hitting us. Two salvos at random pacing are to target the shield generator domes along the same track. Keep up turbolaser fire." he ordered. Immediatly, the salvos were launched, heading forward at first, then quickly turning back, towards their targets to ring true. As this occured, the power shifted from Engines into the Shields, to help them hold, and regenerate if possible.
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
Message edited by KieranNadia - Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 0:56 AM |
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Captain_Heller | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 1:18 AM | Message # 10 |
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| "Missile locks on the generator domes," announced an Ensign at the diagnostics console. "4 degrees starboard pitch," Heller said immediately, and watched as the star field outside the viewport began to shift, ever so slightly, as the Marathon remained in position but tilted, clockwise, to use its considerably wide girth to block the Pioneer's line of fire to the superstructure and, in fact, to obscure it completely from view. Heller noted the gunship, from his vantage point, disappearing under the port "edge" of his ship, and walked away from the viewport and toward the sensors console instead, where he could continue to view the battle. The missiles intended for the domes, as expected, would collide instead with the underside of the Marathon and, with only eight of them in total, would not do significant damage except, momentarily, to break through the formidable shields, sear the hull, and breach two compartments which, thankfully, were not essential. The shields quickly displaced again, although Heller remained unsatisfied as his eyes darted about the readings. "Shields concentrated to port?" he asked, noticing that he had forgotten to give the order. "Yes, Captain." "Good," he said, watching as the the more formidable barrage of missiles targeted the port side turbolasers (relatively few of which—only batteries seventeen through thirty—were actually firing). The shields held, for the most part, although not enough to prevent a number of the turbolasers from being destroyed, the explosions from the missiles in most cases detonating the weapons' highly flammable coolant lines. Seven batteries were put out of commission. Heller did the math quickly in his head and compensated for the loss; "Batteries thirteen through sixteen, and thirty-one through -three, resume fire coverage on the generator casing," he ordered, his demeanor calm and methodical even as he wiped a bead of perspiration from his forehead with his sleeve. But the additional turbolasers, truly, weren't necessary. Surely the Pioneer's shields had been overwhelmed (though they had made a good show of it). The New Republic vessel was rocked, visibly, by a large explosion atop the engine block as the power generator exploded. "Right," Heller said immediately, "confirm that shields and weapons are down, and cease firing. Communications, send that message to them again, and inform them that we don't want any more loss of life."
Clive Winston Heller Captain of the Marathon The Galactic Empire
Message edited by Captain_Heller - Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 1:31 AM |
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 1:32 AM | Message # 11 |
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| As the ship began tilting, he gave the order. "Fire everything we have left!" he said. As fifteen more salvos ripped out of the Gunship, he realised this was a vain effort. The energy shift allowed them enough time to fire off the last salvo and take more shots into the ship from the turbolasers. The Power Generator exploded, causing emergency lighting to activate. "Get the Marines to the airlocks. All crew, prepare for boarding. Gunnery crews, reinforce the Marines." he said, with the relevant orders being relayed. His staff deployed throughout the ship would aid the Marines as well, adding their additional experience to setting up barricades and effective defensive positions. "Move all personnel in the rear half of the ship to the foward half, and seal off the rear half." he ordered, coming up with a plan in his head. They had about two minutes, maybe less, before a nearby patrol was notified. With the surviving B-Wing having escaped to hyperspace, and knowing where to go, response time was likely to be somewhat shorter. Once chaos had been quelled on the bridge, he hooked Cortana back into the mainframe. "What's left?" he asked her. "Looks like some backup power sources...Life Support still operational. Weapons down. Engines are still generating energy, but power to all flight control systems are down and I'm unable to reroute any functioning energy source into them. We might as well be a liveable floating rock." she said. "Alright, we have two minutes until reinforcements will more than likely be here. We need to hold off the enemy until then." he said. He then began working with the AI to set up his plan of defense.
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
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Captain_Heller | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 12:15 PM | Message # 12 |
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| The Marathon's shields would simmer under the final barrage, but hold. The old adage had been proven that it was not how many weapons one had, but how one used them that mattered; the haphazard fashion in which the final salvos were launched, ultimately, had little effect. The Pioneer had been disabled, its weapons and shields down, ready for the taking. Heller, pulling back the sleeve of his uniform to peer at his wrist chrono, was keenly aware of how much—or rather, how little—time he had remaining, particularly since he'd been told that the one remaining starfighter had fled. "Right," he said, "Tractor beam? Pull them in and close the hangar doors behind them. Diagnostics, tend to the particle shields. Seal any breached compartments and prepare for lightspeed." Another cheer and a modest round of applause went up from the bridge crew, as they congratulated each other and themselves for a skirmish won. "Well done all of you," Heller acknowledged them, "but you can celebrate when we're back on Bastion; we're not finished yet. Helm, come about eighty degrees. Navigations, chart us a course and jump when ready. Diagnostics, your damage report please." "Nine compartments breached," an Ensign announced from his console, "Fires in compartments P2210A and P2213A, reportedly contained. Eleven men dead on the port turbolaser deck one, twelve men missing and believed dead. Shields are operating at 91%, and regenerating." "Let's get a medical team to the turbolaser deck," Heller said, "and one to the hangar as well in case the Republic has any wounded aboard. The boarding party is to proceed when ready, all blasters set for stun. But don't shoot unless necessary, make sure Pioneer knows we don't want to kill them and their detention is temporary." One assumes, Heller thought grimly to himself, suddenly reminded that even he did not know the real purpose of this mission. "Lieutenant," he added, "I'm going to the turbolaser deck to survey the damage; you have the conn." He strode off the bridge just as the star field outside it's viewport elongated, blurred, and the Marathon jumped to lightspeed. * * * In the Star Destroyer's hangar, the Pioneer had been clasped in place and a TIE Boarding Craft, although ready to begin its work, had not yet done so. Heller's message was being relayed to the New Republic's vessel first, hoping to get a reply. The stormtroopers gathered outside the ship were taking no chances; they'd set barricades in front of the Pioneer's airlock, and had a secondary line of E-Web repeaters arrayed around it. The hangar's own weaponry, too, scanned the gunship's exterior for any signs of an ambush. The crew of the Pioneer could not number more than one hundred, and on a mere training exercise it was unlikely that it would have many marines aboard. Between the ship's weapons locker, thus, and Admiral Nadia's sidearm there would be, perhaps, no more than two dozen blasters aboard. But the boarding party was taking nothing for granted; there was more than double the crew of Pioneer in stormtroopers standing outside. Furthermore, with the skirmish over, a number of the crew had left their stations and crowded the viewports overlooking the hangar to watch. Hopefully, there would be no more lives lost. But that was up to Admiral Nadia, as the transmission to the Pioneer made clear to him. For now, they waited for his reply.
Clive Winston Heller Captain of the Marathon The Galactic Empire
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 5:33 PM | Message # 13 |
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| As he felt the ship shake from the clamps being placed upon the ship, he smiled. "Cortana, could we pull off overloading the engines, using them as a makeshift bomb?" he asked. She stood idle for a moment. "Not without risking the whole ship. Our oxygen supply could ignite and cause a chain reaction leading to a compartment to compartment explosion through the entire ship." she said, after analyzing the blueprints. "Damn..." he said. She did some further actions, and he pulled her, pocketing her once more, prepared to play her off, if discovered, as a holoprojecter. "Should have ordered a salvo to their tractor beam generators." he said, allowing a humbling moment for the young officers aboard. "Sir, this is one subject none of us are trained for." responded Lieutenant De Crion. After hearing the message sent to them, he got on the ship comm. "All personnel, stand down and relieve yourselves of your arms." he said. He then turned to the command crew. "All of you, relieve yourself of your weapons, and turn them in at the armory." he ordered. He then turned back to the comm panel, opening the channel back up with the Marathon. He proceeded to speak over the channel, saying words he never thought he would say. "This is Admiral Kieran Nadia...the Pioneer and its crew, including myself and my staff, surrender and stand down." he said. He then walked over to the command chair, standing behind it and facing the doors that lead into the bridge, and stood at attention, awaiting his captors, and dreading the experience of being a Prisoner of War at the Empire's hands.
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
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Captain_Heller | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 7:00 PM | Message # 14 |
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| The boarding proceeded sensibly, and without incident. The crew was led out of the Pioneer, into the hangar, and after having been tallied the company proceeded to a secondary hangar that had been cleared for this purpose (Heller had decided that putting them in the detention block would be unseemly, and so allowed them to congregate—under guard, of course—in this room with cots prepared for the short flight to Bastion). Some unkind words were exchanged on both sides in the process, as was to be expected, but no violence occurred. The officers who protested that their gunship had been in neutral, not Imperial space were not refuted, but told only that their statements would be recorded. One of the men was treated by the medical team from having hit his head on a bulkhead, but the rest of them seemed alright. By the time Heller finishing surveying the damage and arrived in the hangar, the Pioneer had been secured, and its crew accounted for. His mind still full of images of his own burned, wounded crew, he took the time to meet with the Republic's officers, first the Captain—whose hand he shook, and with whom he made a bit of conversation—then Nadia, who he suspected had truly been in command; he had the look of a man who had given the order to surrender, and didn't like it. "Admiral," Heller greeted him, his tone as methodical as it had been on the bridge, "You don't quit even when it is prudent to do so. I've not decided if this is noble or foolish of you." "Gentlemen," he addressed them all, "I am Clive Winston Heller, the Captain of this ship. Consider yourselves informed that your vessel has been seized for trespassing on Imperial space. You will be detained for the time being, but I do not doubt that your superiors will secure your release in due time. Either this," he added laconically, "or charges will be brought against you, and we will be at war again. However, for as long as you are on the Marathon each of you is welcome to a state room, although you'll understand that you'll be placed under guard. The rest of your men will remain in the secondary hangar; you can remain with them if you choose. Do you have any questions?"
Clive Winston Heller Captain of the Marathon The Galactic Empire
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Kieran_Nadia | Date: Monday, 19 Oct 2009, 7:34 PM | Message # 15 |
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| Lieutenant De Crion had stood the man long enough. He was captain of the ship, and had the sour taste of defeat in his mouth. They were in the right, and they never violated Imperial Space, and his civility of only a minute ago disappeared very quickly. "Yeah, I have one. Is the execution now or later? If we get a choice, I'd prefer it now so I don't have to listen to your arrogant bullshit any longer..." said De Crion, who Nadia, in a momentary shock at the comment, and secretly feeling a pang of pride, looked over and saw a man ready for a fist fight. "Lieutenant, calm and control yourself. You are an officer of the New Republic, act like one." he said, sternly, before turning to Heller. "Captain, for the record I will state, we were in the New Republic side of the neutral zone that seperates our territories and all recorded and stored data will prove this, that we are on a training mission along the border involving the entire Fourth Battle Group, and that you blatantly violated rules of engagement, encroached upon New Republic space with aggressive intent, and have violated the Bastion Accords in the name of the Empire." he said, taking a moment to gauge the man. "I hope you realise what you may have done..." he said. He then thought of his service briefly...over four decades of naval service to three galactic military forces, and being captured by a perceived ally amidst a simple training exercise and facing inevitable execution should a Declaration of War be issued. He shook his head, spoke again. "As for your offer of state rooms, on behalf of my officers, we decline. We'll stay with our crew, as officers and gentlemen should." he said, staring him down once more.
Commander Kieran Nadia Imperial Navy Starfighter Corps
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